System`MyBeginPackage = BeginPackage; System`MyBegin=Begin; System`MyEnd=End; System`MyEndPackage=EndPackage; (* Author: Rolf Mertig Copyright: GPL (feel free to use modify, etc.) Install: call this file Isolate.m Load it from Mathematica by: < False}; Cases2[expr_, {f___}, opts___Rule] := Cases2 @@ Prepend[{f,opts}, expr]; If[$VersionNumber >2.2, Cases2[expr_, f_, opts___Rule] := Union[Cases[{expr}, HoldPattern[f[___]], Infinity,opts]] , Cases2[expr_, f_,opts___Rule] := Union[Cases[{expr}, HoldPattern[f[___]], Infinity,opts]] ]; Cases2[expr_, f___, g_] := Union[Cases[{expr}, Alternatives@@(#[___]&/@{f,g}),Infinity] ] /; Head[g] =!= Rule; Cases2[expr_, f__, Heads->True] := Union[Cases[{expr}, Alternatives@@(#[___]&/@{f,g}),Infinity,Heads->True]]; Cases2[expr_, f__, Heads->False] := Union[Cases[{expr}, Alternatives@@(#[___]&/@{f,g}),Infinity,Heads->False]]; MyEnd[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* :Title: NumericalFactor *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: NumericalFactor take out a numerical factor *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["NumericalFactor`"]; NumericalFactor::usage = "NumericalFactor NumericalFactor[expr] gives the numerical factor of expr."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBegin["`Private`"]; SetAttributes[NumericalFactor, ReadProtected]; NumericalFactor[a___ /; Length[{a}] =!=1] := soso /; Message[NumericalFactor::argrx, NumericalFactor, Length[{a}], 1]; NumericalFactor[x_]:= If[NumberQ[x], x, If[Head[x] === Times, If[NumberQ[First[x]], First[x], 1], 1]]; MyEnd[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* :Title: Isolate *) (* :Summary: Isolate introduces abbreviations for common subexpressions *) MyBeginPackage["Isolate`"]; Isolate::usage= "Isolate[expr] substitutes abbreviations KK[i] for all Plus[...] (sub-sums) in expr. The inserted KK[i] have head HoldForm. Isolate[expr, varlist] substitutes KK[i] for all subsums in expr which are free of any occurence of a member of the list varlist. Instead of KK any other head or a list of names of the abbreviations may be specified with the option IsolateNames."; IsolateHead::usage = "IsolateHead is equivalent to IsolateNames."; IsolateNames::usage = "IsolateNames is an option for Isolate and Collect2. Its default setting is KK. Instead of a symbol the setting may also be a list with the names of the abbrevations."; IsolateSplit::usage = "IsolateSplit is an option for Isolate. Its setting determines the maximum number of characters of FortranForm[expr] which are abbreviated by Isolate. If the expression is larger than the indicated number, it is split into smaller pieces and onto each subsum Isolate is applied. With the default setting IsolateSplit -> Infinity no splitting is done."; IsolatePrint::usage = "IsolatePrint is an option of Isolate. If it is set to OutputForm (or any other *Form) the definitions of the abbreviations are printed during the operation of Isolate. The setting IsolatePrint -> False suppresses printing."; KK::usage = "KK[i] is the default setting of IsolateNames, which is the head of abbreviations used by Isolate. A KK[i] returned by Isolate is given in HoldForm and can be recovered by ReleaseHold[KK[i]]."; MyBegin["`Isolate`"]; (* Cases2 = MakeContext["Cases2"]; FreeQ2 = MakeContext["FreeQ2"]; IsolateNames = MakeContext["IsolateNames"]; IsolateSplit = MakeContext["IsolateSplit"]; IsolatePrint = MakeContext["IsolatePrint"]; KK = MakeContext["KK"]; NumericalFactor = MakeContext["NumericalFactor"]; *) (* :TitleIsolate *) Isolate[___Rule] := soso /; Message[Isolate::argt, Isolate, 0, 1, 2]; Isolate[_,_,a___,z_/;Head[z] =!= Rule, ___Rule] := soso /; Message[Isolate::argt, Isolate, Length[{a}]+3, 1, 2]; Options[Isolate] = {IsolateNames -> KK, IsolatePrint -> False, IsolateSplit -> Infinity}; Isolate[y_HoldForm^n_., ___] := y^n; (* (* for the moment *) Isolate[a_, ru___Rule] := Isolate[a, dummdumm, ru]; *) (* this gives Problems if x has large HoldForm's ... Isolate[n_?NumberQ x_, y__] := n Isolate[x, y]; *) Isolate[x_?NumberQ, __] := x; Isolate[x_Symbol, __] := x; Isolate[x_ /; NumericalFactor[x] =!=1, y__ ] := (NumericalFactor[x] Isolate[x/NumericalFactor[x], y]) /; x=!=0; Isolate[ex_, r___Rule ] := Isolate[ex, {}, r]; Isolate[ex_, var_, r___Rule] := Isolate[ex, {var}, r]/; (Head[var] =!= Rule) && Head[var] =!= List; Isolate[ exp_ /; Apply[Or[#===1, #===0]&, {NumericalFactor[exp]}], vars_List, ops___Rule ] := Block[{plush,vlist,res,split,kk, di=1, defhead, abbprint, holdformlist = {}, hres, nhres, remche}, kk = IsolateNames/.{ops}/.Options[Isolate]; If[Head[kk] === List, kk = Flatten[kk]; If[Length[Union[kk]] =!= Length[kk], kk = Union[kk]]; ]; abbprint = IsolatePrint /. {ops} /. Options[Isolate]; If[abbprint === True, abbprint = OutputForm]; split = IsolateSplit/.{ops}/.Options[Isolate]; vlist = Flatten[{vars}]; (* This split-off is useful for various reasons ... *) plush[x__] := If[ !FreeQ2[{x}, vlist], Plus[x], If[ (checkIsolate[x, split] === True ) && (Length[{x}] > 4) && (split =!= Infinity), Isolate[ Drop[Plus[x], Round[Length[Plus[x]]/2]] + Isolate[Take[Plus[x], Round[Length[Plus[x]]/2]], vars, IsolatePrint->False, ops], vars,IsolatePrint->False, ops ], If[Head[kk] === List, If[Union[Head/@kk]==={Plus}, kk = {}]; remIsolatesave[Plus[x], kk] /. remIsolatesave -> remIsolate , remIsolate[Plus[x], kk] ] ] ]; (* If[vars === {}, res = exp, *) res = exp /. Plus -> plush /. plush -> Plus; (* ]; *) If[Head[res] =!= HoldForm && vlist === {}, res = remIsolate[res, kk]]; (* do only sums here ... *) If[abbprint =!= False, holdformlist = Cases2[res, HoldForm]; hres = ReleaseHold[res]; holdformlist = Join[holdformlist, Cases2[hres, HoldForm]]; While[(nhres = ReleaseHold[hres]) =!= hres, hres = nhres; holdformlist = Join[holdformlist, Cases2[hres, HoldForm]]; ]; holdformlist = Union[holdformlist]; WriteString["stdout", "\n"]; For[i = 1, i <= Length[holdformlist], i++, Print[" ", holdformlist[[i]], " = ", abbprint[ReleaseHold[holdformlist[[i]]]] ]; WriteString["stdout", "\n"]; ]; ]; res](*endIsolate*); (* three extra "global" functions *) checkIsolate[x__, i_] := If[Head[i] === Integer, (* LGF *) If[Length[Characters[ToString[FortranForm[Plus[x]]]]]>i,True,False], If[Head[i] === Complex, If[Length[{x}] > Im[i], True, False, False], False]]; tokIsolate[y_, ab_, uh_] := ab[ToExpression[ StringJoin@@Drop[ Characters[ToString[y]], Length[Characters[ToString[uh]]]]]]; remIsolate[x_,{}] := remIsolate[x, If[Head[IsolateNames /. Options[Isolate]]===List, KK, IsolateNames /. Options[Isolate]] ]; Clear[remIsolatesave]; remIsolate[x_, {a___Plus, abb_ /; Head[abb] =!= Plus, b___}] := Block[{re}, re = HoldForm @@ {abb}; Set@@{abb, x}; Set @@ {remIsolatesave[x, _], re}; re]; remIsolate[x_, abb_ /; Head[abb] =!= List] := Block[{re, h},(*LGF*) If[ Length[(re = Select[DownValues @@ {abb}, (#[[2]]===x) &])] > 0, re = re[[1,1]] /. {Literal :> HoldForm, HoldPattern :> HoldForm} , If[ Head[abb]===Symbol, temp = tokIsolate[ uni[ToString[abb]] /. uni->Unique,abb, abb], temp = tokIsolate[Unique["dude"], abb, "dude"] ]; re = HoldForm @@ {temp}; Set@@{temp, x} ]; re]; MyEnd[]; MyEndPackage[];