(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 8.0' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 157, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 87282, 1920] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 86932, 1904] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 87373, 1922] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 87330, 1919] WindowFrame->Palette*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ { ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["Help", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[0.8, 0.200015, 0.2]], Background->GrayLevel[1], ButtonFunction:>NotebookPut[ Notebook[{ Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ TextData[{"ButtonTools 8.0.1 ", ButtonBox[" GluonVision GmbH", ButtonData :> { URL["http://www.gluonvision.com"], None}, ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink"]}], "Title"], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ "Tools for manipulating Notebooks and the Front End", "Section 1"], Cell[ TextData[{"Working with the ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " FrontEnd one often needs certain actions which are not \ readily available. Over the years I programmed some buttons which I found \ useful. All of this code may be modified, copied, etc. . Let me know if you \ have a nicer design on how to label the buttons (or use icons) and how to \ color them."}], "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{"This version should be used with ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " 4.0 or higher."}], "Text"]}, Open]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell["Legal notice and Credits", "Section 1"], Cell[ "For the moment all Butons of ButtonTools are free software. \ You may use and redistribute, but not sell it.\nIf you find any problems you \ may write me an email but I may ignore you (unless you pay for my time \ \[HappySmiley]).", "Text"], Cell[ " THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS \ \"AS IS\" AND\n ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT \ LIMITED TO, THE\n IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A \ PARTICULAR PURPOSE\n ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR \ CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\n FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, \ EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\n DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, \ PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS\n OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR \ PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)\n HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF \ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT\n LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING \ NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY\n OUT OF THE USE OF THIS \ SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF\n SUCH DAMAGE.\n", "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{ "Credits: \n\nJURL is based on the NotebookOpenURL and the \ GetURL function from J/Link as described in section 1.3.3 of the J/Link \ manual by Todd Gayley to be found at ", ButtonBox[ "http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink", ButtonData :> { URL["http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink"], None}, ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink"], ".\n\nThe FrontEnd dialog in BRP is based on a program by \ John Novak."}], "Commentary"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell["June 9th 2002, Rolf Mertig", "Section 1"], Cell[ "Changes: Modified JURL. Added evaluation buttons.", "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{ "These buttons were developed over the last year for working \ quicker with the ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " front end and for producing buttons with functional \ (side) effects quick and easy.\nWhile most buttons do work in ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " 3.0 it is advised (at least on X) to use ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " 4."}], "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{"All buttons except ", Cell[ BoxData[ StyleBox[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox["BRP", "Section", FontColor -> GrayLevel[1]], ButtonEvaluator -> None, Background -> RGBColor[0.2, 0.4, 0]], FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0, 1]]], ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], ", ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox["CN", "Subsubsection"], Background -> RGBColor[0, 0.8, 0.900008]]], ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], ", ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "Qu", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontColor -> GrayLevel[0]], ButtonFunction :> Quit[], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Background -> GrayLevel[1]]], CellMargins -> {{Inherited, Inherited}, {7, Inherited}}, PageBreakAbove -> True, LineSpacing -> {1.25, 0}, ScriptMinSize -> 9, CounterIncrements -> "Text", StyleMenuListing -> None, FontFamily -> "Courier"], "and ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "GV", "Subsubsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.500008, 0]], ButtonFunction :> Module[{}, If[ Not[ MatchQ[ NotebookInformation[ System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook], { BlankSequence[Rule]}]], System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook = NotebookPut[ Notebook[{}, WindowTitle -> "Values", WindowMargins -> {{0, Automatic}, {0, Automatic}}, WindowSize -> {250, 444}]], SetSelectedNotebook[ System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook]]; SelectionMove[ System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook, All, Notebook]; NotebookWrite[System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook, Prepend[ Map[Cell[ BoxData[ StringJoin["? ", #]], "Input", GeneratedCell -> False]& , Select[ Names["Global`*"], Function[{$CellContext`y}, { Apply[DefaultValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[NValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[SubValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[DownValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[OwnValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[UpValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[FormatValues, $CellContext`y]}][ ToExpression[#, StandardForm, Hold]] =!= {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}& ]], Cell[ TextData["variables with values:"], "Text"]], After]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]], GeneratedCell -> True], " work on the selected notebook. I.e., first click on the \ notebook you want to act on with the button."}], "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "JURL", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 1]], Background -> GrayLevel[1]]], ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], " and ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox["URL", ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]], NotebookDefault, CellTags -> "GeneratedButtonBoxURL"], " work on a selected string (in a Text or similar non-math \ cell). The resulting hyperlink from appliation of the ", Cell[ BoxData[ RowBox[{ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "JURL", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 1]], Background -> GrayLevel[1]], " "}]]], " button will only work if J/Link (see ", ButtonBox[ "http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink", ButtonData :> { URL["http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink"], None}, ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink"], " ) is properly installed."}], "Text"], Cell[ "Notice: most buttons below are \"crippled\" (i.e. the \ ButtonFunction settings removed) in order to save space.", "Commentary"]}, Open]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ TextData[ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox["URL", FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ TextData[{ "Select a URL of the form http://www.mertig.com or \ rolf@mertig.com or ftp://ftp.nluug.nl in a text cell, then click on the ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox["URL", FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]]], " button. This will produce a hyperlink of the form: \n\n\ Cell[TextData[ButtonBox[\"http://www.mertig.com\",\n ButtonData:>{\n URL[ \ \"http://www.mertig.com\"], None},\n ButtonStyle->\"Hyperlink\"]], \"Text\",\ \n GeneratedCell->True]\n"}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "RGL", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0.400015, 0.6, 0.2]], ButtonFunction :> Module[{$CellContext`r, $CellContext`nr}, $CellContext`r = NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]]; $CellContext`R = $CellContext`r; If[$CellContext`r =!= {}, $CellContext`nr = ButtonBox[$CellContext`r, ButtonStyle -> "RefGuideLink"]; NotebookWrite[ InputNotebook[], $CellContext`nr]]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Background -> GrayLevel[1]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ TextData[{ "Select a word, then click on the RGL button and get a \ hyperlink to the ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " Reference Guide. Like: ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ "Derivative", ButtonStyle -> "RefGuideLink"]]]}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox["PG"]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "\"Program Generator\" : All Cells of type \"Program\" in a \ section are exported to an ASCII file with the name of the section heading.\n\ E.g.: Save the notebook which you get by executing", "Text"], Cell[ "NotebookPut[Notebook[{Cell[\"test.ssc\", \"Section\"], \n \ Cell[\"testfun <- function(x) print(2*x)\", \"Program\"]}]];", "Input"], Cell[ "Click on it with the PG button which will write a file \ test.ssc to the same directory where the notebook is stored.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "JURL", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 1]], Background -> GrayLevel[1]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ TextData[ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "JURL", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 1]], Background -> GrayLevel[1]]], ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True]], "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{ "Credits: JURL is based on the NotebookOpenURL and the \ GetURL function from J/Link as described in section 1.3.3 of the J/Link \ manual by Todd Gayley to be found at ", ButtonBox[ "http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink", ButtonData :> { URL["http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink"], None}, ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink"], "."}], "Commentary"], Cell[ TextData[{"Select a URL to a ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " notebook or .m file in a text cell, e.g.:\n\ http://www.feyncalc.com/Contract/Contract.nb\nThen click on the ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "JURL", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 1]], Background -> GrayLevel[1]]], ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], "button.\nThis produces a hyperlink which when clicked on \ will fetch the notebook Contract.nb with the help of J/Link, which has to be \ properly installed, see, e.g., : ", ButtonBox[ "http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink", ButtonData :> { URL["http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink"], None}, ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink"], ", save the notebook to the directory as specified by the ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " global variable $TemporaryPrefix (i.e., /tmp/ for Unix \ and C:\\TEMP\\ for Windows)"}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox["SD"]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "Click on a notebook. Hitting SD will change the kernel \ directory (Directory[]) to the directory where the notebook is saved.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "F2B", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.2, 0.8]], Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.700008, 0]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "Function to Button. This is useful to generate buttons with \ special ButtonFunction settings from a notebook.", "Text"], Cell[ "Create a Subsubsction Cell and place a function (e.g. \ NotebookCreate[]) in an input cell.", "Text"], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell["name", "Subsubsection"], Cell[ BoxData[ RowBox[{"NotebookCreate", "[", "]"}]], "Input"], Cell[ TextData[{ "Select the cells (or inside the Cell group) and click \ on", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "F2B", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.2, 0.8]], Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.700008, 0]]], ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], ". This will create a cell:"}], "Text"], Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ "name", ButtonFunction :> NotebookCreate[], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]], NotebookDefault, GeneratedCell -> True], Cell[ "which looks unformatted like:\nCell[BoxData[\n \ ButtonBox[\"name\",\n ButtonFunction:>NotebookCreate[ ],\n \ ButtonEvaluator->Automatic]], NotebookDefault,\n GeneratedCell->True]", "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{ "Furthermore a button is automatically created from this \ cell.\nTo compose several of these buttons into a palette copy the created \ cells in a notebook an click on ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "HP", "Subsubsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0.6, 0, 0.2]]]], GeneratedCell -> True], " (horizontal palette) or ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "VP", "Subsubsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0.6, 0, 0.2]]]], GeneratedCell -> True], " (vertical palette)."}], "Text"]}, Closed]]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ StyleBox[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox["CN", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Background -> RGBColor[0.4, 0.6, 1]], Background -> RGBColor[0.4, 0.6, 1]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ TextData[{ "Clear notebooks, i.e., close all Untitled- notebooks. (This \ will not work in ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " 3.0 version for X)."}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox["CP", ButtonFunction :> NotebookPut[ NotebookGet[ InputNotebook[]]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ TextData[{ "Notebook copy; i.e., make an identical copy of the selected \ notebook (up to the Windows title). (Since there is a bug in the X-version of \ ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " the WindowMargins are not the same; on other platforms \ the copied notebook will be placed exactly on top of the selected \ notebook)."}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ RowBox[{ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "HP", "Subsubsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0.6, 0, 0.2]]], ",", " ", ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "VP", "Subsubsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0.6, 0, 0.2]]]}]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell["Create horizontal and vertical palettes.", "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{"See notes in", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "F2B", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.2, 0.8]], Background -> RGBColor[1, 0.700008, 0]]], ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True]}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"150", "%"}], "Subsubsection"], ButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ FrontEndToken[ InputNotebook[], "Magnification", "1.5"]}]; Null), ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "Change the magnification of the selected notebook. (This \ saves at least one click on most platforms ..., and since (at least for me) \ this is a FOC (frequently occuring click) it is worthwile having).", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "Cl", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontColor -> GrayLevel[1]], ButtonFunction :> NotebookClose[ InputNotebook[]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Background -> RGBColor[0.8, 0, 0]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ TextData[{"This close the selected notebook ", StyleBox["without", FontSlant -> "Italic"], " asking. Therefore, be sure to have clicked on the right \ notebook to close ..."}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "Qu", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontColor -> GrayLevel[0]], ButtonFunction :> Quit[], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Background -> GrayLevel[1]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell["This quits the kernel.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox["ZWT", ButtonFunction :> (SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; SetOptions[ NotebookSelection[ InputNotebook[]], ZeroWidthTimes -> Not[ Part[ Options[ NotebookSelection[ InputNotebook[]], ZeroWidthTimes], 1, 2]]]), ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "This will set the option ZeroWithTimes -> True on the \ selected Cell(s). This is extremely useful when you want to get the spacing \ right in inline cells. The reason is that RowBox has a very inconvenient and \ undesirable default of putting multiplication spaces between its elements, \ which is in general of course nonsense.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox["cd", Background -> RGBColor[0.4, 0.6, 1]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell["Change kernel directories from notebook.", "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{ "Create a palette with all subdirectories as seen from the \ kernel (Directory[]) listed below the current directory (clicking on the \ top-most green button will move one directory up). The palette created should \ only be used in the current session (i.e., the buttons rely on a temporary \ functions defined in the ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox["cd", Background -> RGBColor[0.4, 0.6, 1]]], ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], " )."}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{"*", RowBox[{".", "nb"}]}]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "Paste a palette at the insertion point consisting of all \ notebooks (files with file extension .nb) in the current kernel directory. \ Clicking on any of the buttons of the palette will open the notebook.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{"*", RowBox[{".", "m"}]}]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "Paste a palette at the insertion point consisting of all .m \ files in the current kernel directory. Clicking on any of the buttons of the \ palette will open the file in a notebook.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{"<<", "*.m"}]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "Paste a palette at the insertion point consisting of all .m \ files in the current kernel directory. Clicking on any of the buttons of the \ palette will load the file. This can be used to load Add-On packages.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox["*"]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "Paste a palette at the insertion point consisting of all \ files in the current kernel directory. Clicking on any of the buttons of the \ palette will open the file in a notebook.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "GV", "Subsubsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.500008, 0]]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "This creates a palette with all variables in the Global` \ context which have a value (or function definition). In order to see the \ value evaluate the relevant cell.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ TextData[{" ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "{", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], ButtonFunction :> (SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Notebook]; FrontEndExecute[{ FrontEndToken[ InputNotebook[], "SelectionOpenAllGroups"]}]), ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]]]}], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "Select any cell group(s). Clicking on this button will open \ all Cell subgroups.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ TextData[ StyleBox[ "E\[DownArrow]", Background -> RGBColor[0.100008, 0.6, 0.6]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ TextData[{ "Click somewhere in the notebook where you want to evaluate \ cells, between cells or in a Cell. Clicking then on the ", StyleBox[ "E\[DownArrow]", Background -> RGBColor[0.100008, 0.6, 0.6]], " button evaluates all Input cells downwards."}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox["ENB", ButtonFunction :> (SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], Before, Notebook]; SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Notebook]; SelectionEvaluate[ InputNotebook[]]; SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], After, Notebook]), ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "This evaluates the whole notebook. (functionally the same as \ using the Kernel / Evaluation / Evaluate Notebook menu item).", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ TextData[ StyleBox[ "E\[UpArrow]", Background -> RGBColor[0.100008, 0.6, 0.6]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ TextData[{ "Click somewhere in the notebook where you want to evaluate \ cells, between cells or in a Cell. Clicking then on the ", StyleBox[ "E\[UpArrow]", Background -> RGBColor[0.100008, 0.6, 0.6]], " button evaluates all Input cells from the beginning of \ the notebook until the cell where you clicked."}], "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ TextData[{" ", Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ "}", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters -> True, FontColor -> RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], ButtonFunction :> FrontEndExecute[{ FrontEndToken[ InputNotebook[], "SelectionCloseAllGroups"]}], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]]]}], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "Select any cell group(s). Clicking on this button will close \ all Cell subgroups.", "Text"]}, Closed]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Cell[ BoxData[ StyleBox[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox["BRP", "Section", FontColor -> GrayLevel[1]], ButtonEvaluator -> None, Background -> RGBColor[0.2, 0.4, 0]], FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0, 1]]], "Section", ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True], Cell[ "This button initializes the BRP[ expr ] function. BRP[expr] \ can be used as a break point in programs. It will open a new notebook window \ with the value of anyexpression in it. The flow of the program is \ interrupted, until the OK button in the new notebook is pressed.", "Text"], Cell[ "Furthermore the following symbols are colored when a cell is \ converted to StandardForm (i.e., there are MakeBoxes rules on those \ symbols).", "Text"], Cell[ TextData[{ StyleBox["*Notebook*", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.2, 0, 1]], StyleBox[" *Select*", FontColor -> RGBColor[1, 0.4, 0]], StyleBox[" *Cell*", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.4, 0.6, 0]], StyleBox[ "\nDo", FontSize -> 18, FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 0]], StyleBox[", ", FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 0]], StyleBox[ "Block", FontSize -> 18, FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 0]], StyleBox[", ", FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 0]], StyleBox[ "Module", FontSize -> 18, FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.4, 0]], StyleBox[ "\nFrontEndExecute BrowserCategory TaggingRules", FontSize -> 18, FontSlant -> "Italic", FontColor -> RGBColor[0.6, 0.8, 0.100008]]}], "Text"]}, Closed]]}, Open]]}, FrontEndVersion -> "4.1 for Microsoft Windows", ScreenRectangle -> {{0, 1600}, {0, 1127}}, WindowToolbars -> "EditBar", WindowSize -> {999, 915}, WindowMargins -> {{Automatic, 257}, {Automatic, 81}}, Magnification -> 1, StyleDefinitions -> "Report.nb"]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["URL", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], ButtonFunction:> Module[{$CellContext`m = False, $CellContext`r, $CellContext`nr, $CellContext`r2, \ $CellContext`r3, $CellContext`r4}, $CellContext`r = NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]]; If[ StringQ[$CellContext`r], If[ StringMatchQ[$CellContext`r, "*\\@*.*"], $CellContext`m = True]; If[ Or[$CellContext`m, StringMatchQ[$CellContext`r, "*:*.*", IgnoreCase -> True]], $CellContext`nr = ButtonBox[$CellContext`r, ButtonData -> { URL[ StringJoin[ If[$CellContext`m, "mailto:", ""], $CellContext`r]], None}, ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink"]; SetOptions[ NotebookSelection[ InputNotebook[]], TaggingRules -> "wwwtag"]; $CellContext`r2 = NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]]; SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; $CellContext`r3 = NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]]; $CellContext`r4 = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`r3, StyleBox[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[]], TaggingRules :> "wwwtag"] :> $CellContext`nr]; NotebookWrite[ InputNotebook[], $CellContext`r4]]]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["RGL", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[0.400015, 0.6, 0.2]], Background->GrayLevel[1], ButtonFunction:> Module[{$CellContext`r, $CellContext`nr}, $CellContext`r = NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]]; $CellContext`R = $CellContext`r; If[$CellContext`r =!= {}, $CellContext`nr = ButtonBox[$CellContext`r, ButtonStyle -> "RefGuideLink"]; NotebookWrite[ InputNotebook[], $CellContext`nr]]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox["PG", ButtonFunction:> Module[{$CellContext`spcodestyle = "Program"}, $CellContext`opened = {}; $CellContext`fixstring[ Pattern[$CellContext`z, Blank[String]]] := FixedPoint[ StringReplace[#, { " " -> "", "\n" -> "", "\t" -> "", ":" :> ""}]& , $CellContext`z]; $CellContext`strrep[ Pattern[$CellContext`z, Blank[]]] := ReplaceAll[$CellContext`z, Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]] :> StringReplace[$CellContext`s, { "\[Rule]" -> "->", "\[Null]" -> "", "\[LeftArrow]" -> "<-"}]]; $CellContext`openwrite[ Pattern[$CellContext`z, Blank[String]]] := ($CellContext`op = OpenWrite[$CellContext`z, PageWidth -> Infinity]; AppendTo[$CellContext`opened, $CellContext`op]; $CellContext`op); \ $CellContext`closeit := Map[Close, $CellContext`opened]; $CellContext`makestring[ Cell[ TextData[ Pattern[$CellContext`t1, Blank[List]]], BlankNullSequence[]], Cell[ TextData[ Pattern[$CellContext`t2, Blank[List]]], BlankNullSequence[]], Pattern[$CellContext`c, BlankNullSequence[]]] := $CellContext`makestring[ Cell[ TextData[ Join[$CellContext`t1, { "\n"}, $CellContext`t2]]], $CellContext`c]; \ $CellContext`makestring[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]]] := $CellContext`s; $CellContext`makestring[ Cell[ TextData[ Pattern[$CellContext`t, Blank[]]], BlankNullSequence[]]] := $CellContext`makestring[ TextData[$CellContext`t]]; $CellContext`makestring[ TextData[{ Pattern[$CellContext`s, BlankSequence[]]}]] := $CellContext`makestring2[ $CellContext`strrep[ ReplaceRepeated[{$CellContext`s}, {Cell[ BlankSequence[]] :> Sequence[], ButtonBox[ Pattern[$CellContext`b, Blank[]], BlankSequence[]] :> $CellContext`b, StyleBox[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]], BlankNullSequence[]] :> $CellContext`a}]]]; \ $CellContext`makestring2[{ Pattern[$CellContext`st, BlankSequence[String]]}] := StringJoin[$CellContext`st]; SetDirectory[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll["FileName", NotebookInformation[ InputNotebook[]]], FrontEnd`FileName[ Pattern[$CellContext`d, Blank[]], BlankSequence[]] :> ToFileName[$CellContext`d]], "FileName" -> $Failed]]; $CellContext`tmp1 = ReplaceRepeated[ NotebookGet[ InputNotebook[]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Pattern[$CellContext`a, BlankSequence[]]}, Blank[]]] :> $CellContext`a]; $CellContext`tmp2 = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ Part[$CellContext`tmp1, 1], Cell[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`b, Blank[]], BlankSequence[]] :> Cell[$CellContext`a, $CellContext`b]], { Cell[ TextData[ StyleBox[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[String]], BlankNullSequence[]]], Pattern[$CellContext`st, Blank[]], BlankNullSequence[]] :> Cell[ TextData[{$CellContext`a}], $CellContext`st], Cell[ Blank[], "Subsection", BlankNullSequence[]] :> Cell[ TextData[{"\n"}], $CellContext`spcodestyle]}], Cell[ Pattern[$CellContext`x, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`st, Blank[String]], BlankNullSequence[]] :> Condition[ Sequence[], Not[ MemberQ[{ "Section", $CellContext`spcodestyle}, $CellContext`st]]]], Cell[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[]], "Section", BlankSequence[]] :> Cell[$CellContext`s, "Section"]], Cell[ TextData[{ BlankNullSequence[], Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]]}], "Section"] :> Cell[$CellContext`s, "Section"]], Cell[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]], "Section"] :> Cell[ $CellContext`fixstring[$CellContext`s], "Section"]]; $CellContext`tete = $CellContext`tmp2; If[ FreeQ[$CellContext`tmp2, Cell[ Blank[], "Section", BlankNullSequence[]]], PrependTo[$CellContext`tmp2, Cell["Script.ssc", "Section"]]]; $CellContext`tmp2b = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`tmp2, Cell[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]], $CellContext`spcodestyle, BlankNullSequence[]] :> Cell[ TextData[{$CellContext`s}], $CellContext`spcodestyle]]; \ $CellContext`tmp3 = Split[$CellContext`tmp2b, And[ Part[#, 2] =!= "Section", Part[#2, 2] =!= "Section"]& ]; $CellContext`closeit; $CellContext`tbl = Table[ Hold[WriteString][ $CellContext`openwrite[ $CellContext`makestring[ Part[$CellContext`tmp3, $CellContext`i, 1, 1]]], $CellContext`makestring[ Apply[Sequence, Part[$CellContext`tmp3, $CellContext`i + 1]]]], {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`tmp3] - 1, 2}]; ReleaseHold[$CellContext`tbl]; $CellContext`closeit; Null], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["JURL", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontFamily->"Helvetica", FontWeight->"Bold", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0.4, 1]], Background->GrayLevel[1], ButtonFunction:> Module[{$CellContext`r, $CellContext`nr, $CellContext`r2, \ $CellContext`r3, $CellContext`r4}, $CellContext`r = NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]]; $CellContext`$ProxyHost = None; $CellContext`$ProxyPort = 8080; If[ Or[ StringMatchQ[$CellContext`r, "http:/*.m", IgnoreCase -> True], StringMatchQ[$CellContext`r, "http:/*.nb", IgnoreCase -> True], Apply[Or, Map[StringMatchQ[$CellContext`r, StringJoin["http:/*.", #], IgnoreCase -> True]& , Join[$ImportFormats, { "JPG", "HTM", "HTML", "TXT"}]]]], $CellContext`nr = Hold[ButtonBox][ StyleBox[$CellContext`r, FontColor -> RGBColor[0, 0.5, 0.5], FontVariations -> {"Underline" -> True}], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, ButtonNote -> StringJoin["Open ", $CellContext`r], With[{$CellContext`rr = $CellContext`r}, ButtonFunction :> Module[{$CellContext`openRemoteFileAsNotebook, \ $CellContext`retrieveRemoteFile, $CellContext`winsize = {590, 500}}, Off[ MessageName[General, "spell1"]]; Off[ MessageName[Get, "noopen"]]; Off[ MessageName[Needs, "nocont"]]; System`Private`checkifjlinkisthere = Needs["JLink`"]; If[System`Private`checkifjlinkisthere === $Failed, NotebookPut[ Notebook[{ Cell[ TextData[{"Please install J/Link. See: ", ButtonBox[ "http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink", ButtonData :> { URL["http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/mathlink/jlink"], None}, ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink"]}], "Subtitle"]}, WindowSize -> {677, 192}, WindowMargins -> {{Automatic, 195}, {Automatic, 118}}, StyleDefinitions -> "NaturalColor.nb"]], On[ MessageName[Get, "noopen"]]; On[ MessageName[ Needs, "nocont"]]; $CellContext`openRemoteFileAsNotebook[ Pattern[$CellContext`url, Blank[String]]] := Module[{$CellContext`rf, $CellContext`rf1, \ $CellContext`rf2, $CellContext`nbnew, $CellContext`nbnew2}, $CellContext`rf = \ $CellContext`retrieveRemoteFile[$CellContext`url]; $CellContext`rf1 = \ $CellContext`rf; If[ StringQ[$CellContext`rf], If[ Apply[Or, Map[StringMatchQ[$CellContext`rr, StringJoin["http:/*.", #], IgnoreCase -> True]& , Join[$ImportFormats, {"JPG"}]]], $CellContext`nbnew = NotebookPut[ Notebook[{ Cell[ StringJoin[ "temp=Import[", "\"", $CellContext`rf, "\"", "]"], "Input"], Cell["If[Head[temp]===Graphics,Show[temp]]", "Input"]}]]; SelectionMove[$CellContext`nbnew, All, Notebook]; SelectionEvaluate[$CellContext`nbnew], If[ StringMatchQ[$CellContext`rf, "*.nb", IgnoreCase -> True], $CellContext`rf2 = $CellContext`rf, \ $CellContext`rf2 = StringJoin[$CellContext`rf, ".nb"]; CopyFile[$CellContext`rf, $CellContext`rf2]]; \ $CellContext`nbnew = NotebookOpen[$CellContext`rf2]; SelectionMove[$CellContext`nbnew, All, Notebook]; $CellContext`nbnew2 = NotebookRead[$CellContext`nbnew]; If[ Not[ StringMatchQ[$CellContext`rf1, "*.nb", IgnoreCase -> True]], $CellContext`nbnew2 = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`nbnew2, Cell[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]], "Input", BlankNullSequence[]] :> Cell[$CellContext`a, "Program"]]]; NotebookWrite[$CellContext`nbnew, $CellContext`nbnew2]; SetOptions[$CellContext`nbnew, WindowSize -> $CellContext`winsize]; SelectionMove[$CellContext`nbnew, Before, Notebook]; SetSelectedNotebook[$CellContext`nbnew]; NotebookSave[$CellContext`nbnew]; SelectionMove[$CellContext`nbnew, All, Notebook]]]; Null]; $CellContext`retrieveRemoteFile[ Pattern[$CellContext`url, Blank[String]], PatternTest[ Pattern[$CellContext`opts, BlankNullSequence[]], OptionQ]] := ToExpression["JLink`JavaBlock"][ Module[{$CellContext`u, $CellContext`stream, \ $CellContext`numRead, $CellContext`outFile, $CellContext`buf, \ $CellContext`prxyHost, $CellContext`prxyPort, $CellContext`javanew = ToExpression[ "JLink`JavaNew"], $CellContext`filename}, \ {$CellContext`prxyHost, $CellContext`prxyPort} = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[{$CellContext`ProxyHost, \ $CellContext`ProxyPort}, Flatten[{$CellContext`opts}]], Options[$CellContext`retrieveRemoteFile]]; ToExpression["JLink`StartJava"][]; $CellContext`filename = StringDrop[$CellContext`url, Last[ Last[ StringPosition[$CellContext`url, "/"]]]]; $CellContext`FL = $CellContext`filename; If[ StringQ[$CellContext`prxyHost], ToExpression[ "JLink`SetInternetProxy"][$CellContext`prxyHost, \ $CellContext`prxyPort]]; $CellContext`u = $CellContext`javanew[ "java.net.URL", $CellContext`url]; $CellContext`stream = \ $CellContext`u[ $CellContext`openStream[]]; If[$CellContext`stream === $Failed, Return[$Failed]]; $CellContext`buf = $CellContext`javanew[ "[B", 5000]; $CellContext`outFile = OpenWrite[ StringJoin[$TemporaryPrefix, $CellContext`filename], DOSTextFormat -> False]; While[($CellContext`numRead = $CellContext`stream[ $CellContext`read[$CellContext`buf]]) > 0, WriteString[$CellContext`outFile, FromCharacterCode[ Map[If[# < 0, # + 256, #]& , Take[ ToExpression[ "JLink`Val"][$CellContext`buf], $CellContext`numRead]]]]]; \ $CellContext`stream[ $CellContext`close[]]; Close[$CellContext`outFile]]]; Null]; $CellContext`openRemoteFileAsNotebook[$CellContext`rr]\ ; Null]]]; SetOptions[ NotebookSelection[ InputNotebook[]], TaggingRules -> "wwwtag"]; $CellContext`r2 = NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]]; SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; $CellContext`r3 = NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]]; $CellContext`r4 = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`r3, StyleBox[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[]], TaggingRules :> "wwwtag"] -> ReleaseHold[$CellContext`nr]]; NotebookWrite[ InputNotebook[], $CellContext`r4]]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox["SD", ButtonFunction:>SetDirectory[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll["FileName", NotebookInformation[ InputNotebook[]]], FrontEnd`FileName[ Pattern[$CellContext`d, Blank[]], BlankSequence[]] :> ToFileName[$CellContext`d]], "FileName" -> $Failed]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["F2B", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0.2, 0.8]], Background->RGBColor[1, 0.700008, 0], ButtonFunction:>((ButtonTools`F2B = Function[{$CellContext`nb}, Module[{$CellContext`backgr, $CellContext`busu, \ $CellContext`butbox, $CellContext`buttontitle, $CellContext`bts, \ $CellContext`f, $CellContext`funhead, $CellContext`holdSequence, \ $CellContext`NBMessage, $CellContext`newcell, $CellContext`nf, \ $CellContext`r, $CellContext`readit, $CellContext`text, \ $CellContext`writeit}, $CellContext`r = NotebookRead[$CellContext`nb]; MessageName[$CellContext`FunctionToButton, "errorbox"] = "ErrorBox encountered. Change the source cell to InputForm,then \ to StandardForm and try again"; $CellContext`NBMessage["errorBox"] := Module[{$CellContext`mnb}, $CellContext`mnb = NotebookPut[ Notebook[{ Cell[ BoxData["Message[FunctionToButton::errorbox]"], "Input", CellOpen -> False]}, WindowElements -> { "MagnificationPopUp", "VerticalScrollBar"}, WindowMargins -> {{5, Automatic}, {Automatic, 5}}, WindowSize -> {580, 270}, Magnification -> 2, Background -> RGBColor[0.9, 0.9, 0.7], ShowCellBracket -> False]]; SelectionMove[$CellContext`mnb, All, Notebook]; SelectionEvaluate[$CellContext`mnb]; NotebookWrite[$CellContext`mnb, Cell[ BoxData[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox["Close", "Subtitle"], ButtonFunction :> NotebookClose[ ButtonNotebook[]], ButtonEvaluator :> Automatic]], "Text", TextAlignment -> Center, Active -> True]]; SetSelectedNotebook[$CellContext`mnb]; Null]; If[ Not[ MatchQ[$CellContext`r, Cell[ CellGroupData[ BlankSequence[]]]]], SelectionMove[$CellContext`nb, All, CellGroup]; $CellContext`readit = NotebookRead[$CellContext`nb], $CellContext`readit = \ $CellContext`r]; If[ Not[ MatchQ[$CellContext`readit, Cell[ CellGroupData[ BlankSequence[], Blank[]]]]], $CellContext`NBMessage[ "Please select a Cell group"], $CellContext`r = ReplaceAll[ Flatten[{$CellContext`readit}], Cell[ Pattern[$CellContext`es, Blank[String]], "Input", Pattern[$CellContext`rest, BlankNullSequence[]]] :> Cell[ BoxData[$CellContext`es], "Input", $CellContext`rest]]; $CellContext`r = ReplaceRepeated[$CellContext`r, Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Pattern[$CellContext`cels, BlankSequence[Cell]]}, Blank[]]] :> $CellContext`cels]; If[ MatchQ[ Part[$CellContext`r, 1], Cell[ TextData[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]]], Condition[ Pattern[$CellContext`style, Blank[]], $CellContext`style =!= "Input"], BlankNullSequence[]]], $CellContext`text = RowBox[ Flatten[{ Part[$CellContext`r, 1, 1, 1]}]]; If[ MatchQ[ Part[$CellContext`r, 1, 1, 1], StyleBox[ Blank[String], BlankSequence[]]], $CellContext`buttontitle = Replace[ Part[$CellContext`r, 1, 1, 1], StyleBox[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`b, BlankSequence[]]] -> StyleBox[ StyleBox[$CellContext`a, Part[$CellContext`r, 1, 2], ShowStringCharacters -> True], $CellContext`b, ShowStringCharacters -> True]], $CellContext`buttontitle = StyleBox[$CellContext`text, Part[$CellContext`r, 1, 2], ShowStringCharacters -> True]]]; If[ MatchQ[ Part[$CellContext`r, 1], Cell[ Pattern[$CellContext`es, Blank[String]], Condition[ Pattern[$CellContext`style, Blank[]], $CellContext`style =!= "Input"], BlankNullSequence[]]], If[ StringMatchQ[ Part[$CellContext`r, 1, 1], "*\"*"], $CellContext`buttontitle = StyleBox[ Part[$CellContext`r, 1, 1], ShowStringCharacters -> True], $CellContext`buttontitle = Part[$CellContext`r, 1, 1]]]; $CellContext`r = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`r, Cell[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]], Condition[ Pattern[$CellContext`b, Blank[]], $CellContext`b =!= "Input"], BlankNullSequence[]] :> Sequence[]], Cell[ Blank[], "Input", BlankNullSequence[], Evaluatable -> False, BlankNullSequence[]] :> Sequence[]], TextData -> BoxData]; If[ MatchQ[ Part[$CellContext`r, 1], Cell[ BoxData[ Blank[]], "Input", BlankNullSequence[]]], $CellContext`f = MakeExpression[ Part[$CellContext`r, 1, 1], StandardForm]; Do[ If[ MatchQ[$CellContext`nf = ReplaceAll[ MakeExpression[ Part[$CellContext`r, $CellContext`j, 1], StandardForm], HoldComplete[Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]]; BlankSequence[]] -> HoldComplete[$CellContext`a]], HoldComplete[Blank[][ BlankSequence[]] := Blank[]]], Return[$CellContext`funhead = Extract[$CellContext`nf, {1, 1, 0}]]], {$CellContext`j, Length[$CellContext`r]}]]; If[ Not[ ValueQ[$CellContext`funhead]], $CellContext`funhead = "function"]; If[ Not[ ValueQ[$CellContext`buttontitle]], $CellContext`buttontitle = \ $CellContext`funhead]; $CellContext`f = Prepend[ Table[ MakeExpression[ Part[$CellContext`r, $CellContext`i, 1], StandardForm], {$CellContext`i, 2, Length[$CellContext`r]}], $CellContext`f]; If[ And[ Not[ FreeQ[$CellContext`f, ErrorBox[ BlankSequence[]]]], FreeQ[$CellContext`f, HoldPattern[ ErrorBox[ Blank[BlankSequence]]]]], $CellContext`NBMessage["errorBox"]]; $CellContext`backgr = Apply[Sequence, Cases[$CellContext`buttontitle, HoldPattern[ Background -> Blank[]], -1]]; $CellContext`buttontitle = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`buttontitle, (Background -> Blank[]) :> Sequence[]]; $CellContext`butbox = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ButtonBox[$CellContext`buttontitle, Apply[RuleDelayed, {ButtonFunction, Hold[CompoundExpression][ Apply[Sequence, $CellContext`f]]}], $CellContext`backgr, ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic], { Hold[CompoundExpression] :> CompoundExpression, HoldComplete[ Pattern[$CellContext`z, Blank[]]] :> $CellContext`z}], Apply[Hold, {$CellContext`funhead}] -> $CellContext`funhead]; \ $CellContext`butbox = ReplaceRepeated[$CellContext`butbox, { HoldPattern[Pattern[$CellContext`a, BlankNullSequence[]]; Null; Pattern[$CellContext`b, BlankNullSequence[]]] :> ($CellContext`a; $CellContext`b), HoldPattern[Pattern[$CellContext`a, BlankNullSequence[]]; Pattern[$CellContext`b, BlankSequence[]]; Pattern[$CellContext`c, BlankNullSequence[]]] :> ($CellContext`a; $CellContext`b; \ $CellContext`c)}]; $CellContext`butbox = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`butbox, HoldPattern[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]]] :> $CellContext`a]; $CellContext`bts = ReplaceRepeated[$CellContext`buttontitle, StyleBox[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]], BlankNullSequence[]] :> $CellContext`a]; \ $CellContext`writeit = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`readit, Cell[ BlankSequence[], CellTags -> StringJoin["GeneratedButtonBox", $CellContext`bts], BlankNullSequence[]] :> Sequence[]]; If[ Not[ StringQ[$CellContext`bts]], $CellContext`bts = "BU"]; $CellContext`newcell = Cell[ BoxData[$CellContext`butbox], "NotebookDefault", CellTags -> StringJoin[ "GeneratedButtonBox", $CellContext`bts]]; \ $CellContext`writeit = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`writeit, Cell[ CellGroupData[{ Pattern[$CellContext`c, BlankSequence[]]}, Pattern[$CellContext`oc, Blank[]]]] :> Cell[ CellGroupData[{$CellContext`c, $CellContext`newcell}, \ $CellContext`oc]]]; NotebookWrite[$CellContext`nb, $CellContext`writeit]; NotebookFind[$CellContext`nb, StringJoin["GeneratedButtonBox", $CellContext`bts], All, CellTags]; If[$CellContext`buttontitle =!= "Action", FrontEndExecute[{ FrontEnd`FrontEndToken[$CellContext`nb, "GeneratePalette"]}]; Null]; FrontEndExecute[ FrontEnd`SetSelectedNotebook[$CellContext`nb]]]]]; Null); ButtonTools`F2B[ InputNotebook[]]), Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["CN", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True], Background->RGBColor[0.4, 0.6, 1], ButtonFunction:>(Map[NotebookClose, Select[ Notebooks[], FreeQ[ NotebookInformation[#], "FileName"]& ]]; Null), Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["HP", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[0.6, 0, 0.2]], ButtonFunction:>((NotebookFind[ InputNotebook[], "Text", All, CellStyle]; Null); SelectionMove[ NotebookPut[ Notebook[{ Cell[ BoxData[ GridBox[ Transpose[ ReplaceAll[ Select[ NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]], Not[ FreeQ[#, ButtonBox]]& ], Cell[ BoxData[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]]], BlankSequence[]] :> {$CellContext`a}]], RowSpacings -> 0, ColumnSpacings -> 0]], "Text"]}, Magnification -> 1]], All, Notebook]; FrontEndExecute[{ FrontEndToken[ FrontEnd`SelectedNotebook[], "GeneratePalette"]}]), Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["VP", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[0.6, 0, 0.2]], ButtonFunction:>((NotebookFind[ InputNotebook[], "NotebookDefault", All, CellStyle]; Null); SelectionMove[ NotebookPut[ Notebook[{ Cell[ BoxData[ GridBox[ ReplaceAll[ Select[ NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[]], Not[ FreeQ[#, ButtonBox]]& ], Cell[ BoxData[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]]], BlankSequence[]] :> {$CellContext`a}], RowSpacings -> 0, ColumnSpacings -> 0]], "NotebookDefault"]}]], All, Notebook]; FrontEndExecute[{ FrontEndToken[ FrontEnd`SelectedNotebook[], "GeneratePalette"]}]), Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox["CP", ButtonFunction:>NotebookPut[ NotebookGet[ InputNotebook[]]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["Cl", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[0.699992, 0, 0]], ButtonFunction:>NotebookClose[ InputNotebook[]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["Qu", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontFamily->"Helvetica", FontWeight->"Bold", FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], Background->GrayLevel[1], ButtonFunction:>Quit[], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["cd", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True], Background->RGBColor[0.4, 0.6, 1], ButtonFunction:>Module[{}, System`Private`dir`PastePalette[ BlankNullSequence[]] := (SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; NotebookWrite[ InputNotebook[], Cell[ BoxData[ System`Private`dir`ListDirectories[]], "Text", Active -> True]]; SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], Previous, Cell]); Options[System`Private`dir`ListDirectories] = \ {$CellContext`ExcludeDirectories -> {".*"}, $CellContext`PrologButtons :> { ButtonBox[ StringJoin["\[UpArrow] ", System`Private`dir`LastDirectory[ Directory[]]], ButtonFunction :> (SetDirectory[ ParentDirectory[]]; System`Private`dir`PastePalette[]), ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Background -> RGBColor[0.4, 0.6, 0]]}}; System`Private`dir`LastDirectory[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]]] := Catch[If[$OperatingSystem === "MacOS", If[ParentDirectory[] === $CellContext`s, Throw[$CellContext`s]]]; If[Directory[] == ParentDirectory[], $CellContext`s, Module[{$CellContext`t = StringTake[$CellContext`s, -1], $CellContext`j = 1, $CellContext`n}, While[$CellContext`j < StringLength[$CellContext`s], Increment[$CellContext`j]; $CellContext`n = StringTake[$CellContext`s, {-$CellContext`j, \ -$CellContext`j}]; If[ StringMatchQ[$CellContext`n, $PathnameSeparator], Return[$CellContext`t], $CellContext`t = StringJoin[$CellContext`n, $CellContext`t]]]; Null]]]; System`Private`dir`ListDirectories[ Pattern[$CellContext`opts, BlankNullSequence[Rule]]] := Module[{$CellContext`dirs, $CellContext`dirs2, $CellContext`exclude, \ $CellContext`gridboxops, $CellContext`macfix, $CellContext`InputttNotebook, \ $CellContext`prologbuttons}, If[$OperatingSystem =!= "MacOS", $CellContext`dirs = Select[ FileNames["*", "*", 0], FileType[#] === Directory& ], $CellContext`dirs = Select[ FileNames["*", "*", 0], Or[FileType[#] === Directory, And[FileType[#] === None, Not[ StringMatchQ[#, "*.*"]]]]& ]; $CellContext`dirs = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`dirs, Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]] :> StringDrop[$CellContext`s, 1]]]; $CellContext`exclude = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`ExcludeDirectories, {$CellContext`opts}], Options[System`Private`dir`ListDirectories]]; Do[$CellContext`dirs = Select[$CellContext`dirs, Not[ StringMatchQ[#, Part[$CellContext`exclude, $CellContext`i]]]& ], \ {$CellContext`i, Length[$CellContext`exclude]}]; $CellContext`prologbuttons = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`PrologButtons, {$CellContext`opts}], Options[ System`Private`dir`ListDirectories]]; $CellContext`prologbuttons = ReplaceAll[ Map[List, Flatten[{$CellContext`prologbuttons}]], HoldPattern[ ParentDirectory[]] -> ParentDirectory[]]; $CellContext`gridboxops = Sequence[ RowSpacings -> 0, ColumnAlignments -> {Left}]; $CellContext`macfix[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]]] := If[$OperatingSystem === "Ma\.1acOS", StringReplace[$CellContext`s, "::" -> ":"], $CellContext`s]; $CellContext`dirs2 = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ GridBox[ Join[$CellContext`prologbuttons, Map[{ ButtonBox[#, ButtonFunction -> Hold[CompoundExpression][ Hold[SetDirectory][ $CellContext`macfix[ StringJoin[ Directory[], $PathnameSeparator, #]]], Hold[SelectionMove][ $CellContext`InputttNotebook[], All, ButtonCell], Hold[NotebookWrite][ $CellContext`InputttNotebook[], Cell[ BoxData[ Hold[System`Private`dir`ListDirectories][]], "Text", Active -> True, ZeroWidthTimes -> True], All]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]}& , $CellContext`dirs]], \ $CellContext`gridboxops], (ButtonFunction -> Pattern[$CellContext`b, Blank[]]) -> (ButtonFunction :> $CellContext`b)], Hold[CompoundExpression] :> CompoundExpression], Hold[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]]] :> $CellContext`a], $CellContext`InputttNotebook -> InputNotebook]; $CellContext`dirs2]; System`Private`dir`PastePalette[]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ RowBox[{"*", RowBox[{".", "nb"}]}], ButtonFunction:> Module[{}, Options[System`Private`dir`ListFilenames] = \ {$CellContext`ExcludeFilenames -> {}, $CellContext`RestrictFileNames -> "*.nb"}; System`Private`dir`PasteFilePalette[ BlankNullSequence[]] := (SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; NotebookWrite[ InputNotebook[], Cell[ BoxData[ System`Private`dir`ListFilenames[]], "Text", Active -> True, ZeroWidthTimes -> True]]; SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], Previous, Cell]); System`Private`dir`ListFilenames[ Pattern[$CellContext`opts, BlankNullSequence[$CellContext`Rules]]] := Module[{$CellContext`exclude, $CellContext`fils, $CellContext`fils2, \ $CellContext`gridboxops, $CellContext`macfix, $CellContext`restrict}, \ $CellContext`fils = Select[ FileNames["*", "*", 0], FileType[#] === File& ]; If[$OperatingSystem === "MacOS", $CellContext`fils = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`fils, Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]] :> If[ StringMatchQ[$CellContext`s, ":*"], StringDrop[$CellContext`s, 1], $CellContext`s]]]; $CellContext`exclude = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`ExcludeFilenames, {$CellContext`opts}], Options[System`Private`dir`ListFilenames]]; Do[$CellContext`fils = Select[$CellContext`fils, Not[ StringMatchQ[#, Part[$CellContext`exclude, $CellContext`i]]]& ], \ {$CellContext`i, Length[$CellContext`exclude]}]; $CellContext`restrict = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`RestrictFileNames, {$CellContext`opts}], Options[System`Private`dir`ListFilenames]]; If[ StringQ[$CellContext`restrict], $CellContext`fils = Select[$CellContext`fils, StringMatchQ[#, $CellContext`restrict, IgnoreCase -> True]& ]]; $CellContext`gridboxops = Sequence[ RowSpacings -> 0, ColumnAlignments -> {Left}]; $CellContext`macfix[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]]] := If[$OperatingSystem === "MacOS", StringReplace[$CellContext`s, "::" -> ":"], $CellContext`s]; If[$CellContext`fils === {}, $CellContext`fils2 = "no files found", $CellContext`fils2 = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ GridBox[ Map[{ ButtonBox[#, ButtonFunction -> Hold[NotebookOpen][ $CellContext`macfix[ StringJoin[ Directory[], $PathnameSeparator, #]]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]}& , $CellContext`fils], \ $CellContext`gridboxops], (ButtonFunction -> Pattern[$CellContext`b, Blank[]]) -> (ButtonFunction :> $CellContext`b)], Hold[CompoundExpression] :> CompoundExpression], Hold[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]]] :> $CellContext`a], $CellContext`InputttNotebook -> InputNotebook]; $CellContext`fils2]]; System`Private`dir`PasteFilePalette[]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ RowBox[{"*", RowBox[{".", "m"}]}], ButtonFunction:>Module[{}, System`Private`dir`PasteFilePalette[ BlankNullSequence[]] := (SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; NotebookWrite[ InputNotebook[], Cell[ BoxData[ System`Private`dir`ListFilenames[]], "Text", Active -> True, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]]; SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], Previous, Cell]); Options[System`Private`dir`ListFilenames] = \ {$CellContext`ExcludeFilenames -> {}, $CellContext`RestrictFileNames -> "*.m"}; System`Private`dir`ListFilenames[ Pattern[$CellContext`opts, BlankNullSequence[$CellContext`Rules]]] := Module[{$CellContext`exclude, $CellContext`fils, $CellContext`fils2, \ $CellContext`gridboxops, $CellContext`macfix, $CellContext`restrict}, \ $CellContext`fils = Select[ FileNames["*", "*", 0], FileType[#] === File& ]; If[$OperatingSystem === "MacOS", $CellContext`fils = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`fils, Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]] :> If[ StringMatchQ[$CellContext`s, ":*"], StringDrop[$CellContext`s, 1], $CellContext`s]]]; $CellContext`exclude = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`ExcludeFilenames, {$CellContext`opts}], Options[System`Private`dir`ListFilenames]]; Do[$CellContext`fils = Select[$CellContext`fils, Not[ StringMatchQ[#, Part[$CellContext`exclude, $CellContext`i]]]& ], \ {$CellContext`i, Length[$CellContext`exclude]}]; $CellContext`restrict = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`RestrictFileNames, {$CellContext`opts}], Options[System`Private`dir`ListFilenames]]; If[ StringQ[$CellContext`restrict], $CellContext`fils = Select[$CellContext`fils, StringMatchQ[#, $CellContext`restrict, IgnoreCase -> True]& ]]; $CellContext`gridboxops = Sequence[ RowSpacings -> 0, ColumnAlignments -> {Left}]; $CellContext`macfix[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]]] := If[$OperatingSystem === "MacOS", StringReplace[$CellContext`s, "::" -> ":"], $CellContext`s]; If[$CellContext`fils === {}, $CellContext`fils2 = "no files found", $CellContext`fils2 = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ GridBox[ Map[{ ButtonBox[#, ButtonFunction -> Hold[NotebookOpen][ $CellContext`macfix[ StringJoin[ Directory[], $PathnameSeparator, #]]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]}& , $CellContext`fils], \ $CellContext`gridboxops], (ButtonFunction -> Pattern[$CellContext`b, Blank[]]) -> (ButtonFunction :> $CellContext`b)], Hold[CompoundExpression] :> CompoundExpression], Hold[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]]] :> $CellContext`a], $CellContext`InputttNotebook -> InputNotebook]; $CellContext`fils2]]; System`Private`dir`PasteFilePalette[]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox["*", ButtonFunction:>Module[{}, System`Private`dir`PasteFilePalette[ BlankNullSequence[]] := (SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; NotebookWrite[ InputNotebook[], Cell[ BoxData[ System`Private`dir`ListFilenames[]], "Text", Active -> True, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]]; SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], Previous, Cell]); Options[System`Private`dir`ListFilenames] = \ {$CellContext`ExcludeFilenames -> {}, $CellContext`RestrictFileNames -> "*"}; System`Private`dir`ListFilenames[ Pattern[$CellContext`opts, BlankNullSequence[$CellContext`Rules]]] := Module[{$CellContext`exclude, $CellContext`fils, $CellContext`fils2, \ $CellContext`gridboxops, $CellContext`macfix, $CellContext`restrict}, \ $CellContext`fils = Select[ FileNames["*", "*", 0], FileType[#] === File& ]; If[$OperatingSystem === "MacOS", $CellContext`fils = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`fils, Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]] :> If[ StringMatchQ[$CellContext`s, ":*"], StringDrop[$CellContext`s, 1], $CellContext`s]]]; $CellContext`exclude = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`ExcludeFilenames, {$CellContext`opts}], Options[System`Private`dir`ListFilenames]]; Do[$CellContext`fils = Select[$CellContext`fils, Not[ StringMatchQ[#, Part[$CellContext`exclude, $CellContext`i]]]& ], \ {$CellContext`i, Length[$CellContext`exclude]}]; $CellContext`restrict = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`RestrictFileNames, {$CellContext`opts}], Options[System`Private`dir`ListFilenames]]; If[ StringQ[$CellContext`restrict], $CellContext`fils = Select[$CellContext`fils, StringMatchQ[#, $CellContext`restrict, IgnoreCase -> True]& ]]; $CellContext`gridboxops = Sequence[ RowSpacings -> 0, ColumnAlignments -> {Left}]; $CellContext`macfix[ Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[String]]] := If[$OperatingSystem === "MacOS", StringReplace[$CellContext`s, "::" -> ":"], $CellContext`s]; If[$CellContext`fils === {}, $CellContext`fils2 = "no files found", $CellContext`fils2 = ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ ReplaceAll[ GridBox[ Map[{ ButtonBox[#, ButtonFunction -> Hold[NotebookOpen][ $CellContext`macfix[ StringJoin[ Directory[], $PathnameSeparator, #]]], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic]}& , $CellContext`fils], \ $CellContext`gridboxops], (ButtonFunction -> Pattern[$CellContext`b, Blank[]]) -> (ButtonFunction :> $CellContext`b)], Hold[CompoundExpression] :> CompoundExpression], Hold[ Pattern[$CellContext`a, Blank[]]] :> $CellContext`a], $CellContext`InputttNotebook -> InputNotebook]; $CellContext`fils2]]; System`Private`dir`PasteFilePalette[]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["GV", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0.500008, 0]], ButtonFunction:>Module[{}, If[ Not[ MatchQ[ NotebookInformation[System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook], { BlankSequence[Rule]}]], System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook = NotebookPut[ Notebook[{}, WindowTitle -> "Values", WindowMargins -> {{0, Automatic}, {0, Automatic}}, WindowSize -> {250, 444}]], SetSelectedNotebook[System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook]]; SelectionMove[ System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook, All, Notebook]; NotebookWrite[System`Private`$GlobalValueDisplayNotebook, Prepend[ Map[Cell[ BoxData[ StringJoin["? ", #]], "Input", GeneratedCell -> False]& , Select[ Names["Global`*"], Function[{$CellContext`y}, { Apply[DefaultValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[NValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[SubValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[DownValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[OwnValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[UpValues, $CellContext`y], Apply[FormatValues, $CellContext`y]}][ ToExpression[#, StandardForm, Hold]] =!= {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}& ]], Cell[ TextData["variables with values:"], "Text"]], After]], Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["{", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], ButtonFunction:>(SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; FrontEndExecute[{ FrontEndToken[ InputNotebook[], "SelectionOpenAllGroups"]}]), Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"E", "\[UpArrow]"}], "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True], Background->RGBColor[0.100008, 0.6, 0.6], ButtonFunction:>((SelectionMove[ SelectedNotebook[], After, Cell]; Null); (NotebookWrite[ SelectedNotebook[], Cell[ "bishierherundnichtweiter", "Input", CellOpen -> False, ShowCellBracket -> False, CellElementSpacings -> {"CellMinHeight" -> 0}, CellMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}]]; Null); (SelectionMove[ SelectedNotebook[], Before, Notebook]; Null); Catch[ Do[SelectionMove[ SelectedNotebook[], Next, Cell]; Module[{$CellContext`r}, If[ MatchQ[$CellContext`r = NotebookRead[ SelectedNotebook[]], Cell["bishierherundnichtweiter", BlankNullSequence[]]], NotebookDelete[ SelectedNotebook[]]; Throw[0], SelectionEvaluate[ SelectedNotebook[]]]], {100000}]]), Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox["ENB", ButtonFunction:>((SelectionMove[ SelectedNotebook[], Before, Notebook]; Null); (SelectionMove[ SelectedNotebook[], All, Notebook]; Null); (SelectionEvaluate[ SelectedNotebook[]]; Null); SelectionMove[ SelectedNotebook[], After, Notebook]), Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"E", "\[DownArrow]"}], "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True], Background->RGBColor[0.100008, 0.6, 0.6], ButtonFunction:>(SelectionMove[ SelectedNotebook[], Before, Cell]; NotebookWrite[ SelectedNotebook[], Cell[ "Start Evaluation here", "SmallText", CellOpen -> True, CellMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, CellTags -> "hiergehtslos"]]; ( SelectionMove[ SelectedNotebook[], After, Notebook]; Null); (NotebookWrite[ SelectedNotebook[], Cell[ "Stop Evaluation here", "SmallText", CellOpen -> True, ShowCellBracket -> True, CellMargins -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, CellTags -> "undhieristschluss"]]; Null); (NotebookFind[ SelectedNotebook[], "hiergehtslos", All, CellTags]; Null); Catch[ Do[SelectionMove[ SelectedNotebook[], Next, Cell]; Module[{$CellContext`r}, If[ MatchQ[$CellContext`r = NotebookRead[ SelectedNotebook[]], Cell["Stop Evaluation here", "SmallText", BlankNullSequence[]]], Throw[0], SelectionEvaluate[ SelectedNotebook[]]]], {10000}]]; (NotebookFind[ SelectedNotebook[], "hiergehtslos", All, CellTags, AutoScroll -> False]; Null); (NotebookFind[ SelectedNotebook[], "hiergehtslos", All, CellTags, AutoScroll -> False]; Null); NotebookDelete[ SelectedNotebook[]]; (NotebookFind[ SelectedNotebook[], "undhieristschluss", All, CellTags]; Null); ( NotebookFind[ SelectedNotebook[], "undhieristschluss", All, CellTags]; Null); NotebookDelete[ SelectedNotebook[]]), Evaluator->Automatic], ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox["}", "Subsection", ShowStringCharacters->True], ShowStringCharacters->True, FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], ButtonFunction:>(SelectionMove[ InputNotebook[], All, Cell]; FrontEndExecute[{ FrontEndToken[ InputNotebook[], "SelectionCloseAllGroups"]}]), Evaluator->Automatic]} }, GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { Offset[0.]}, Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { Offset[0.2], { Offset[0.]}, Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}]], NotebookDefault] }, WindowSize->{660, 31}, WindowMargins->{{Automatic, -1682}, {Automatic, -6}}, WindowFrame->"Palette", WindowElements->{}, WindowFrameElements->{"CloseBox", "MinimizeBox"}, FrontEndVersion->"10.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (December 4, 2014)", StyleDefinitions->"Palette.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[558, 20, 86370, 1882, 35, NotebookDefault] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *)