System`MyBeginPackage[a_,b___] := (NoPrint["MB ", a]; Hold[BeginPackage][a,b]//ReleaseHold); System`MyEndPackage[] := (NoPrint["EE ", Context[]]; EndPackage[]); (* F E Y N C A L C 4.1.2 *) HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcVersion = "4.1.2"; (* This software is GPL-ed, see: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Clear all definitions. Added 21/9-2000 by F.Orellana to ease debugging *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) If[MemberQ[$Packages,"HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"], Block[{fcallpaths,fcallsymbols,rl,fcv,fcd}, fcv = HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcVersion; fcd = HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory; fcvv = HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$VeryVerbose; If[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$VeryVerbose>0, rl=True; If[$Notebooks===True, CellPrint[Cell[TextData[{"Clearing all definitions"}], "Text"]], Print["Clearing all definitions"]] ]; fcallpaths = Select[$ContextPath, (StringMatchQ[#, "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`*"] || StringMatchQ[#, "HighEnergyPhysics`fctables`*"] || StringMatchQ[#, "HighEnergyPhysics`fctables`*"] || StringMatchQ[#, "HighEnergyPhysics`fctools`*"] || StringMatchQ[#, "HighEnergyPhysics`general`*"] || StringMatchQ[#, "HighEnergyPhysics`qcd`*"])&]; fcallsymbols = (Join[StringJoin[#, "*"] & /@ #, StringJoin[#, "*`*"] & /@ #, StringJoin[#, "*`*`*"] & /@ #]) &[fcallpaths]; (* ClearAll /@ fcallsymbols; *) Unprotect[$Packages]; $Packages = Complement[$Packages, fcallpaths]; Protect[$Packages]; $ContextPath = Complement[$ContextPath, fcallpaths]; If[rl===True, If[$Notebooks===True, CellPrint[Cell[TextData[{"Reloading FeynCalc"}], "Text"]], Print["Reloading FeynCalc"]] ]; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcVersion = fcv; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory = fcd; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$VeryVerbose = fcvv; ]; ]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Find out where HighEnergyPhysics is installed *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Added support for loading from "~/.Mathematica" and "." . This is not exactly the correct FileNames syntax and workds only under Unix. This is ok, since that's the only system under which $HomeDirectory is defined. Frederik Orellana, 31/7-2000 *) If[!ValueQ[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory], Which[ (HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory = FileNames["FeynCalc.m",{Directory[]}]) != {}, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory = Directory[]; If[MemberQ[$Path,Evaluate[ParentDirectory[Directory[]]]]!=True, $Path=Append[$Path,ParentDirectory[Directory[]]]], (HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory = FileNames["HighEnergyPhysics",{Directory[]}]) != {}, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory = HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory[[1]]; If[MemberQ[$Path,Evaluate[ParentDirectory[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory]]]!=True, $Path=Append[$Path,ParentDirectory[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory]]], (HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory = FileNames[$HomeDirectory <> $PathnameSeparator <> ".Mathematica" <> $PathnameSeparator <> "*" <> $PathnameSeparator <> "AddOns" <> $PathnameSeparator <> "Applications" <> $PathnameSeparator <> "HighEnergyPhysics"]) != {} && FileNames[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory[[1]]<> $PathnameSeparator <> "FeynCalc.m"] != {}, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory = HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory[[1]], True, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory = ToFileName[{$TopDirectory, "AddOns", "Applications", "HighEnergyPhysics"}] ] ]; If[FileNames["*",{HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory}] == {}, Print["Could not find FeynCalc installation. Quitting the Mathematica kernel."]; Quit[]; Exit[]; ]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$ExcludeAutomaticDeclarePackageDirectories= {"tarcer", "Phi", ".AppleDouble", "FeynArts", "GraphInfo", "Models", "documentation", "Documentation"}; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`configfile= "FCConfig.m"; SetDirectory[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory]; If[ FileNames[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`configfile] =!= {}, Get@HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`configfile; ]; ResetDirectory[]; (* AUTHOR ( *) (* :Title: FeynCalc *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig ( *) (* :Summary: Tools and Tables *) (* This file contains a lot of basic and small subpackages, all in the Context HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc` *) (* :Mathematica Version 3.0 or higher *) (* :History: Version 1.0 written 1991 by Rolf Mertig. Version 3.0 includes typesetting features of Mathematica 3.0 Version includes two bug-fixes for OneLoop Version 4.1.0 : reorganized for open-source and extensibility *) If[($VersionNumber < 3.0), Print["You need Mathematica 3.0 to run FeynCalc 3.0. Quitting the Mathematica kernel."]; Quit[]; Exit[]; ]; (* From Mathematica 4.0 onwards there is "Tr" functions; we'll just rename it in FeynCalc *) If[$VersionNumber>3.4, Unprotect@@{ToExpression["Tr"]}; Remove@@{ToExpression["Tr"]}, Scan[ {Remove @@ Names["Global`"<>#], ToExpression["System`"<>#]}&, { "CommonDefaultFormatTypes" }]; ]; savethisdir=Directory[]; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`feyncalchepdir = HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory; SetDirectory[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`feyncalchepdir]; If[Global`$LoadTARCER ===True, SetDirectory["tarcer"]; If[StringQ[ Global`$LoadTARCER ], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`tarcerfilenames = {Global`$LoadTARCER}, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`tarcerfilenames = FileNames["tarcer*.mx",IgnoreCase->True]; ]; ResetDirectory[]; If[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`tarcerfilenames=!={}, tarcerloadedflag = True; If[Global`$FeynCalcStartupMessages=!=False, If[$Notebooks ===True, CellPrint[Cell[TextData[{"Loading TARCER ", HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`tarcerfilenames//Last}], "Text"]], Print["Loading TARCER ", HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`tarcerfilenames//Last] ]; Get[Last[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`tarcerfilenames]]; ]; Clear[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`tarcerfilenames];, If[$Notebooks ===True, txt = {"WARNING! No TARCER*.mx file found. Please evaluate ", ButtonBox["the notebook TARCER.nb", ButtonFunction.NotebookOpen1[ ToFileName[{HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory, "tarcer"}, "TARCER.nb"]], ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink", ButtonNote -> "Open the notebook TARCER.nb"], " or get one of the preprocessed files at ", ButtonBox["", ButtonData :> {URL[""], None}, ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink", ButtonNote -> ""]} /. Dot -> RuleDelayed /. NotebookOpen1 -> NotebookOpen; CellPrint[ Cell[TextData[txt], "Text"]];Clear[txt,NotebookOpen1];, Print["WARNING! No TARCER*.mx file found. Please evaluate \ the notebook TARCER.nb or get one of the preprocessed files at \"]; ]; ]; ]; SetDirectory[savethisdir]; Clear[savethisdir]; (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; CheckContext::usage= "CheckContext[string] yields True if the packaged associated with string is already loaded, and False otherwise."; If[$VersionNumber<4.0, FeynCalc::usage= (* "This is FeynCalc by Rolf Mertig (visit *) "For installation notes visit\n For a list of availabe objects type: $FeynCalcStuff, which contains a list of all functions and options in StringForm. You can get on-line information by ?function, (e.g.; ?Contract). Eventually you have to first enter the command function once (e.g., type Contract and hit Return), which loads the necessary libraries, and the ?function (?Contract) will work.\n\n There are several useful functions for short input, type $FCS for a list of short commands. Then type, e.g., ?GA.\n \n To get rid of the start-up messages put the line \n $FeynCalcStartupMessages = False; \n into your init.m or the HighEnergyPhysics/FCConfig.m file.", FeynCalc::usage= "For installation notes visit\n For a list of availabe objects type: $FeynCalcStuff, which contains a list of all functions and options in StringForm. You can get on-line information by ?function, e.g., ?Contract.\n There are several useful functions for short input, type $FCS for a list of short commands. Then type, e.g., ?GA.\n \n To get rid of the start-up messages put the line \n $FeynCalcStartupMessages = False; \n into your init.m or the HighEnergyPhysics/FeynCalcConfig.m file." ]; (* F21::usage="F21 is an abbreviation for Hypergeometric2F1."; *) Li2::usage="Li2 is an abbreviation for the dilog function, i.e., Li2 = PolyLog[2,#]&."; Li3::usage="Li3 is an abbreviation for the trilog function, i.e., Li3 = PolyLog[3,#]&."; FI::usage= "FI changes the output format to InputForm. This is useful to see the internal representation of FeynCalc objects. To change back to FeynCalcForm use FC."; FC::usage= "FC changes the output format to FeynCalcForm. To change to InputForm use FI."; (* FCInstall::usage= "After running the installation program fcinst.m from within Mathematica you can customize your fc.m file. Of course you can also rename and replace fc.m. Most of the source code of FeynCalc is located in the directory FeynCalc in the HighEnergyPhysics directory. These functions are loaded on demand; i.e., when you first invoke a function it may take some time before everything is loaded. \n $FeynCalcDirectory is set (in fc.m) to the installation directory."; *) Load::usage= "Load[function] loads a function ( = Get[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`function`] )"; MakeContext::usage= "MakeContext[string] constructs the context path of string. MakeContext is invoked at startup of FeynCalc. MakeContext[a, b] construct the context path of b defined in context a."; SPC::usage= "SPC is an abbreviation for ScalarProductCancel."; SPL::usage= "SPL is an abbreviation for SimplifyPolyLog."; SubContext::usage= "SubContext[fun] gives the sub-directory (context) in HighEnergyPhysics."; $V0::usage="V0 is equivalent to $VeryVerbose = 0."; $V3::usage="V0 is equivalent to $VeryVerbose = 3."; $AL::usage= "$AL is the head for dummy indices which may be introduced by Uncontract."; $Color::usage= "$Color is False by default. If set to True, some special variables will be colored."; $Covariant::usage = "The boolean setting of $Covariant determines whether lorentz indices are displayed as lower indices (True) or as upper ones (False)."; (*$FeynCalc$::usage= "$FeynCalc$ is a list of all $-Variables in FeynCalc."; *) $FeynCalcStuff::usage= "$FeynCalcStuff is the list of availabe stuff in FeynCalc."; $FeynCalcCreationDate::usage= "$FeynCalcCreationDate gives the date this version of FeynCalc was created."; $FeynCalcVersion::usage= "$FeynCalcVersion is a string that represents the version of FeynCalc."; $FCS::usage="FCS is a list of functions with a short name. E.g. GA[nu] can be used instead of DiracGamma[nu]." ; $FCT::usage="If $FCT is set to True special typesetting rules are applied (FeynCalcTypesetting)."; $FortranContinuationCharacter::usage="$FortranContinuationCharacter is the continuation character used in Write2."; $BreitMaison::usage= "The Breitenlohner-Maison scheme is currently not supported. Use Tracer if you need it."; (* "The setting of $BreitMaison determines whether the Breitenlohner- Maison scheme is applied. If $BreitMaison=True, the so-called naive gamma5 prescription is used, i.e. gamma5 anticommutes in all dimensions. The default is False. The setting should be chosen in the file FeynCalc.m BEFORE loading the package. Reversion during a session is not possible."; *) $Kreimer::usage= "experimental setup of the Kreimer-scheme for Gamma5. Better don't use it."; $Larin::usage= "If set to True, the Larin-Gorishny-Atkyampo-DelBurgo-scheme for gamma5 in D-dimensions is used, i.e., before evaluating traces (but after moving gamma5 anticommuting in all dimensions to the right of the Dirac string) a product gamma[mu].gamma5 is substituted to -I/6 Eps[mu,al,be,si] gamma[al,be,si], where all indices live in D-dimensions now. Especially the Levic-Civita tensor is taken to be D-dimensional, i.e., contraction of two Eps's results in D's. This has (FOR ONE AXIAL-VECTOR-CURRENT ONLY, it is not so clear if this scheme also works for more than one fermion line involving gamma5) the same effect as the Breitenlohner-Maison-'t Hooft-Veltman scheme."; $LimitTo4::usage= "$LimitTo4 is a global variable with default setting True. If set to False no limit Dimension -> 4 is performed after tensor integral decomposition."; $LorentzIndices::usage= "$LorentzIndices is a global variable. If set to True the dimension of LorentzIndex is displayed as an index."; $MemoryAvailable::usage= "$MemoryAvailable is a global variable which is set to an integer n, where n is the available amount of main memory in MB. The default is 128. It should be increased if possible. The higher $MemoryAvailable can be, the more intermediate steps do not have to be repeated by FeynCalc."; $MIntegrate::usage= "$MIntegrate is a global list of integrations done by Mathematica inside OPEIntDelta."; $MomentumIndices::usage= "$MomentumIndices is a global variable. If set to True the dimension of Momentum is displayed as an index."; $NonComm::usage= "$NonComm contains a list of all non-commutative heads present."; $MU::usage= "$MU is the head for dummy indices which may be introduced by Chisholm (and evtl. Contract and DiracReduce)."; $NU::usage= "$NU is the head for dummy indices introduced by OPE2RHI."; $OPEWard::usage= "$OPEWard is experimental."; $PairBrackets::usage = "$PairBrackets determines whether brackets are drawn around " <> "scalar products in the notebook interface."; $SpinorMinimal::usage= "$SpinorMinimal is a global switch for an additional simplification attempt in DiracSimplify for more than one Spinor-line. The default is False, since otherwise it costs too much time."; $VeryVerbose::usage= "$VeryVerbose is a global variable with default setting 0. If set to 1, 2, ..., less and more intermediate comments and informations are displayed during calculations."; $West::usage= "If $West is set to True (which is the default), traces involving more than 4 Dirac matrices and gamma5 are calculated recursively according to formula (A.5) from Comp. Phys. Comm 77 (1993) 286-298, which is based on the Breitenlohner Maison gamma5 - scheme."; $AchmedRoss::usage= "experimental"; $Abbreviations::usage= "$Abbreviations are a list of string substitution rules used when \ generating names for storing intermediate results. \ It is used by OneLoop and PaVeReduce.\ The elements of the list should be of the form \"name\" -> \"abbreviation\"."; $Abbreviations = {", "->"","^"->"","{"->"", "/" -> "", "Subscript"->"su","SmallVariable"->"sma", "}"->"", "["->"", "]"->"", "*" -> "", " " -> "" , "\n" -> "", "\r" -> ""}; TBox::usage="TBox[a, b, ...] produces a RowBox[{a,b, ...}] where a,b, ... are boxed in TraditionalForm."; Tbox::usage="TBox[a, b, ...] produces a RowBox[{a,b, ...}] where a,b, ... are boxed in TraditionalForm."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Begin["`Private`"] (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) (* fix several Mma - functions first *) (* Unprotect[Hypergeometric2F1]; Hypergeometric2F1[a___,(n_Times)/;!FreeQ[n,Plus],c___]:= Hypergeometric2F1[a,Expand[n],c]; *) (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) (* $FeynCalc$ = {"$FeynCalc$", "$FeynCalcStuff", "$FeynCalcVersion", "$BreitMaison", "$Kreimer", "$Larin", "$LimitTo4", "$MemoryAvailable", "$MU", "$SpinorMinimal", "$VeryVerbose"}; *) $AchmedRoss = False; $BreitMaison = False; (* SetAttributes[$BreitMaison, Locked];*) $Color = False; $Covariant = False; $FCS = {"FAD", "FV", "FVD", "GA", "GA5", "GS", "GSD", "LC", "LCD", "MT","MTD", "SD", "SOD", "SP", "SPC", "SPD", "SPL", "FCI", "FCE", "FI", "FC", "GGV", "GP", "QGV", "QO" }; $FCT = False; $FortranContinuationCharacter = "&"; If[!ValueQ[$Kreimer], $Kreimer = False]; $Larin = False; $LimitTo4 = True; $LorentzIndices = False; $MemoryAvailable = 256; $MomentumIndices = False; $OPEWard = False; $PairBrackets = False; $MIntegrate = {}; $SpinorMinimal = False; If[!ValueQ[$VeryVerbose], $VeryVerbose = 0]; (* $VeryVerbose = 3; *) $West = True; FI := (Format[LineBreak[_]]:= ""; $PrePrint=InputForm); FC := (Format[LineBreak[_]]:= "\n"; (If[!$Notebooks, $PrePrint= MakeContext["FeynCalcForm"], Unset[$PrePrint]]) ); (* V0 := $VeryVerbose = 0; V3 := $VeryVerbose = 3; *) Li3 = PolyLog[3,#]&; Li2 = PolyLog[2,#]&; (* F21 = Hypergeometric2F1; *) SPC := ToExpression["ScalarProductCancel"]; SPL := ToExpression["SimplifyPolyLog"]; CheckContext[{x__String}] := MemberQ[$Packages, StringJoin@@Flatten[{"HighEnergyPhysics`", Map[SubContext[#] <> # <>"`"&,{x}]}]]; CheckContext[x_String] := MemberQ[$Packages, StringJoin["HighEnergyPhysics`", SubContext[x] <> x, "`"]]; (* nonmulall = {"DiracGamma", "DiracMatrix", "DiracSlash", "ChiralityProjector", "Spinor", "DiracSpinor", "Partial", "QuantumField", "SUNT"}; nonmul = {"DiracGamma", "DiracGammaT", "DiracMatrix", "DiracSlash", "ChargeConjugationMatrix", "ChargeConjugationMatrixInv", "ChiralityProjector", "Spinor", "DiracSpinor", "SUNT" }; *) If[!ValueQ[$NonComm], $NonComm = {}]; (*Unprotect[MakeBoxes];*) Unprotect[ToBoxes]; (* MyNeeds[x_String] := If[!MemberQ[$Packages, x], Needs[x]]; *) MyNeeds[x_String] := ( If[!MemberQ[$Packages, x], Needs[x]]); Load[x_Symbol] := Get["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`" <> ToString[x] <> "`"]; (* This is for the grouping of files in subdirectories in HighEnergyPhysics, like: general, fctools, fctables, qcd *) SubContext[_String] := "FeynCalc`"; MakeContext[x_String, y_String] := If[SubContext[x] === "FeynCalc`", ToExpression["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"<> x <>"`" <> y], (MyNeeds["HighEnergyPhysics`"<> SubContext[x] <> x <>"`"]; ToExpression["HighEnergyPhysics`"<>SubContext[x]<>x<>"`"<>y] (*<>x<>"`" added 6/8-2000, F.Orellana*) )]; SetAttributes[MakeContext, HoldAll]; SetAttributes[SetDel, HoldAll]; SetDel[a_, b_] := (a := a = b); MakeContext[x_Symbol] := MakeContext[x] = With[{s=ToString[x]}, SetDel[x, Apply[MakeContext, {s}]]]; MakeContext[x___Symbol] := Map[MakeContext, {x}]; MakeContext[x_String] := MakeContext[x] = (If[SubContext[x] =!= "FeynCalc`", MyNeeds["HighEnergyPhysics`"<> SubContext[x] <> x <>"`"]]; ToExpression["HighEnergyPhysics`"<>SubContext[x] <> x <> "`" <> x]); fcnames = Names["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`*"]; DPS[x__] := DPS[x] = DeclarePackage[x]; fcDeclarePackge[{x_, y_List}] := fcDeclarePackge[x, y]; fcDeclarePackge[{x_, y_ /;(Head[y]=!=List),z___}] := fcDeclarePackge[x, {Last[Flatten[{x}]], y, z}]; fcDeclarePackge[x_, y_] := (*If[MemberQ[$Packages, "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynArts`"], If[!MemberQ[fcnames, x] && (!CheckContext[x](* && FreeQ[multifunpack, x]*)), DPS[StringJoin["HighEnergyPhysics`", SubContext[x], x], y]; ],*) If[!CheckContext[x] (*&& FreeQ[multifunpack, x]*), DPS[StringJoin["HighEnergyPhysics`", SubContext[x], x, "`"], y] ]; (* ];*) fcDeclarePackge[x_String] := fcDeclarePackge[x, x]; DeclarePackage["HighEnergyPhysics`fctools`OneLoop`",{"OneLoopSum"}]; multifunpack= { {"Contract","Contract2", "Contract3"}, {"DiracSlash", "SL"}, {"DiracSimplify", "ChisholmSpinor"}, (* {"FermionSpinSum", "SpinorCollect"}, *) {"FeynAmpDenominatorSimplify", "FDS"}, {"FeynCalcForm", "FCF"}, {"FeynCalcInternal", "FCI"}, {"FeynCalcExternal", "FCE"}, {"GluonGhostVertex", "GGV"}, {"Twist2GluonOperator", "GO"}, {"GluonPropagator", "GP"}, {"GhostPropagator", "GHP"}, {"GluonVertex", "GV"}, {"QuarkGluonVertex", "QGV"}, {"QuarkPropagator", "QP"}, {"Twist2QuarkOperator", "QO"}, {"FeynAmpDenominator", "FD"}, {"PropagatorDenominator", "PD"}, (* {"PropagatorDenominatorSign", "PDS"}, *) {"Write2", "FUNCTION", "PostFortranFile", "PreFortranFile"} }; feyncalcdir = HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory; SetDirectory[feyncalcdir]; (* get all the directories (like general, qcd, fctools, fctables *) hepdirs = Select[FileNames[], FileType[#]===Directory&]; (* fix for Mac OS *) If[StringMatchQ[$OperatingSystem, "*MacOS*"], hepdirs = If[StringMatchQ[#, ":*"], StringDrop[#, 1], #] & /@ hepdirs]; hepdirs = Complement[ hepdirs, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$ExcludeAutomaticDeclarePackageDirectories]; declarepackagelist ={}; Do[ SetDirectory[hesubdir = hepdirs[[i]]]; fils = FileNames[{"*.m", "*.mx"}]; If[fils =!= {}, dotmfiles = StringReplace[fils, {".m" -> "",".mx"->"", $PathnameSeparator->""} ]; (Hold[Set][Hold[SubContext][#], hesubdir <> "`"]& /@ dotmfiles) // ReleaseHold; filenams = Select[dotmfiles, FreeQ[multifunpack, #]&]; declarepackagelist = Join[declarepackagelist, filenams]; ]; ResetDirectory[], {i, Length[hepdirs]} ]; declarepackagelist = Join[declarepackagelist, multifunpack]; (* filenams= StringReplace[FileNames[{"*.m","*.mx"}], {".m" -> "",".mx"->"", $PathnameSeparator->""} ]; *) ResetDirectory[]; declarepackagelist = Join[declarepackagelist, multifunpack]; $FeynCalcStuff = Union[Flatten[declarepackagelist]]; TBox[] = "\[Null]"; TBox[a_] := ToBoxes[a, TraditionalForm]; Tbox[] = "\[Null]"; Tbox[a_] := totr[a]; TBox[a_,b__] := RowBox @ Map[(ToBoxes @@ {#, TraditionalForm})&, {a, b}]; (* totr[y_Symbol] := If[MemberQ[$FeynCalcStuff, ToString[y]], ToBoxes[y, TraditionalForm], y]; *) totr[Subscript[y_,in__Integer]] := SubscriptBox[totr[y],RowBox[{in}]]; totr[y_Symbol] := If[FormatValues[Evaluate[y]] === {}, ToString[y], ToBoxes[y, TraditionalForm], y]; totr[y_String] := y; totr[y_] := ToBoxes[y, TraditionalForm] /; Head[y]=!=Symbol; (* Tbox[a__] := RowBox @@ {Map[totr, {a}]}; *) (* Unprotect[Insert]; SetAttributes[Insert, SequenceHold]; *) (* somehow \[NoBreak] does not really work, but it does the spacing "right" ...*) (* Tbox[a__] := RowBox @@ {Map[totr, {a}]}; *) Tbox[a_,b__] := (RowBox @ (Insert[ Map[totr, {a,b}], "\[NoBreak]", Array[{#}&,Length[{a,b}]-1,2]])); (* Tbox[a__] := (RowBox @ (Insert[ Map[ToBoxes [#, TraditionalForm]&, {a}], Global`UNNoBreak, Array[{#}&,Length[{a}]-1,2]])); *) (* (* a la Robby *) SetAttributes[Tbox, HoldAllComplete]; Tbox[a_] := MakeBoxes[a, TraditionalForm]; Tbox[a_, b__] := RowBox @ Map[Function[expr, MakeBoxes[expr, TraditionalForm], HoldAllComplete], Unevaluated[{a, b}] ] Tbox[a_, b__] := RowBox @ Thread @ Unevaluated[MakeBoxes[{a, b}, TraditionalForm ]] *) Unprotect[Dot]; Dot /: MakeBoxes[Dot[a__], TraditionalForm] := ( ClearAttributes[Times, Orderless]; embo = MakeBoxes[Times[a], TraditionalForm]; SetAttributes[Times, Orderless]; embo ) /; $FCT === True; (* Unprotect[Times]; Times/: MakeBoxes[HoldPattern[Times[factors___]] /; MemberQ[Unevaluated[{factors}], _Dot], TraditionalForm ] := Replace[ Flatten[#, Infinity, Times]& @ (Flatten[#, Infinity, Dot]&) @ HoldComplete[factors], HoldComplete[operands___] :> (InterpretationBox[#, Times[factors]]& @ MakeBoxes[Times[operands], TraditionalForm]) ] /; $FCT === True; *) End[]; MyEndPackage[]; Map[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`fcDeclarePackge, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`declarepackagelist]; (* take care of SubContext of the multifunpack values *) tab = ( Table[ Map[ setsubcontext[#, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`multifunpack[[i,1]] ]&, Rest[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`multifunpack[[i]] ] ], {i, Length[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`multifunpack]} ] /. setsubcontext[a_String,b_String] :> {Hold[Set][Hold[SubContext][a], Hold[SubContext][b]], Hold[Set][Hold[MakeContext][a], Hold[MakeContext][b]]} ) ; (* Global`TT=tab; *) ReleaseHold[tab]; (*If[HomeDirectory[] === "/home/rolfm", Print["declaring done ",TimeUsed[]]];*) (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) If[Global`$FeynCalcStartupMessages =!= False , If[$Notebooks===True, CellPrint[Cell[TextData[{StyleBox[ "FeynCalc" , FontWeight-> "Bold"], " ", $FeynCalcVersion, " For help, type ?FeynCalc, ", ButtonBox["use the built-in help system", ButtonFunction -> (FrontEndExecute[FrontEnd`HelpBrowserLookup["AddOns", #]] &), ButtonData:>{ "Short Overview", "intro"}, ButtonStyle->"AddOnsLink", ButtonNote->"Open the help browser"], " or visit ", ButtonBox["", ButtonData:>{ URL[ ""], None}, ButtonStyle->"Hyperlink", ButtonNote->""]} ],"Text"]] , WriteString["stdout", "\nFeynCalc" <> $FeynCalcVersion , " Type ?FeynCalc for help or visit", "\n"]; ]; ]; (* RM change for webMathematica compatability*) If[MemberQ[$Packages, "MSP`"], feversion ="web", If[$Notebooks===True && (!StringMatchQ[$Version, "*1996*"]), feversion = (LinkWriteHeld[$ParentLink,Hold[FrontEnd`Value[ FrontEnd`$FullVersion]]]; LinkRead[$ParentLink]), feversion="Failed" ]; ]; If[!StringMatchQ[$Version, "*1996*"] && (!StringMatchQ[feversion,"*3.0.0*"]) && ($Notebooks === True), SetOptions[$FrontEnd, "CommonDefaultFormatTypes"->{"Output" -> TraditionalForm}] , Null (* If[($Notebooks === True) && (Global`$FeynCalcStartupMessages =!= False), If[(("Output" /. ( Flatten[ {Options[$FrontEnd, "CommonDefaultFormatTypes"]} ][[1,2]] ) ) ) =!= TraditionalForm , CellPrint[ Cell[TextData[{ "Please click on the ", StyleBox["Cell", FontWeight->"Bold"], " menu, then go to the ", StyleBox["Default Output Format Type ", FontWeight->"Bold"], "item and switch to ", StyleBox["TraditionalForm", FontWeight->"Bold"], "." }], "Text"] ]] ]; *) ]; Clear[feversion]; (* Times/:MakeBoxes[Times[x__],TraditionalForm] := ( MakeBoxes[Times2[x],TraditionalForm]/; ((!FreeQ[{x},Dot] )&&(Length[{x}]<6)) && (HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FCT === True) && (* one factor at least has to have Head Dot *) MemberQ[Head/@{x}, Dot] ); Times2/: MakeBoxes[Times2[before___, dot_Dot, after___], TraditionalForm] := Replace[ Flatten[#, Infinity, Times]& @ (Flatten[#, Infinity, Dot]&) @ HoldComplete[ before, dot, after], HoldComplete[operands___] :> Apply[InterpretationBox,{ MakeBoxes[Times[operands], TraditionalForm], Times[before, dot, after]}] ] ; *) (* Unprotect[ Equal]; Format[ HoldPattern[Equal][ x___], TraditionalForm] := Infix[ Equal[x], " = "] /; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FCT === True; *) (* special case *) (* MakeBoxes[Log[x_], TraditionalForm] := Tbox["\[ScriptL]","n","(",x,")"] /; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FCT === True; *) (* MakeBoxes[Log[x_], TraditionalForm] := MakeBoxes[ln[x],TraditionalForm] /; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FCT === True; *) (* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: A *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Gauge field *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`A`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; A::usage = "A is the name of a gauge field. The default setting of FieldStrength for QuantumField is A."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "A | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: A0ToB0 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`A0ToB0`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; A0ToB0::usage = "A0ToB0 is an option for A0. If set to True, A0[m^2] is expressed by (1+ B0[0,m^2,m^2])*m^2."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "A0ToB0 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Abbreviation *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Abbreviation`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Abbreviation::usage= "Abbreviation[name] gives a shortname for name (in HoldForm). E.g.: Abbreviation[QuarkPropagator] --> HoldForm[QP]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Abbreviation | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Anti5 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Anti5 is the head of Levi-Civita Tensor *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Anti5`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Anti5::usage = "Anti5[exp] anticommutes all gamma5 one time to the right. Anti5[exp, n] anticommutes all gamma5 n times to the right. Anti5[exp, -n] anticommutes all gamma5 n times to the left."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DiracGamma, DOT, FeynCalcInternal, MemSet]; Anti5[a_/;FreeQ[a, DiracGamma[5]],_] := a; Anti5[x_, Infinity] := FixedPoint[Anti5, x, $RecursionLimit]; Anti5[xx_,n_Integer?Positive] := Nest[Anti5, xx, n]; Anti5[xx_] := (FeynCalcInternal[xx] /. DOT -> doot) /. If[$BreitMaison =!= True, {doot[a___, DiracGamma[5], DiracGamma[y_[x__], di___], b___] :> (-doot[a,DiracGamma[y[x],di],DiracGamma[5],b]) }, {doot[a___, DiracGamma[5], DiracGamma[y_[x_]], b___] :> (-doot[a,DiracGamma[y[x]],DiracGamma[5],b]) , doot[a___, DiracGamma[5], DiracGamma[y_[x_,di_Symbol], di_Symbol ], b___ ] :> (-doot[a,DiracGamma[y[x], di], DiracGamma[5], b] + 2 doot[a,DiracGamma[y[x,di-4],di-4],DiracGamma[5],b] ) } ] /.doot[a___, DiracGamma[5], DiracGamma[5],b___ ] :> doot[a,b] /. doot -> DOT; Anti5[xx_,-1] := (FeynCalcInternal[xx] /. DOT -> doot) /. {doot[a___, DiracGamma[y_[x__], di___], DiracGamma[5], b___] :> (-doot[a, DiracGamma[5], DiracGamma[y[x],di], b]) } /. doot -> DOT (* Anti5[xx_] := MemSet[Anti5[xx], (FeynCalcInternal[xx] /. DOT -> doot) /. {doot[a___, DiracGamma[5], DiracGamma[y_[x__], di___], b___] :> (-doot[a,DiracGamma[y[x],di],DiracGamma[5],b]) } /. doot -> DOT]; Anti5[xx_,-1] := MemSet[Anti5[xx,-1], (FeynCalcInternal[xx] /. DOT -> doot) /. {doot[a___, DiracGamma[y_[x__], di___], DiracGamma[5], b___] :> (-doot[a, DiracGamma[5], DiracGamma[y[x],di], b]) } /. doot -> DOT]; *) Anti5[xx_,n_Integer?Negative] := Nest[Anti5[#,-1]&, xx, -n] /; n <(-1); Anti5[x_, -Infinity] := Anti5[x, -$RecursionLimit]; Anti5[x_, -Infinity] := FixedPoint[Anti5[#,-1]&, x, $RecursionLimit]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Anti5 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: AntiCommutator *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`AntiCommutator`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; AntiCommutator::usage= "AntiCommutator[x, y] = c defines the anti-commutator of the non-commuting objects x and y. Settings of AntiCommutator (e.g.AntiCommutator[a,b]=c) are recognized by DotSimplify."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DataType, NonCommutative]; AntiCommutator /: Set[AntiCommutator[a_, b_] , c_] := Block[{nd, acom}, nd = (RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {acom[a, b]}, c} ) /. acom -> AntiCommutator ; If[FreeQ[DownValues[AntiCommutator], nd], PrependTo[DownValues[AntiCommutator], nd] ]; c]; AntiCommutator /: MakeBoxes[ AntiCommutator[a_, b_], TraditionalForm ] := Tbox["{", a, ",", "\[MediumSpace]", b, "}"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "AntiCommutator | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: AntiQuarkField *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`AntiQuarkField`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; AntiQuarkField::usage = "AntiQuarkField is the name of a fermionic field."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; AntiQuarkField /: MakeBoxes[AntiQuarkField, TraditionalForm] := OverscriptBox["\[Psi]","_"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "AntiQuarkField | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Bracket *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Bracket`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Bracket::usage= "Bracket is an option for Convolute."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Bracket | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: CA *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: CA = the N of SU(N) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`CA`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; CA::usage= "CA is one of the Casimir operators of SU(N); CA = N"; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; CA /: MakeBoxes[ CA, TraditionalForm ] := SubscriptBox["C", "A"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "CA | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: CF *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: CF *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`CF`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; CF::usage= "CF is one of the Casimir operators of SU(N); CF = (N^2-1)/(2 N)"; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; CF /: MakeBoxes[ CF, TraditionalForm ] := SubscriptBox["C", "F"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "CF | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Cases2 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Cases2`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Cases2::usage= "Cases2[expr, f] is equivalent to Cases[{expr}, HoldPattern[f[___]], Infinity]//Union. Cases2[expr, f1, f2, ...] or Cases2[expr, {f1, f2, ...}] is equivalent to Cases[{expr}, f1[___] | f2[___] ..., Infinity]//Union."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; Options[Cases2] = {Heads -> False}; Cases2[expr_, {f___}, opts___Rule] := Cases2 @@ Prepend[{f,opts}, expr]; If[$VersionNumber >2.2, Cases2[expr_, f_, opts___Rule] := Union[Cases[{expr}, HoldPattern[f[___]], Infinity,opts]] , Cases2[expr_, f_,opts___Rule] := Union[Cases[{expr}, HoldPattern[f[___]], Infinity,opts]] ]; Cases2[expr_, f___, g_] := Union[Cases[{expr}, Alternatives@@(#[___]&/@{f,g}),Infinity] ] /; Head[g] =!= Rule; Cases2[expr_, f__, Heads->True] := Union[Cases[{expr}, Alternatives@@(#[___]&/@{f,g}),Infinity,Heads->True]]; Cases2[expr_, f__, Heads->False] := Union[Cases[{expr}, Alternatives@@(#[___]&/@{f,g}),Infinity,Heads->False]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Cases2 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Collecting *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Collecting *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Collecting`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Collecting::usage = "Collecting is an option of Contract2, ScalarProductCancel, SquareAmplitude, Series2, TID and related functions. Setting it to True will trigger some kind of collecting of the result."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Collecting | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Commutator *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Commutator`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Commutator::usage= "Commutator[x, y] = c defines the commutator between the non-commuting objects x and y."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DataType, NonCommutative]; Commutator /: Set[Commutator[a_, b_] , c_] := Block[{nd, com}, nd = (RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {com[a, b]}, c} ) /. com -> Commutator ; If[FreeQ[DownValues[Commutator], nd], PrependTo[DownValues[Commutator], nd] ]; c]; Commutator/: MakeBoxes[Commutator[a_, b_], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[ {"[","\[NoBreak]", Tbox[a] ,"\[NoBreak]", ",", Tbox[b], "\[NoBreak]", "]"}]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Commutator | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: CommutatorExplicit *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`CommutatorExplicit`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; CommutatorExplicit::usage= "CommutatorExplicit[exp] substitutes any Commutator and AntiCommutator in exp by their definitions."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ AntiCommutator, Commutator, DOT ]; CommutatorExplicit[exp_] := exp /. {Commutator :> ((DOT[#1, #2] - DOT[#2, #1])&), AntiCommutator :> ((DOT[#1, #2] + DOT[#2, #1])&) }; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "CommutatorExplicit | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: ComplexIndex *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: The head for complex conjugated indices *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`ComplexIndex`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; ComplexIndex::usage= "ComplexIndex is the head of a complex conjugate index."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; ComplexIndex[ComplexIndex[x_]] := x; ComplexIndex /: MakeBoxes[ComplexIndex[x_] ,TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox[Tbox[x], "*"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "ComplexIndex | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: CounterT*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`CounterT`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; CounterT::usage= "CounterT is an option for several Feynman rule functions."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "CounterT | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: CouplingConstant *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: CouplingConstant *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`CouplingConstant`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; CouplingConstant::usage = "CouplingConstant is an option for several Feynman rule functions and for CovariantD and FieldStrength."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "CouplingConstant | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DOT *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: DOT *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DOT`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DOT::usage = "DOT[a, b, ...] is the FeynCalc function for non-commutative multiplication. By default it is set to the Mathematica Dot functions. By setting \n (DOT=.) \n this can be disabled. Note that then non-commutative products should to be entered like DOT[ DiracMatrix[mu], m + DiracSlash[p], DiracMatrix[mu] ], etc."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; DOT = Dot; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DOT | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DataType *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: DataType is just a datatype *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DataType`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DataType::usage= "DataType[exp, type] = True defines the object exp to have datatype type. DataType[exp1, exp2, ..., type] defines the objects exp1, exp2, ... to have datatype type. The default setting is DataType[__, _]:=False. To assign a certain data type, do e.g.: DataType[x, PositiveInteger] = True."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"] MakeContext[NonCommFreeQ, SelectFree]; noncommutative := noncommutative = MakeContext["NonCommutative"]; DataType[_] := soso /; Message[DataType::argrx, DataType, 1, "2 or more"]; DataType[] := soso /; Message[DataType::argrx, DataType, 0, "2 or more"]; DataType /: HoldPattern[Set[DataType[a_, b__,type_], bool_]] := Map[set[dt[#, type], bool]&, {a, b}] /. {set:>Set,dt:>DataType}; DataType[a_, b__, type_] := Flatten[{DataType[a, type], DataType[b, type]}]; (* special rules for NonCommutative *) DataType /: HoldPattern[Set[DataType[exp_, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NonCommutative`NonCommutative], True]] := Block[{ndt, ndf, dt, ncq, nnn, nnt, set, downvalues}, If[!MemberQ[$NonComm, exp], AppendTo[$NonComm, exp]]; ndt = (RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {dt[exp, noncommutative]}, True} ) /. dt -> DataType; ndf = (RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {dt[exp, noncommutative]}, False} ) /. dt -> DataType; If[FreeQ[DownValues[DataType], ndt], DownValues[DataType] = Prepend[SelectFree[DownValues[DataType], ndf], ndt] ]; nnt = (RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {ncq[exp]}, False} ) /. ncq -> NonCommFreeQ; set[downvalues[NonCommFreeQ],Prepend[ SelectFree[DownValues@@{NonCommFreeQ}, exp], nnt ] ] /. {set :> Set, downvalues :> DownValues}; True]; DataType /: HoldPattern[Set[DataType[exp_, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NonCommutative`NonCommutative], False]] := Block[{ndt, ndf, dt, ncq, nnn, nnt, set, downvalues}, If[MemberQ[$NonComm, exp], $NonComm = SelectFree[$NonComm, exp]; ]; ndt = (RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {dt[exp, noncommutative]}, True} ) /. dt -> DataType; ndf = (RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {dt[exp, noncommutative]}, False} ) /. dt -> DataType; If[FreeQ[DownValues[DataType], ndf], DownValues[DataType] = Prepend[SelectFree[DownValues[DataType], ndt], ndf] ]; nnn = (RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {ncq[exp]}, _} ) /. ncq -> NonCommFreeQ; If[!FreeQ[DownValues[NonCommFreeQ], nnn], DownValues[NonCommFreeQ] = SelectFree[DownValues[NonCommFreeQ], nnn] ]; nnt = (RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {ncq[exp]}, True} ) /. ncq -> NonCommFreeQ; set[downvalues[NonCommFreeQ],Prepend[ SelectFree[DownValues@@{NonCommFreeQ}, exp], nnt ] ] /. {set :> Set, downvalues :> DownValues}; False]; HoldPattern[DataType[__, _]] := False; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DataType | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DeclareNonCommutative *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: test for non-commutativity *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DeclareNonCommutative`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DeclareNonCommutative::usage = "DeclareNonCommutative[a, b, ...] declares a,b, ... to be noncommutative, i.e., DataType[a,b, ..., NonCommutative] is set to True."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; (* DataType = MakeContext["DataType"]; NonCommutative = MakeContext["NonCommutative"]; *) DeclareNonCommutative[] := soso /; Message[DeclareNonCommutative::argrx, DeclareNonCommutative, 0, "1 or more"]; DeclareNonCommutative[b__] := (Map[Set[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DataType`DataType[#, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NonCommutative`NonCommutative], True]&, {b} ]; Null); End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DeclareNonCommutative | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: DeltaFunction *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Dirac-delta function (just a name) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DeltaFunction`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DeltaFunction::usage= "DeltaFunction is the Dirac delta-function."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; (*Added 18 April 2001, Frederik Orellana*) DeltaFunction[_?((NumericQ[#]===True&&(Positive[#]===True||Negative[#]===True))&)]:=0; DeltaFunction[0]:=1; DeltaFunction /: MakeBoxes[ DeltaFunction[y_], TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{"\[Delta]", "(", Tbox[y], ")"}]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DeltaFunction | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DeltaFunctionPrime*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Dirac-delta function derivative (just a name) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DeltaFunctionPrime`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DeltaFunctionPrime::usage= "DeltaFunctionPrime denotes the derivative of the Dirac delta-function."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; DeltaFunctionPrime /: MakeBoxes[ DeltaFunctionPrime[y_], TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[Delta]","\[Prime]"], "(", Tbox[y], ")"} ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DeltaFunctionPrime | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DeltaFunctionDoublePrime*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 10 July '98 at 12:05 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Dirac-delta function double derivative (just a name) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DeltaFunctionDoublePrime`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DeltaFunctionDoublePrime::usage= "DeltaFunctionDoublePrime denotes the second derivative of the Dirac delta-function."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; DeltaFunctionDoublePrime /: MakeBoxes[ DeltaFunctionDoublePrime[y_], TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[Delta]","\[DoublePrime]"], "(", Tbox[y], ")"} ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DeltaFunctionDoublePrime | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: Dimension *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: Dimension is an option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Dimension`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Dimension::usage = "Dimension is an option for DiracMatrix, DiracSlash, FourVector, LeviCivita, MetricTensor, OneLoop and ScalarProduct. The default setting is sometimes 4, sometimes D. The setting should always be 4, a symbol (D, n, ...), or (D-4), (n-4), ... ."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DimensionalReduction *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DimensionalReduction`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DimensionalReduction::usage= "DimensionalReduction is an option for TID and OneLoopSimplify."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DimensionalReduction | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracBasis *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: DiracBasis is just a auxiliary head for Dirac structures *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracBasis`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracBasis::usage = "DiracBasis[any] is a head which is wrapped around Dirac structures (and the 1) as a result of the function DiracReduce. Eventually you want to substitute DiracBasis by Identity (or set: DiracBasis[1] = S; DiracBasis[DiracMatrix[mu]] = P; etc.)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracBasis | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracCanonical *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracCanonical`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; DiracCanonical::usage= "DiracCanonical is an option for DiracSimplify. If set to True DiracSimplify uses the function DiracOrder internally."; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracCanonical | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracEquation *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Dirac equation application; not fully *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracEquation`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracEquation::usage= "DiracEquation[exp] applies the Dirac equation without expanding exp. If that is needed, use DiracSimplify."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ DiracGamma, FreeQ2, LorentzIndex, Momentum, Spinor, Pair, PairContract]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; diractrick := diractrick = MakeContext["DiracTrick"]; dotsimplify:=dotsimplify = MakeContext["DotSimplify"]; expanding:=expanding = MakeContext["Expanding"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; DiracEquation[x_]:=(*DiracEquation[x]=*) dotsimplify[diraceq[x//fci], expanding -> False]; (* for only internal use *) DiracEquation[x_,I]:=(*DiracEquation[x]=*) dotsimplify[diraceq[x], expanding -> False]; last[n_. Momentum[pe__]]:=Momentum[pe]; last[x_Plus]:=PowerExpand[Sqrt[Last[x]^2]]; diraceq[x_]:=x/;FreeQ[x,Spinor]; diraceq[x_] := Expand[ x//.spCDieqRules, dot ]; spCDieqRules = { doot_[ z___,Spinor[n_. Momentum[p_] + k_. ,m_, op___], DiracGamma[Momentum[p_,___],___],a___ ] :>(m/n doot[ z,Spinor[n Momentum[p] + k,m,op ],a ] - If[(k===0), 0 , If[last[n Momentum[p] + k] =!= Momentum[p],0, 1/n doot[ z, Spinor[n Momentum[p] + k,m,op ], DiracGamma[k], a ] ] ] )/; last[n Momentum[p]+k]===Momentum[p], doot_[ a___,DiracGamma[Momentum[p_,___],___], Spinor[n_. Momentum[p_] + k_. ,m_,op___],z___ ] :>(m/n doot[ a,Spinor[ n Momentum[p] + k,m,op ],z ] - If[(k===0), 0 , If[last[n Momentum[p] + k] =!= Momentum[p],0, 1/n doot[ a, DiracGamma[k], Spinor[n Momentum[p] + k,m,op ], z ] ] ] ) /; last[n Momentum[p]+k]===Momentum[p], doot_[ a___,DiracGamma[Momentum[y__],___], DiracGamma[Momentum[y__],___],b___ ] :> scev[Momentum[y],Momentum[y]] doot[a,b], doot_[ z___,Spinor[n_. Momentum[p_] + k_. ,m_,op___],a___, DiracGamma[x_[y__],di___], DiracGamma[Momentum[p_,dim___],dim___],b___ ] :> If[!FreeQ2[{a}, {DiracGamma[5], DiracGamma[6], DiracGamma[7]}], diractrick[Dot[z,Spinor[n Momentum[p]+k,m,op], a, Diracgamma[x[y],di], DiracGamma[Momentum[p,dim],dim],b ] ] /. Dot -> doot, ( - doot[ z,Spinor[n Momentum[p]+k,m,op ],a, DiracGamma[Momentum[p,dim],dim], DiracGamma[x[y],di],b ] + 2 (( PairContract[x[y],Momentum[p,dim] ] * doot[ z,Spinor[n Momentum[p]+k,m,op],a,b ] ) /. PairContract -> Pair) ) ] /; last[n Momentum[p]+k] === Momentum[p], doot_[ a___,DiracGamma[Momentum[p_,___],___],DiracGamma[5], Spinor[n_. Momentum[p_] + k_. ,m_,op___],z___ ] :> (-m/n doot[a,DiracGamma[5],Spinor[n Momentum[p]+k,m,op],z ]- If[k===0, 0, If[last[n Momentum[p] + k] =!= Momentum[p],0, 1/n doot[ a, DiracGamma[k], DiracGamma[5], Spinor[n Momentum[p] + k,m,op ], z] ] ] ) /; last[n Momentum[p]+k]===Momentum[p], doot_[ a___,DiracGamma[Momentum[p_,___],___],DiracGamma[6], Spinor[n_. Momentum[p_] + k_. ,m_,op___],z___ ] :> (m/n doot[a,DiracGamma[7],Spinor[n Momentum[p]+k,m,op],z ]- If[k===0, 0, If[last[n Momentum[p] + k] =!= Momentum[p],0, 1/n doot[ a, DiracGamma[k], DiracGamma[6], Spinor[n Momentum[p] + k,m,op ], z] ] ] ) /; last[n Momentum[p]+k]===Momentum[p], doot_[ a___,DiracGamma[Momentum[p_,___],___],DiracGamma[7], Spinor[n_. Momentum[p_] + k_. ,m_,op___],z___ ] :> (m/n doot[a,DiracGamma[6],Spinor[n Momentum[p]+k,m,op],z ]- If[k===0, 0, If[last[n Momentum[p] + k] =!= Momentum[p],0, 1/n doot[ a, DiracGamma[k], DiracGamma[7], Spinor[n Momentum[p] + k,m,op ], z] ] ] ) /; last[n Momentum[p]+k]===Momentum[p], doot_[ a___,DiracGamma[ Momentum[p_,dim___],dim___], DiracGamma[x_[y__],di___],b___, Spinor[n_. Momentum[p_] + k_. ,m_,op___],z___ ] :> (- doot[ a,DiracGamma[x[y],di], DiracGamma[Momentum[p,dim],dim],b, Spinor[n Momentum[p] + k,m,op ],z ] + 2 (( PairContract[x[y],Momentum[p,dim]] * doot[ a,b,Spinor[n Momentum[p] +k,m,op],z ] )/. PairContract -> Pair) ) /; last[n Momentum[p]+k]===Momentum[p] }; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracEquation | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracGamma *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 7 December '98 at 21:05 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: internal head of dirac matrices *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracGamma`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracGamma::usage = "DiracGamma[x, dim] is the head of all Dirac matrices and slashes (in the internal representation). Use DiracMatrix (or GA, GAD) and DiracSlash (or GS, GSD) for manual (short) input. DiraGamma[x, 4] simplifies to DiracGamma[x]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; MakeContext[ LorentzIndex, Momentum, DeclareNonCommutative, DiracGammaT]; DeclareNonCommutative[DiracGamma]; SetAttributes[DiracGamma, Constant]; DiracGamma /: Transpose[DiracGamma[a__]] := DiracGammaT[a]; DiracGamma[] = 1; DiracGamma[x_ Momentum[pe_, di___], dii___] := x DiracGamma[Momentum[pe, di], dii]; DiracGamma[x_ LorentzIndex[pe_, di___], dii___] := x DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[pe, di], dii]; DiracGamma[x_[y_, di___], 4] := DiracGamma[x[y,di]]; DiracGamma[5, __] := DiracGamma[5]; DiracGamma[6, __] := DiracGamma[6]; DiracGamma[7, __] := DiracGamma[7]; DiracGamma[_, 0] := 0; DiracGamma[0] = 0; DiracGamma[0, _] := 0; DiracGamma[a_Plus] := Map[DiracGamma, a]; DiracGamma[Momentum[x_,dix___], Momentum[y_,diy___]] := dot[ DiracGamma[Momentum[x,dix], dix], DiracGamma[Momentum[y,diy], diy]]; DiracGamma[Momentum[x_,dix___], Momentum[y_,diy___], z__] := dot[ DiracGamma[Momentum[x,dix], dix], DiracGamma[Momentum[y,diy], diy], DiracGamma[z]]; DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x_,dix___], LorentzIndex[y_,diy___]] := dot[ DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x,dix], dix], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[y,diy], diy]]; DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x_,dix___], LorentzIndex[y_,diy___], z__] := dot[ DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x,dix], dix], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[y,diy], diy], DiracGamma[z]]; DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x_,dix___], Momentum[y_,diy___]] := dot[ DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x,dix], dix], DiracGamma[Momentum[y,diy], diy]]; DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x_,dix___], Momentum[y_,diy___], z__] := dot[ DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x,dix], dix], DiracGamma[Momentum[y,diy], diy], DiracGamma[z]]; DiracGamma[Momentum[x_,dix___], LorentzIndex[y_,diy___]] := dot[ DiracGamma[Momentum[x,dix], dix], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[y,diy], diy]]; DiracGamma[Momentum[x_,dix___], LorentzIndex[y_,diy___], z__] := dot[ DiracGamma[Momentum[x,dix], dix], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[y,diy], diy], DiracGamma[z]]; DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x_], di_Symbol-4 ] := 0; (* 4, D-4 *) DiracGamma[Momentum[x_], di_Symbol-4 ] := 0; (* 4, D-4 *) DiracGamma[Momentum[x_, di_Symbol -4]] := 0; (* D-4, 4 *) DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x_, di_Symbol -4]] := 0; (* D-4, 4 *) DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x_, di_], di_Symbol-4] := DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x, di-4], di-4]; DiracGamma[Momentum[x_, di_], di_Symbol-4]:= DiracGamma[Momentum[x, di-4], di-4]; (* D-4, D *) DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x_, di_Symbol-4], di_Symbol] := DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x,di-4], di-4]; DiracGamma[Momentum[x_, di_Symbol-4], di_Symbol] := DiracGamma[Momentum[x,di-4], di-4]; DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[x_], di_Symbol]:= DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x]]; DiracGamma[ n_. Momentum[x_], di_Symbol] := (n DiracGamma[Momentum[x]]) /; NumberQ[n]; DiracGamma[Momentum[x_,di_Symbol]] := DiracGamma[Momentum[x]]; (* D, 4 *) DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x_,di_Symbol]] := DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[x]]; (* D, 4 *) Pair = MakeBoxes["Pair"]; DiracGamma /: MakeBoxes[ DiracGamma[a_, di___], TraditionalForm ] := MakeBoxes[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Pair`Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum["\[Gamma]",di],a], TraditionalForm ] /; !FreeQ[a, Momentum]; DiracGamma /: MakeBoxes[ DiracGamma[n_Integer, ___], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]", n]; DiracGamma /: MakeBoxes[ DiracGamma[lo_[in_], ru___Rule], TraditionalForm ] := (SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{OverscriptBox["\[Gamma]", "_"]}], Tbox[in]] ) /; $BreitMaison === True && lo === LorentzIndex; DiracGamma /: MakeBoxes[ DiracGamma[lo_[in_], ru___Rule], TraditionalForm ] := (SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]", Tbox[lo[in]]] ) /; $BreitMaison === False && lo === LorentzIndex; DiracGamma /: MakeBoxes[ DiracGamma[lo_[in_,d_Symbol], _Symbol, ru___Rule], TraditionalForm ] := (SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]", Tbox[lo[in,d]]] ) /; lo === LorentzIndex; DiracGamma /: MakeBoxes[ DiracGamma[lo_[in_, d_Symbol-4], d_Symbol-4, ru___Rule], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{OverscriptBox["\[Gamma]","^"]}], Tbox[in] ] /; lo === LorentzIndex; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracGamma | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracGammaCombine *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: The inverse of DiracGammaExpand *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracGammaCombine`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracGammaCombine::usage= "DiracGammaCombine[exp] is (nearly) the inverse operation to DiracGammaExpand."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ DiracGamma, FeynCalcInternal, FreeQ2, GS, GSD, Momentum]; DiracGammaCombine[y_] := If[!FreeQ2[y,{GS, GSD}], FeynCalcInternal[y]//dircg, y//dircg ]; dircg[x_Plus] := If[Length[x] > 8, Map[DiracGammaCombine, x], x //. gasumrules]; dircg[exp_] := exp //. gasumrules; (* merge sums of DiracGamma's into one *) gasumrules = {n1_. DiracGamma[Momentum[x_,di___],di___] + n2_. DiracGamma[Momentum[y_,di___],di___] :> DiracGamma[ Momentum[n1 x + n2 y,di], di ] /; (NumberQ[n1] && NumberQ[n2]), (n1_. DiracGamma[Momentum[x_, di___], di___] + n2_. DiracGamma[Momentum[x_, di___], di___] ):> (n1+n2) DiracGamma[Momentum[x, di], di], (n3_. Momentum[x_,di___] + n4_. Momentum[y_,di___]):> Momentum[ Expand[n3 x + n4 y],di]/;(NumberQ[n3]&&NumberQ[n4]) }; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracGammaCombine | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracGammaExpand *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: expands DiracGamma[ exp_Plus ] *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracGammaExpand`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracGammaExpand::usage= "DiracGammaExpand[exp] expands all DiracGamma[Momentum[a+b+..]] in exp into (DiracGamma[Momentum[a]] + DiracGamma[Momentum[b]] + ...)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ DiracGamma, MomentumExpand, Momentum]; DiracGammaExpand[x_] := If[FreeQ[x, DiracGamma], MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"][x], x ] /. DiracGamma -> gaev /. gaevlin -> DiracGamma; gaev[x_,di___] := gaevlin[Expand[x//MomentumExpand, Momentum], di]; gaevlin[n_Integer] := DiracGamma[n]; (* necessary !!!!!! *) gaevlin[x_Plus, di___] := Map[gaevlin[#, di]&, x]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracGammaExpand | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracGammaT *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 9 December '98 at 18:49 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: DiracGammaT denotes the a transposed DiracGamma *) (* :Comments: still experimental !!! check SUSY-calculations *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracGammaT`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracGammaT::usage = "DiracGammaT[x] denotes the transpose of DiracGamma. Transpose[DiracGammaT[x]] gives DiracGamma[x]. Note that x must have Head LorentzIndex or Momentum."; (* DiracGammaT[a_ /; (Head[a] =!= LorentzIndex) && (Head[a] =!= Momentum) ] := *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ DeclareNonCommutative, DiracGamma, LorentzIndex, Momentum]; DeclareNonCommutative[DiracGammaT]; (* DiracGammaT[a_/; (Head[a] =!= Momentum) && (Head[a] =!= LorentzIndex),___ ] := (Message[] ; False); *) DiracGammaT /: Transpose[DiracGammaT[a__]] := DiracGamma[a]; DiracGammaT /: MakeBoxes[DiracGammaT[a_,___], TraditionalForm] := SubsuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]", Tbox[a], "T"] /; (Head[a] === LorentzIndex) || (Head[a] === Integer); DiracGammaT /: MakeBoxes[DiracGammaT[a_,___], TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox[Tbox["(","\[Gamma]", "\[CenterDot]", a, ")"], "T"] /; Head[a] === Momentum; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracGammaT | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracMatrix *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracMatrix`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracMatrix::usage = "DiracMatrix[m] denotes a Dirac gamma matrix with Lorentz index m. DiracMatrix[m1, m2, ..] is a product of gamma matrices with Lorentz indices m1, m2, etc. DiracMatrix[5] is gamma5."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ DeclareNonCommutative, Dimension, DiracGamma, LorentzIndex]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; Options[DiracMatrix] = {Dimension -> 4, fci -> True}; DeclareNonCommutative[DiracMatrix]; DiracMatrix[a_Integer] := DiracGamma[a]; DiracMatrix[a_Dot, opt___Rule] := Map[DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[#, Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracMatrix]], Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracMatrix]]&, a]; DiracMatrix[a_, opt___Rule] := (DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[a, Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracMatrix]], Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracMatrix]] ) /; Head[a] =!= Integer; DiracMatrix /: MakeBoxes[DiracMatrix[x_], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]", MakeBoxes[x, TraditionalForm] ]; DiracMatrix /: MakeBoxes[DiracMatrix[x_,y___,z_/;Head[z]=!=Rule], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox @ Map[ SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]", MakeBoxes[#, TraditionalForm] ]&, {x,y,z} ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracMatrix | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracOrder *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: last changed July 19th 2000 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracOrder`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracOrder::usage= "DiracOrder[expr] orders the Dirac matrices in expr alphabetically. DiracOrder[expr, orderlist] orders the Dirac matrices in expr according to orderlist."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; memset:= memset = MakeContext["MemSet"]; diracgamma := diracgamma = MakeContext["DiracGamma"]; dotsimplify:= dotsimplify = MakeContext["DotSimplify"]; expanding := expanding = MakeContext["Expanding"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; pair := pair = MakeContext["Pair"]; sCO := sCO = MakeContext["PairContract"]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; des := des = MakeContext["DiracTrick"]; dotLin[z_] := dotsimplify[z(*/.Dot -> dot*), expanding -> False]; diraccanonical[ x_,y__ ]:=diraccanonical[x.y]; diraccanonical[x_]:=memset[diraccanonical[x], Block[{diraccanres}, (*diraccanonicaldef*) diraccanres = x//.{ de_[a___,diracgamma[vl_[y__],di___], diracgamma[lv_[z__],dim___],b___ ] :>( (-des[a,diracgamma[lv[z],dim], diracgamma[vl[y],di],b ] +( (2 sCO[vl[y],lv[z]] des[a,b])/.sCO->(*scev*)pair) )/.sCO->(*scev*)pair )/; !OrderedQ[{lv[y],vl[z]}] } /. dot -> des /. des -> dot; (* change here in Expand : 24.5.93 *) diraccanres = Expand[dotLin[ diraccanres ], diracgamma ] /. pair -> sCO /. sCO->pair; diraccanres] ]; DiracOrder[x__] := diracord@@fci[{x}]; diracord[x_] := FixedPoint[diraccanonical, x, 42]; diracord[x_,y___,z_] := FixedPoint[diraccanonical, dot[x,y,z], 42]/;Head[z]=!=List; diracord[x_,y__,ord_List] := diracord[dot[x,y],ord]; diracord[x_,ord_List] := memset[diracord[x,ord], Block[ {diracordrev=Reverse[ord], diracordz, diracordres=x,diracordi}, Do[ diracordz = diracordrev[[diracordi]]; diracordres = diracordres//. {de_[a___,diracgamma[vl_[y__],di___], diracgamma[lv_[diracordz0_,dime___],dim___],b___ ] :> ( (-des[a,diracgamma[lv[diracordz0,dime],dim], diracgamma[vl[y],di],b ]+ ( 2 sCO[vl[y],lv[diracordz0,dime]] des[a,b] )/.sCO->pair ) ) /; !FreeQ[lv[diracordz0, dime], diracordz] } /. dot -> des /. des -> dot, {diracordi,1,Length[ord]} ]; (Expand[dotLin[diracordres], diracgamma])/.pair->sCO/.sCO->pair]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracOrder | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracReduce *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: Last changed July 19th 2000 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: contraction and simplification rules for gamma matrices *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracReduce`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracReduce::usage= "DiracReduce[exp] reduces all four-dimensional Dirac matrices in exp to the standard basis (S,P,V,A,T) using the Chisholm identity (see Chisholm). In the result the basic Dirac structures are wrapped with a head DiracBasis. I.e.: S corresponds to DiracBasis[1], P : DiracBasis[DiracMatrix[5]], V : DiracBasis[DiracMatrix[mu]], A: DiracBasis[DiracMatrix[mu, 5]], T: DiracBasis[DiracSigma[DiracMatrix[mu, nu]]]. By default DiracBasis is substituted to Identity. \n Notice that the result of DiracReduce is given in the FeynCalcExternal - way, i.e., evtl. you may have to use FeynCalcInternal on result."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Chisholm, Collect2, Contract]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; MakeContext[ DiracBasis, DiracGamma, DiracMatrix, DiracOrder, DiracSigma, DiracSigmaExplicit, DiracSimplify, DiracSubstitute67, Eps, Factor2, Factoring, FinalSubstitutions, FCE, FCI, LorentzIndex, Pair, Rename]; Options[DiracReduce] = {Factoring -> False, FinalSubstitutions -> {DiracBasis -> Identity} }; DiracReduce[x_, {ops___Rule}] := DiracReduce[x, ops]; DiracReduce[x_, ops___Rule] := Block[{temp = FCI[x], spart, n1, n2, ddb, res, finsub,finsub1,factoring}, finsub1 = If[ Length[{ops}] === 0, {}, If[!FreeQ[{ops}, FinalSubstitutions], FinalSubstitutions /. {ops}, Select[Flatten[{ops}], FreeQ[#,Factoring]&]] ]; finsub = Join[finsub1, FinalSubstitutions /. Options[DiracReduce]]; factoring = Factoring /. {ops} /. Options[DiracReduce]; (* do first usual DiracSimplify *) temp = DiracSimplify[temp, DiracSubstitute67 -> True, DiracSigmaExplicit -> False]; If[$VeryVerbose > 1, Print["DiracSimplify done"]]; (* Chisholm identity recursively *) temp = Chisholm[temp]//DiracOrder; If[$VeryVerbose > 1, Print["Chisholm done"]]; temp = Expand[temp, DiracGamma]; (* introduce DiracSigma *) (* use gamma[m,n, 5] = 1/2 ( eps[m,n,r,s] sig[r,s] + 2 g[m,n] gamma[5] ) *) temp = temp /. dot[DiracGamma[a_[xx_]], DiracGamma[b_[yy_]], DiracGamma[5] ] :> ( un1 = Unique[mU1]; un2 = Unique[mU2]; Expand[ 1/2 (Eps[a[xx], b[yy], LorentzIndex[un1], LorentzIndex[un2]] * (I/2) (FCI[ DiracMatrix[un1, un2] - DiracMatrix[un2, un1] ]) + 2 Pair[a[xx], b[yy]] DiracGamma[5]) ] ); (* for the renaming of dummy indices *) temp = Contract[temp, Rename-> True]; (* XXX *) temp = temp /. dot[DiracGamma[a_[xx_]], DiracGamma[b_[yy_]]] :> ( -I DiracSigma[DiracGamma[a[xx]], DiracGamma[b[yy]]] + Pair[b[yy], a[xx]] ); temp = Contract[DiracSimplify[temp, DiracSigmaExplicit -> False]]; temp = Collect2[temp, DiracGamma, Factoring -> factoring]; If[$VeryVerbose > 1, Print["collecting done"]]; (* get the S - part *) spart = Select[temp + n1 + n2, FreeQ[#, DiracGamma]&] /. {n1 :> 0, n2 :> 0}; temp = temp - spart; If[factoring === False, spart = Expand[spart] DiracBasis[1], If[factoring === True, spart = Factor2[spart] DiracBasis[1], spart = factoring[spart] DiracBasis[1]] ]; ddb[y__] := DiracBasis[dot[y]]; res = spart + (temp /. DiracSigma[a__] :> DiracBasis[FCE[DiracSigma[a]]] /. dot[DiracGamma[a_], DiracGamma[5]] :> DiracBasis[FCE[dot[DiracGamma[a], DiracGamma[5]]]] /. DiracGamma[a_] :> DiracBasis[FCE[DiracGamma[a]]]); res = res /. finsub /. finsub; res = FCE[res]; res = res /. finsub /. finsub; res]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracReduce | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracSigma *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 6 August '97 at 0:26 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: DiracSigma[x,y] = I/2 (x . y - y . x ) DiracSigma[DiracMatrix[x,y]] = I/2 (DiracMatrix[x, y] - DiracMatrix[y, x]) *) (* :Title: DiracSimpCombine *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracSimpCombine`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; DiracSimpCombine::usage= "DiracSimpCombine is an option for DiracSimplify. If set to True sums of DiracGamma's will be merges as much as possible in DiracGamma[ .. + .. + ]'s."; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracSimpCombine | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracSimplify *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 20 December '98 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: like DiracTrick, but including non-commutative expansion *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracSimplify`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; ChisholmSpinor::usage= "ChisholmSpinor[x] uses for a DiraGamma between spinors the Chisholm identity. As an optional second argument 1 or 2 may be given, indicating that ChisholmSpinor should only act on the first resp. second part of a product of spinor chains."; DiracSimplify::usage= "DiracSimplify[expr] simplifies products of Dirac matrices in expr and expands non-commutative products. Double Lorentz indices and four vectors are contracted. The Dirac equation is applied. All DiracMatrix[5], DiracMatrix[6] and DiracMatrix[7] are moved to the right. The order of the Dirac matrices is not changed."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Collect2, Contract, DiracCanonical, DiracOrder, DiracEquation, DiracGamma, DiracGammaCombine, DiracGammaExpand, DiracMatrix, DiracOrder, DiracSigmaExplicit, DiracSimpCombine, DiracSlash, DiracSubstitute67, DiracTrace]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; dR := dR = MakeContext["DiracTrick"]; Eps := Eps = MakeContext["Eps"]; fcinte := fcinte = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ DotSimplify, EpsContract, Expanding, Expand2, Factor2, FactorTime, FreeQ2, Factoring, InsideDiracTrace, LorentzIndex, MemSet, NonCommQ ]; sCO := sCO = MakeContext["PairContract"]; scev := scev = MakeContext["ExpandScalarProduct"]; MakeContext[ Pair, PartitHead, Spinor, GA, GAD, GS, GSD, SUNT, Tr]; (* SpinorsandPairs := SpinorsandPairs = MakeContext["SpinorsandPairs]"; *) Options[DiracSimplify] = { DiracCanonical -> False, DiracSigmaExplicit -> True, DiracSimpCombine->False, DiracSubstitute67 -> False, Expanding -> True, Factoring -> False, fcinte -> False, InsideDiracTrace -> False}; fcinter[x_] := If[ (fcinter /. Options[DiracSimplify]) === True, x, fcinte[x] ]; dotLin[x_] := If[FreeQ[x, Dot], x, DotSimplify[x, Expanding -> False]]; diracEq[x_]:= If[FreeQ[x, Spinor], x, DiracEquation[x]]; Options[diracSimplify] = {diracInfo->False, DiracCanonical->False, InsideDiracTrace->False, DiracSubstitute67->False, Factoring -> False, DiracSimpCombine->False }; dit[x_,ops___Rule]:=DiracTrace[diracSimplify@@Join[{x},{ops}, Flatten[Prepend[{Options[DiracSimplify]}, InsideDiracTrace -> True]] ] ]; (* DiracSimplifydef*) DiracSimplify[x_,y__, z___Rule]:=DiracSimplify[dot[x,y], z]; diracSimplify[z_, ru___Rule]:= (Contract[z]/.DiracTrace->dit)/;!FreeQ[z,DiracTrace]; (* dS[]=1; *) dS[x__] := MemSet[dS[x], dR[x]]; (* dS = HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracTrick`Private`ds; *) (* ****************************************************************** *) DiracSimplify[a_, opt___Rule] := a /; FreeQ2[a, {DiracGamma,DiracSlash,DiracMatrix, GA[__],GS[__],GAD[__],GSD[__]}]; DiracSimplify[a_, opts___Rule] := If[ (Expanding /. {opts} /. Options[DiracSimplify]) === False, If[(DiracSigmaExplicit /. {opts} /. Options[DiracSimplify]) === True, DiracSigmaExplicit[diracEq[dotLin[a // fcinter] (* /. dot -> dS*)] ], diracEq[dotLin[a // fcinter] (* /. dot -> dS *)] ], If[$VeryVerbose>2, Print["doing oldDiracSimplify on ", StandardForm[a]]]; oldDiracSimplify[ If[(DiracSigmaExplicit /. {opts} /. Options[DiracSimplify]) === True, DiracSigmaExplicit[ fcinter[a] /. Pair -> sCO (* 27-Mar-2003 /. dot -> dS *)], fcinter[a] /. Pair -> sCO (* 27-Mar-2003/. dot -> dS *) ], opts ] /. sCO -> Pair ]; (* ****************************************************************** *) oldDiracSimplify[x_,y___Rule] := diracSimplify[Global`CHECK=x,y] /; FreeQ[x, Spinor]; oldDiracSimplify[x_,yy___Rule] := Block[{dre}, If[$VeryVerbose>2, Print["entering oldDiracSimplify", x]]; (*NEW0796*) dre = Collect[DotSimplify[dR[DiracGammaCombine[x]]]/. dot->dooo,dooo[__]]/.dooo->dot; dre = FixedPoint[ SpinorChainEvaluate, dre, 142]; If[ !FreeQ[dre, Eps], dre = Contract[dre, EpsContract -> True]; dre = FixedPoint[ SpinorChainEvaluate, dre, 142] , If[!FreeQ[dre, LorentzIndex], (* dre = Contract[dre] *) dre = Contract[dre, Expanding -> False] ]; dre = FixedPoint[ SpinorChainEvaluate, dre, 142]; ]; If[!FreeQ[dre, LorentzIndex], print2["contracting in oldDiracSimpify"]; dre = Contract[dre]; print2["contracting in oldDiracSimpify done"]; ]; If[Length[DownValues[SpinorsandPairs] ] > 1, dre = (dre /. dot -> SpinorsandPairs/. SpinorsandPairs->dot )//dotLin ]; (* If[FreeQ[dre,dot] || (!FreeQ[dre,StandardMatrixElement]), dre = Expand[dre, StandardMatrixElement] ]; *) If[!FreeQ[dre, DiracGamma], dre = Expand2[dre, DiracGamma]]; If[LeafCount[dre] < 420, dre = Factor2[dre, FactorTime->10]]; dre ] /; !FreeQ[x,Spinor]; collone[x_,y_]:=Collect2[x,y, Factoring -> False]; (* #################################################################### *) gamma67back[x_] := x/.DiracGamma[6] -> (1/2 + DiracGamma[5]/2)/. DiracGamma[7] -> (1/2 - DiracGamma[5]/2); contractli[x_] := MemSet[contractli[x], Contract[ x, Expanding -> True, Factoring -> False, EpsContract -> False ] ]; (*diracSimplifydef *) (*XXX1 *) (* diracSimplify[x_ /; NonCommQ[x],in___] := x; *) diracSimplify[x_,in___] := x /; NonCommQ[x]; (*CHANGE 1298 *) diracSimplify[x_,in___Rule]:= If[FreeQ[x, DiracGamma], x, MemSet[diracSimplify[x,in], Block[ {diracopt,diracdt,diracndt=0,diraccanopt,diracpdt,diracgasu, diracldt,diracjj=0,info,diractrlabel,diracga67,diracsifac, diracpag,colle }, (* There are several options *) diracopt = Join[ Flatten[{in}],Options[diracSimplify] ]; info = diracInfo/.diracopt; diraccanopt = DiracCanonical/.diracopt; diractrlabel = InsideDiracTrace/.diracopt; diracga67 = DiracSubstitute67/.diracopt; diracgasu = DiracSimpCombine/.diracopt; diracsifac = Factoring/.diracopt; diracdt = dotLin[ x//DiracGammaExpand ]; If[$VeryVerbose > 2,Print["dir1"]]; If[ diracgasu === True, diracdt = contractli[DiracGammaCombine[diracdt/.Pair->sCO] ] (* 27-Mar-2003 /. dot -> dS *) , diracdt = contractli[ diracdt ] (* 27-Mar-2003 /.dot->dS *) ]; If[diractrlabel===True, (* diracdt = diracdt/.dR->trIC/.trI->dS//. dR->drCOs/.drCO->trIC/.trI->dS; *) diracdt = diracdt/.dot->trIC/.trI->dS; (* optimization *) colle[a_]:=If[ (Length[a]<20(*00*))||(Head[a]=!=Plus), a, Collect2[a, dot, Factoring -> False] ]; dirfun[exp_]:=colle[exp/.dot->dS/.dot -> trIC /. trI->dot]; diracdt = FixedPoint[dirfun, diracdt]/.dot ->trIC/.trI->dS; If[$VeryVerbose>2,Print["dir2done"]]; If[ FreeQ[ diracdt, dot ], diracdt = diracdt/.DiracGamma[_[__],___]->0; diracpag=PartitHead[diracdt,DiracGamma]; If[ diracpag[[2]] === DiracGamma[5], diracdt = 0 ]; If[ diracpag[[2]] === DiracGamma[6] || diracpag[[2]] === DiracGamma[7], diracdt = 1/2 diracpag[[1]] ] ] ]; (* change 27-Mar-2003 by RM, because of*) If[$VeryVerbose > 2,Print["dir2a"]]; diracdt = Expand2[ scev[diracdt//fEx], {Pair, dot}]; If[$VeryVerbose>2,Print["dir3"]]; If[FreeQ[diracdt,dot], diracndt=Expand[(diracdt/.sCO->scev)//DiracGammaExpand]; If[diracga67 === True, diracndt = Expand[diracndt//gamma67back]] , If[$VeryVerbose>2,Print["dir3 expanding "]]; diracdt = Expand[ diracdt ]; If[$VeryVerbose>2,Print["dir3 expanding done ", Length[diracdt]]]; If[ Head[diracdt] === Plus, diracldt=Length[diracdt], If[ diracdt===0, diracldt = 0, diracldt = 1 ] ]; If[$VeryVerbose>2, Print["in diracSimplify: working with ",diracldt," terms"]]; While[diracjjtrIC/.trI->dS//. dot -> trIC/.trI->dS; diracpdt = diracpdt//.dot -> dS ]; (* maybe insert some TimeConstrained here later *) If[$VeryVerbose>2, Print["in diracSimplify: contraction done, expand now."]]; diracpdt = scev[ diracpdt ]//Expand; (* diracpdt = Expand[ diracpdt]; *) If[diractrlabel===True, diracpdt = fEx[(diracpdt//DiracGammaExpand)/.dot->dS]/. dot->trIC/.trI->dS//.dot->dS/. dot->trIC/.trI->dS, diracpdt = fEx[DiracGammaExpand[diracpdt]/.dot->dS]//. dot->dS ]; If[ diracga67===True, diracpdt = gamma67back[ diracpdt/.dot->dr67 ], diracpdt = fEx[ diracpdt ] ]; diracndt = diracndt + Expand2[ diracpdt, dot ]; If[ info===True || $VeryVerbose > 2, Print["# ",diracjj," / ",diracldt," = ", Length[diracndt] ] ] ]; diracndt = diracndt/.dr->dot/.sCO->scev; diracndt = Expand[dotLin[diracndt]]; If[ (diraccanopt===True ), print3["diracordering in diracSimplify"]; diracndt = DiracOrder[ diracndt ] ; diracndt = Expand[dotLin[diracndt]] ]; ] (* If FreeQ[diracdt,dr] *); If[$VeryVerbose>2, Print["dir4 ",diracdt]]; print3["diracdt = ", diracdt ]; diracndt = dotLin[diracndt]; If[$VeryVerbose>2, Print["dir5"]]; If[ diracsifac === True, diracndt = Factor2[ diracndt ] ]; If[$VeryVerbose>2, Print["dir6"]]; print3["exiting diracSimplify"]; diracndt]]]; (* end of diracSimplify *) (* #################################################################### *) (*dr67def*) dr67[ b___ ] := dS[ b ]/;FreeQ2[{b},{DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[7]}]; dr67[ b___,DiracGamma[6],z___ ] := 1/2 dS[b,z] + 1/2 dS[ b,DiracGamma[5],z ]; dr67[ b___,DiracGamma[7],z___ ] := 1/2 dS[b,z] - 1/2 dS[ b,DiracGamma[5],z ]; dIex[ a___,x_ + y_, b___] := dS[a,x,b] + dS[a,y,b]; (*dIexdef*) (*dixdef*) dix[y_] := y/.dot->dIex/.dIex->dS; (* #################################################################### *) (* ************************************************************** *) (* This is the tricky function which does the expansion of the dr's *) fEx[z_]:=FixedPoint[ dix, z/.dot -> dS ]; (*fExdef*) (* ************************************************************** *) (* cyclic property *) trIC[y___]:=If[$Kreimer =!= True, tris @@ cyclic[y], tris[y] ]; cyclic[x__]:=RotateLeft[{x},Position[{x},First[Sort[{x}]]][[1,1]]]; cyclic[]:={}; (* ************************************************************** *) (* fr567def, frlivcdef : two special FreeQ - checking functions *) fr567[x__] := True /; FreeQ2[FixedPoint[ReleaseHold, {x}], {DiracGamma[5],DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[7]}]; (* Properties and special cases of traces (up to a factor 4) *) tris[x___] := tris[x] = trI[x]; (*trisdef*) trI[a_+b_] := tris[a] + tris[b]; (*trIdef*) trI[] = 1; trI[ DiracGamma[5] ] = 0; trI[ DiracGamma[6] ] = 1/2; trI[ DiracGamma[7] ] = 1/2; trI[ a:DiracGamma[_[__]].. ,DiracGamma[n_] ] := 0 /; (OddQ[Length[{a}]]&&(n==5 || n==6 || n==7)); trI[ a:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. ,DiracGamma[n_] ] := 0 /; (OddQ[Length[{a}]]&&(n==5 || n==6 || n==7)) && ($BreitMaison === False); trI[ d:DiracGamma[__].. ] := 0/;(OddQ[Length[{d}]] && fr567[ d ]); trI[ d:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. ,DiracGamma[5] ] := 0/;Length[{d}]<4; trI[x_] := x /; FreeQ[ {x},DiracGamma ]; trI[ DiracGamma[a_[b__],___],DiracGamma[c_[d__],___], DiracGamma[6] ] := 1/2 scev[ a[b],c[d] ]; trI[ DiracGamma[a_[b__],___],DiracGamma[c_[d__],___], DiracGamma[7] ] := 1/2 scev[ a[b],c[d] ]; trI[ x__] := HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracTrace`Private`spursav[x]/; ( Length[{x}] < 11 && fr567[x]) || ( Length[{x}] < 6 && (!fr567[x])); (* #################################################################### *) (* SpinorChainEvaluatedef *) (* #################################################################### *) (* Main43 *) (* #################################################################### *) spinlin[x_Plus]:=spinlin/@x; spinlin[a_] :=( (a/.dot->ddot)//.{ ddot[x___,z_ b__,c___] :> z ddot[x,b,c]/;NonCommQ[z]===True, ddot[x___,z_ ,c___] :> z ddot[x,c]/;NonCommQ[z]===True, ddot[x_Spinor,b___,c_Spinor,d_Spinor,e___,f_Spinor,g___]:> ddot[x,b,c] ddot[d,e,f,g] } )/.ddot[]->1/.ddot->dot; SetAttributes[ SpinorChainEvaluate, Listable ]; SpinorChainEvaluate[y_]:=y /; FreeQ[y,Spinor]; (* #################################################################### *) (* Main44 *) (* #################################################################### *) SpinorChainEvaluate[z_Plus]:= Block[{nz}, nz = DotSimplify[z]; If[Length[nz]>20, nz= Collect2[ nz, Spinor,Factoring -> False] ]; If[Head[nz]=!=Plus, nz = SpinorChainEvaluate[nz], If[$sirlin =!= True, nz = Map[ spcev0, nz ], If[ FreeQ[nz, Spinor[p1__] . (a__ /; FreeQ[{a}, DiracGamma[_,_]] ) . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__] . (b__ /; FreeQ[{b}, DiracGamma[_,_]] ) . Spinor[p4__] ], nz = Map[ spcev0,nz ], nz = sirlin00[ Expand[Map[ spcev0,z//sirlin0 ]] ] ] ] ]; nz]; SpinorChainEvaluate[x_]:= If[$sirlin =!= True, Expand[spcev0[x], Spinor], If[ FreeQ[x//DotSimplify, Spinor[p1__] . (a__ /; FreeQ[{a}, DiracGamma[_,_]] ) . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__] . (b__ /; FreeQ[{b}, DiracGamma[_,_]] ) . Spinor[p4__] ], Expand[spcev0[x]], sirlin00[ Expand[FixedPoint[spcev0, x//sirlin0, 3 ]] ] ]]/; !Head[x]===Plus; (* #################################################################### *) (* Main45 *) (* #################################################################### *) spcev0[x_] := spcev000[x]/.spcev000->spcev0ev; (* spcev000[ a_ b_ ] := a spcev000[b] /; NonCommQ[a] === True; *) spcev000[y_] := y /; NonCommQ[y] === True; spcev000[y_Times] := Select[ y, FreeQ[#, Spinor]& ] spcev0ev[ Select[ y,!FreeQ[#, Spinor]& ] ]; spcev0ev[x_] := scev[Contract[ Expand[spinlin[x](*, Spinor*)]/.dot->spcevs/. spcev->dot, Expanding->False ] ](*//Expand*); spcevs[xx___] := MemSet[ spcevs[xx], FixedPoint[ spcev,{xx},4 ] ]; (*spcevsdef*) (*spcevdef*) spcev[y_List]:=spcev@@y; spcev[a___,b_ /; FreeQ2[b,{Pattern, BlankSequence, BlankNullSequence}], c___] := b spcev[a,c] /; NonCommQ[b] === True; spcev[] = 1; spcev[x___,Spinor[a__],y___] := Expand[ DiracOrder[ DiracEquation[fEx[DiracGammaExpand[ x.Spinor[a].y]](*/.dR->dot*) ] ] ]/; FreeQ[{x,y},Spinor]; spcev[x___,Spinor[a__],b___,Spinor[c__],y___] := Block[ {spcevdi,spcevre,spcevj}, If[$VeryVerbose > 2, Print["entering specv with ", InputForm[Dot@@{x,Spinor[a],b,Spinor[c],y}]]]; spcevdi = diracSimplify[dot[Spinor[a],b,Spinor[c]], InsideDiracTrace->False, (* DiracCanonical->True, *) DiracCanonical->False, diracInfo->False, Factoring->False, DiracSimpCombine->True ]; spcevdi = Expand[ scev[ spcevdi ] ]; spcevdi = Expand[ spcevdi(*,dot*) ]; If[ !(Head[spcevdi]===Plus), spcevre = spinlin[ spcevdi ]; spcevre = DiracEquation[ spcevre ]; (*spcevre = DiracOrder[ spcevre ]*), spcevre = Sum[(* DiracOrder[*) DiracEquation[ spinlin[ spcevdi[[spcevj]] ] ] (* ]*), {spcevj,1,Length[spcevdi]} ] ]; spcevre = DotSimplify[spcevs[x].spcevre.spcevs[y]]; If[ !FreeQ[spcevre, SUNT], spcevre = (spcevre/.dot->dS) ]; spcevre = spcevre//DotSimplify; If[$VeryVerbose > 2, Print["exiting specv with ",InputForm[spcevre]]]; spcevre] /; FreeQ[{b}, Spinor]; (* Reference of Sirlin-relations: Nuclear Physics B192 (1981) 93-99; Note that we take another sign in front of the Levi-Civita tensor in eq. (7), since we take (implicitly) \varepsilon^{0123} = 1 *) (* #################################################################### *) (* Main441 *) (* #################################################################### *) $SpinorMinimal = False; sirlin00[x_]:= x/;($SpinorMinimal === False) || ($sirlin===False); sirlin00[x_]:=MemSet[sirlin00[x], Block[{te, tg5, ntg5}, print3["sirlin001"]; (* te = sirlin0[x]//ExpandAll; *) te = sirlin0[x]//Expand; print3["sirlin002"]; If[FreeQ2[te,{DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[7]}]&& Head[te]===Plus && !FreeQ[te,DiracGamma[5]], tg5 = Select[te, !FreeQ[#,DiracGamma[5]]& ]; ntg5 = te - tg5; (*i.e. te = tg5 + ntg5 *) test = Expand[tg5 + ChisholmSpinor[ntg5]]; If[nterms[test] < Length[te], te=test] ]; print3["exiting sirlin00"]; te]] /; $SpinorMinimal === True; (* ident3def *) ident3[a_,_]:=a; (* #################################################################### *) (* Main442 *) (* #################################################################### *) (* canonize different dummy indices *) (*sirlin3def*) sirlin3a[x_]:=((sirlin3[Expand[Contract[x](*,Spinor*)]/. $MU->dum$y]/.dum$y->$MU)/. sirlin3 -> Identity )//Contract; sirlin3[a_Plus]:=sirlin3 /@ a; sirlin3[ m_. Spinor[p1__]. (ga1___) . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[la_] ]. (ga2___) . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__]. (ga3___) . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[la_] ]. (ga4___) . Spinor[p4__] ]:= Block[{counter}, counter = 1; While[!FreeQ2[{m,ga1,ga2,ga3,a4}, {$MU[counter], dum$y[counter]} ], counter = counter + 1 ]; sirlin3[ m Spinor[p1] . ga1 . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[$MU[counter]] ] . ga2 . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . ga3 . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[$MU[counter]] ] . ga4 . Spinor[p4] ] ] /; FreeQ[la, $MU]; sirlin3[ m_. Spinor[p1__].(ga1___). DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[la_,di_],di_ ]. (ga2___) . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__].(ga3___). DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[la_,di_],di_ ]. (ga4___) . Spinor[p4__] ] := ( m Spinor[p1] . ga1 . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[$MU[1], di],di ] . ga2 . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . ga3 . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[$MU[1], di], di] . ga4 . Spinor[p4] ) /; FreeQ2[{ga1,ga2,ga3,ga4}, DiracGamma[_,_]]; (* this is far from optimal, but for the moment sufficient *) $sirlin = True; (* #################################################################### *) (* Main443 *) (* #################################################################### *) (* The Sirlin - identities are only valid in 4 dimensions and are only needed, if Dirac matrices are around *) sirlin0[x_]:=If[$sirlin=!=True, x, If[ FreeQ2[x, {LorentzIndex, Momentum}], x, If[ FreeQ[x, Spinor], x, If[ !FreeQ[x, DiracGamma[_,_]], sirlin3[x]/.sirlin3->Identity, sirlin0doit[(x//sirlin2)/.sirlin2->Identity] ] ] ] ]; $sirlintime = 242; SetAttributes[timeconstrained, HoldAll]; If[$OperatingSystem === "Unix", timeconstrained[x__] := TimeConstrained[x], timeconstrained[x_,__] := x ]; sirlin0doit[a_Plus]:=timeconstrained[ sirlin3a[Contract[ (Expand[Map[sirlin1, a](*, dot*)]/. sirlin1->sirlin2) /. sirlin2 -> sirlin1/.sirlin1->sirlin2/. sirlin2 -> Identity,EpsContract->True] ] // spcev0, 2 $sirlintime, a ]; sirlin0doit[a_]:=timeconstrained[ (sirlin3a[sirlin1[a]/.sirlin1->sirlin2/. sirlin2 -> Identity ] // spcev0), $sirlintime, a ] /;Head[a]=!=Plus; (*sirlin2def*) sirlin2[a_Plus]:=sirlin2/@a; sirlin2[m_. Spinor[pa__] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pj_]] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pi_]] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[mu_]].(vg5___). Spinor[pb__] * Spinor[Momentum[pi_],0,qf___] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[mu_]] . (vg5___). Spinor[Momentum[pj_],0,qf___] ] := (-sirlin2[ m Spinor[pa] . DiracSlash[pi,pj] . DiracMatrix[mu] . vg5 . Spinor[pb] * Spinor[Momentum[pi],0,qf] . DiracMatrix[mu] . vg5 . Spinor[Momentum[pj],0,qf] ] + 2 m scev[Momentum[pi],Momentum[pj]] * Spinor[pa] . DiracMatrix[mu] . vg5 . Spinor[pb] * Spinor[Momentum[pi],0,qf] . DiracMatrix[mu] . vg5 . Spinor[Momentum[pj],0,qf] )/; ({vg5}==={}) || ({vg5}==={DiracGamma[5]}); sirlin2[m_. Spinor[pa__] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pi_]] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pj_]] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[mu_]].(vg5___). Spinor[pb__] * Spinor[Momentum[pi_],0,qf___] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[mu_]] . (vg5___). Spinor[Momentum[pj_],0,qf___] ] :=(m scev[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pj]] * Spinor[pa] . DiracMatrix[$MU[1]] . Spinor[pb] * Spinor[Momentum[pi],0,qf] . DiracMatrix[$MU[1]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj],0,qf] + m scev[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pj]] * Spinor[pa] . DiracMatrix[$MU[1]]. DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[pb] * Spinor[Momentum[pi],0,qf] . DiracMatrix[$MU[1]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pj],0,qf] ) /; ({vg5}==={}) || ({vg5}==={DiracGamma[5]}); sirlin2[m_. Spinor[p1__]. (ga1___) . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[la_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. DiracGamma[6] . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__]. (ga2___) . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[la_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. DiracGamma[7] . Spinor[p4__] ] := ( m 4 Spinor[p1] . ga1 . DiracGamma[6] . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . ga2 . DiracGamma[7] . Spinor[p4] ); sirlin2[m_. Spinor[p1__]. (ga1___) . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[la_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. DiracGamma[7] . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__]. (ga2___) . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[la_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. DiracGamma[6] . Spinor[p4__] ] := ( m 4 Spinor[p1] . ga1 . DiracGamma[7] . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . ga2 . DiracGamma[6] . Spinor[p4] ); (* #################################################################### *) (* Main444 *) (* #################################################################### *) (* eq. (8) *) sirlin2[m_. Spinor[p1__]. (ga1___) . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ]. DiracGamma[ lv_[rho_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. (ga2___) . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__]. (ga3___) . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ]. DiracGamma[ lvt_[tau_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. (ga4___) . Spinor[p4__] ] := Block[{ii=1, ind, la, grho, gtau, gam5}, While[!FreeQ[{ga1,ro,ga2,ga3,tau,ga4}, $MU[ii]], ii++]; la = DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[$MU[ii]]]; grho = DiracGamma[lv[rho]]; gtau = DiracGamma[lvt[tau]]; gam5 = DiracGamma[5]; Contract[ 2 m Pair[lv[rho], lvt[tau]] * Spinor[p1] . ga1 . la . ga2 . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . ga3 . la . ga4 . Spinor[p4] + 2 m * Spinor[p1] . ga1 . gtau . ga2 . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . ga3 . grho . ga4 . Spinor[p4] + 2 m Pair[lv[rho], lvt[tau]] * Spinor[p1] . ga1 . la . ga2 . gam5 . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . ga3 . la . ga4 . gam5 . Spinor[p4] - 2 m * Spinor[p1] . ga1 . gtau . ga2 . gam5 . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . ga3 . grho . ga4 . gam5 . Spinor[p4] ] ]; (* eq. (12) of Sirlin *) sirlin2[m_. Spinor[p1__]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ]. DiracGamma[ lv_[rho_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[sigma_] ]. DiracGamma[ lvt_[tau_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. om_ . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ]. DiracGamma[ lva_[alpha_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[sigma_] ]. DiracGamma[ lvb_[beta_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. om_ . Spinor[p4__] ] := Contract[ m 16 Pair[lvt[tau],lvb[beta]] * Pair[lv[rho], lva[alpha]] * Spinor[p1] . DiracMatrix[mu] . om . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . DiracMatrix[mu] . om . Spinor[p4] ] /; (om===DiracGamma[6]) || (om===DiracGamma[7]); (* eq. (13) of Sirlin *) sirlin2[m_. Spinor[p1__]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ]. DiracGamma[ lv_[rho_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[sigma_] ]. DiracGamma[ lvt_[tau_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. om1_ . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ]. DiracGamma[ lva_[alpha_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[sigma_] ]. DiracGamma[ lvb_[beta_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. om2_ . Spinor[p4__] ] :=(m 4 Spinor[p1] . DiracMatrix[mu].DiracGamma[lv[rho]]. DiracGamma[lv[beta]]. om1 . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3] . DiracMatrix[mu].DiracGamma[lva[alpha]]. DiracGamma[lvt[tau]]. om2 . Spinor[p4] ) /; ( (om1===DiracGamma[6])&& (om2===DiracGamma[7]) )|| ( (om1===DiracGamma[7])&& (om2===DiracGamma[6]) ); (* #################################################################### *) (* Main445 *) (* #################################################################### *) (* in case if no chiral projectors are present: *) sirlin2[m_. Spinor[p1__]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ]. DiracGamma[ lv_[rho_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[sigma_] ]. DiracGamma[ lvt_[tau_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ]. DiracGamma[ lva_[alpha_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[sigma_] ]. DiracGamma[ lvb_[beta_] ]. DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ]. Spinor[p4__] ] := Block[{tmp,re}, tmp[ome1_,ome2_]:= sirlin2[ m Spinor[p1]. DiracMatrix[mu].DiracGamma[lv[rho]].DiracMatrix[sigma]. DiracGamma[lvt[tau]].DiracMatrix[nu].DiracGamma[ome1] . Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3].DiracMatrix[mu].DiracGamma[lva[alpha]]. DiracMatrix[sigma].DiracGamma[lvb[beta]].DiracMatrix[nu]. DiracGamma[ome2]. Spinor[p4] ]; re = tmp[6,6] + tmp[6,7] + tmp[7,6] + tmp[7,7]; re]; (* #################################################################### *) (* Main446 *) (* #################################################################### *) (* These are the ones calculated by FeynCalc *) sirlin2[ m_. Spinor[pi__] . x1___ . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ] . x2___ . Spinor[pj__] * Spinor[pk__] . x3___ . DiracGamma[ vm_[a_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[mu_] ] . DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[nu_] ] . x4___ . Spinor[pl__] ] := Contract[ m ( 2*Spinor[pi] . x1 . x2 . Spinor[pj]* Spinor[pk] . x3 . DiracGamma[vm[a]] . x4 . Spinor[pl] + 2*Spinor[pk] . x3 . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[al$mu]] . x4 . Spinor[pl]* Spinor[pi] . x1 . DiracGamma[vm[a]] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[al$mu]] . x2 . Spinor[pj] - 2*Spinor[pi] . x1 . DiracGamma[5] . x2 . Spinor[pj]* Spinor[pk] . x3 . DiracGamma[vm[a]] . DiracGamma[5] . x4 . Spinor[pl] + 2*Spinor[pk] . x3 . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[al$mu]] . DiracGamma[5] . x4 .Spinor[pl]* Spinor[pi] . x1 . DiracGamma[vm[a]] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[al$mu]] . DiracGamma[5] . x2 . Spinor[pj] )]; sirlin2[ m_. * Spinor[Momentum[pi_], 0, fq___] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pk_]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj_], 0, fq___]* Spinor[Momentum[pl_], 0, fq___] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pj_]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk_], 0, fq___] ] := Contract[ m ( -((Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pl]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pi]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]*Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pk]])/ Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pl]]) + (Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]* (-(Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pl]]* Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pk]]) + Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pk]]* Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pl]] - Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pj]]*Pair[Momentum[pk], Momentum[pl]])) /(2*Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pl]]) + (Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]* (3*Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pl]]* Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pk]] + Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pk]]*Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pl]] - Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pj]]*Pair[Momentum[pk], Momentum[pl]]))/ (2*Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pl]]) ) ]; sirlin2[ m_. * Spinor[Momentum[pi_], 0, fq___] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pk_]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj_], 0, fq___]* Spinor[Momentum[pl_], 0, fq___] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pi_]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk_], 0, fq___] ] := Contract[ m ( -((Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pl]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pj]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]*Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pk]])/ Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pl]]) + (Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]* (Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pl]]*Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pk]] + 3*Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pk]]* Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pl]] - Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pj]]*Pair[Momentum[pk], Momentum[pl]])) /(2*Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pl]]) + (Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]* (-(Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pl]]* Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pk]]) + Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pk]]*Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pl]] + Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pj]]*Pair[Momentum[pk], Momentum[pl]]))/ (2*Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pl]]) ) ] /; First[ Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pk]]. Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pi]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]]=== Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pk]]. Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]; sirlin2[ m_. * Spinor[Momentum[pi_], 0, fq___] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pk_]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pj_], 0, fq___]* Spinor[Momentum[pl_], 0, fq___] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pj_]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pk_], 0, fq___] ] := Contract[ m ( Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pk]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pj]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq] - Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]*Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pk]] + Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]* Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pk]] ) ]; sirlin2[ m_. * Spinor[Momentum[pi_], 0, fq___] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pk_]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pj_], 0, fq___]* Spinor[Momentum[pl_], 0,fq___]. DiracGamma[Momentum[pi_]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pk_], 0, fq___] ] := Contract[ m ( -(Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pk]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pi]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]) + Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]*Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pk]] + Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]* Pair[Momentum[pi], Momentum[pk]] ) ]; sirlin2[ m_. * Spinor[Momentum[pi_], 0, fq___] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pl_]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pj_], 0, fq___]* Spinor[Momentum[pl_], 0, fq___] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pj_]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pk_], 0, fq___] ] := Contract[ m ( -(Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pl]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[Momentum[pj]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]) + Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]*Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pl]] + Spinor[Momentum[pi], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pj], 0, fq]* Spinor[Momentum[pl], 0, fq] . DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[la]] . DiracGamma[5] . Spinor[Momentum[pk], 0, fq]* Pair[Momentum[pj], Momentum[pl]] ) ]; (* #################################################################### *) (* Main447 *) (* #################################################################### *) dig[LorentzIndex[a_,___]]:=a; dig[Momentum[a_,___]]:=a; dig[x_]:=x/;(Head[x]=!=LorentzIndex)&&(Head[x]=!=Momentum); dig[n_?NumberQ]:={}; getV[x_List]:=Select[Flatten[{x}/.dot->List]/.DiracGamma -> dige , Head[#]===dige&]/.dige->dig; (* Get a list of equal gamma matrices *) schnitt[x___][y___]:=Intersection[ Select[Flatten[{x}/.dot->List],!FreeQ[#,LorentzIndex]&], Select[Flatten[{y}/.dot->List],!FreeQ[#,LorentzIndex]&] ]; (* get a list of not equal slashes and matrices *) comp[x___][y___]:=Select[ Complement[Flatten[Union[{x},{y}]/.dot->List], schnitt[x][y] ], !FreeQ2[#, {LorentzIndex, Momentum}]& ]; (* sirlin1def *) (* do some ordering with sirlin1 ... *) sirlin1[m_. Spinor[p1__]. (gam1__) . Spinor[p2__] * Spinor[p3__]. (gam2__) . Spinor[p4__] ] := MemSet[sirlin1[m Spinor[p1].gam1.Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3].gam2.Spinor[p4] ], Block[{schnittmenge, compmenge, result,order, orderl,orderr}, schnittmenge = schnitt[gam1][gam2]; compmenge = comp[gam1][gam2]; leftind = comp[gam1][schnittmenge]; rightind = comp[gam2][schnittmenge]; print3["entering sirlin1"]; (* We need at least two dummy indices for the sirlin relations *) If[ Length[schnittmenge] > 1, (* Test for eq. (12) *) If[(Length[schnittmenge] === 3) && (Length[compmenge] > 3), orderl = Join[ Drop[leftind, {1,2}], {schnittmenge[[1]], leftind[[1]], schnittmenge[[2]], leftind[[2]], schnittmenge[[3]]} ] // getV; orderr = Join[ Drop[rightind, {1,2}], {schnittmenge[[1]], rightind[[1]], schnittmenge[[2]], rightind[[2]], schnittmenge[[3]]} ] // getV; result = Expand[m Contract[ DiracOrder[ Spinor[p1].gam1.Spinor[p2], orderl ]* DiracOrder[ Spinor[p3].gam2.Spinor[p4], orderr ] ] ]//sirlin2 ]; (* ... *) (* Test for eq. (8) *) If[(Length[schnittmenge] === 2) && (Length[compmenge] > 1), order = Join[{First[schnittmenge]}, compmenge, {Last[schnittmenge]} ] // getV; result = sirlin2[ Expand[ m DiracOrder[ Spinor[p1].gam1.Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3].gam2.Spinor[p4], order] ]//Contract ] ]; ]; If[!ValueQ[result], result = sirlin2[m * Spinor[p1].gam1.Spinor[p2] * Spinor[p3].gam2.Spinor[p4] ] ]; print3["exiting sirlin1"]; result]] /; !FreeQ[{gam1}, LorentzIndex]; (*ChisholmSpinordef*) dsimp[x_]:=sirlin0[spcev0[x]]; ChisholmSpinor[x_, choice_:0]:=MemSet[ChisholmSpinor[x,choice], Block[{new=x, indi}, print3["entering ChisholmSpinor "]; new = DotSimplify[new]; If[choice===1, new = new/.{ Spinor[a__].b__ .Spinor[c__] * Spinor[d__].e__ .Spinor[f__]:> nospinor[a].b.nospinor[c] * Spinor[d].e.Spinor[f] } ]; If[choice===2, new = new/.{ Spinor[a__].b__ .Spinor[c__] * Spinor[d__].e__ .Spinor[f__]:> Spinor[a].b.Spinor[c] * nospinor[d].e.nospinor[f] } ]; dsimp[Contract[dsimp[new/.{ (Spinor[pe1_, m_, ql___] . DiracGamma[lv_[k_]] . h___ . Spinor[pe2_, m2_, ql___]) :> Block[{indi}, indi = Unique[alpha]; -1/Pair[pe1,pe2] ( Spinor[pe1, m, ql]. DiracGamma[pe1]. DiracGamma[lv[k]] . DiracGamma[pe2].h. Spinor[pe2, m2, ql] - Pair[pe1,lv[k]] Spinor[pe1, m, ql]. DiracGamma[pe2]. h . Spinor[pe2, m2, ql] - Pair[lv[k],pe2] Spinor[pe1, m, ql]. DiracGamma[pe1] . h . Spinor[pe2, m2, ql]- I Eps[pe1,lv[k],pe2,LorentzIndex[indi]] * Spinor[pe1, m, ql]. DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[indi]]. DiracGamma[5].h. Spinor[pe2, m2, ql] )] }/.nospinor->Spinor], EpsContract->True] ] ]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracSimplify | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracSimplify2*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 15 December '97 at 17:56 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracSimplify2`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracSimplify2::usage= "DiracSimplify2[exp] simplifies the Dirac structure but leaves any DiracGamma[5] untouched. DiracGamma[6] and DiracGamma[7] are inserted by their definitions."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[Cases2,DiracGammaExpand,DiracSimplify, DotSimplify,Contract,DOT,DiracGamma, FeynCalcInternal]; DiracSimplify2[exp_] := Block[{nn,tt}, If[FreeQ[exp,DOT], exp, nn = DotSimplify[DiracGammaExpand[FeynCalcInternal[exp]] /. DiracGamma[6] -> (1/2 + DiracGamma[5]/2) /. DiracGamma[7] -> (1/2 - DiracGamma[5]/2) ]; If[FreeQ[nn, DiracGamma[5]], DiracSimplify[nn], tt = Cases2[nn, DOT]; nn/.( Table[tt[[ij]] -> DotSimplify[ Contract[ tt[[ij]] //. {doot[a__, DiracGamma[5], b__] :> If[FreeQ[{a}, DiracGamma[5] ], DiracSimplify[DOT[a]], DiracSimplify2[DOT[b]] ] . DiracGamma[5] . If[FreeQ[{b}, DiracGamma[5] ], DiracSimplify2[DOT[a]], DiracSimplify[DOT[b]] ] } ]], {ij,Length[tt]} ]) ] ]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracSimplify2 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracSlash *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: DiracSlash is a Feynman slash *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracSlash`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracSlash::usage = "DiracSlash[p] is the contraction FourVector[p, mu]*DiracSlash[mu]. A product of those can be entered in the form DiracSlash[p1, p2, ..]." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Dimension]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ DeclareNonCommutative, DiracGamma, DOT, Momentum]; DeclareNonCommutative[DiracSlash]; Options[DiracSlash] = {Dimension -> 4, fci -> True}; DiracSlash[a_Dot, opt___Rule] := Map[DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[#, Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracSlash]], Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracSlash]]&, a]; DiracSlash[a_, opt___Rule] := DiracGamma[Momentum[a, Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracSlash]], Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracSlash] ] /; ( fci /. {opt} /. Options[DiracSlash] ) === True; DiracSlash[a__, opt___Rule] := Apply[DOT, DiracGamma[Momentum[#, Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracSlash]], Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[DiracSlash] ]& /@ {a} ] /; ( fci /. {opt} /. Options[DiracSlash] ) === True; DiracSlash /: MakeBoxes[ DiracSlash[x__], TraditionalForm ] := MakeBoxes@@{fci[DiracSlash[x]], TraditionalForm}; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracSlash | \n "]]; Null (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracSigma`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracSigma::usage = "DiracSigma[a, b] stands for I/2*(a . b - b . a) in 4 dimensions. a and b must have Head DiracGamma, DiracMatrix or DiracSlash. Only antisymmetry is implemented."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; MakeContext[ DiracGamma, DiracMatrix, DiracSlash]; If[FreeQ[$NonComm, DiracSigma] && Head[$NonComm]===List, AppendTo[$NonComm, DiracSigma]]; (* by definition *) DiracSigma[dot[a_,b_]] := DiracSigma[a,b]; DiracSigma[___, 0, ___] = 0; DiracSigma[a_, b_] := - DiracSigma[b, a] /; !OrderedQ[{a,b}]; DiracSigma[DiracMatrix[a_, b_]] := - DiracSigma[DiracMatrix[b, a]] /; !OrderedQ[{a,b}]; DiracSigma[DiracSlash[a_, b_]] := - DiracSigma[DiracSlash[b, a]] /; !OrderedQ[{a,b}]; (*NEW 8/97 *) DiracSigma[a_ DiracGamma[b__], c_. DiracGamma[d__]] := a c DiracSigma[DiracGamma[b], DiracGamma[d]]; DiracSigma[a_. DiracGamma[b__], c_ DiracGamma[d__]] := a c DiracSigma[DiracGamma[b], DiracGamma[d]]; DiracSigma /: MakeBoxes[DiracSigma[_[x_,___], _[y_,___]], TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]", Tbox[x,y]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracSigma | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracSigmaExplicit *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: Last changed July 19th 2000 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: substitute DiracSigma in temrs of DiracGamma's. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracSigmaExplicit`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracSigmaExplicit::usage = "DiracSigmaExplicit[exp] inserts in exp the definition of DiracSigma. DiracSigmaExplict is also an option of DiracSimplify."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ DiracGamma, DiracMatrix, DiracSigma, DiracSlash]; dirsigex[a_DiracGamma, b_DiracGamma] := dirsigex[a,b] = I/2 (dot[a, b] - dot[b, a]); dirsigex[DiracMatrix[a_, b_]] := dirsigex[DiracMatrix[a,b]] = I/2 (DiracMatrix[a, b] - DiracMatrix[b, a]); dirsigex[DiracSlash[a_, b_]] := dirsigex[DiracSlash[a,b]] = I/2 (DiracSlash[a, b] - DiracSlash[b, a]); DiracSigmaExplicit[x_] := fci[x]/. DiracSigma -> dirsigex; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracSigmaExplicit | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracSpinor *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracSpinor`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracSpinor::usage = "DiracSpinor[p, m, ind] is a Dirac spinor for a fermion with momentum p and mass m and indices ind."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DeclareNonCommutative]; DeclareNonCommutative[DiracSpinor]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracSubstitute67 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracSubstitute67`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; DiracSubstitute67::usage= "DiracSubstitute67 is an option for DiracSimplify. If set to True the chirality-projectors DiracGamma[6] and DiracGamma[7] are substituted by their definitions."; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracSubstitute67 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracTrace *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 21 February '99 at 0:06 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Dirac trace calculation *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracTrace`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracTrace::usage = "DiracTrace[expr] is the head of Dirac Traces. Whether the trace is evaluated depends on the option DiracTraceEvaluate. See also Tr. The argument expr may be a product of Dirac matrices or slashes separated by the Mathematica Dot \".\"."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Contract, Collect2, DiracCanonical, DiracGamma, DiracGammaCombine, DiracGammaExpand, DiracGammaT, DiracOrder, DiracSigmaExplicit, DiracSimplify, DiracTrick, DiracTraceEvaluate]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; MakeContext[ DotSimplify, Eps, EpsEvaluate, Factor2, EpsContract, Expanding, Expand2, Factoring, FeynCalcInternal, FeynCalcExternal, FreeQ2, InsideDiracTrace, LeviCivitaSign, LorentzIndex, Mandelstam, MemSet, Momentum, Pair, PairContract, PairCollect, PartitHead ]; sCO := sCO = MakeContext["PairContract"]; MakeContext[ ExpandScalarProduct, Schouten, Spinor, SUNSimplify, SUNT, Tr, TraceOfOne, SUNTrace, TrickMandelstam]; scev[a__] := scev[a] = ExpandScalarProduct[a]; Options[DiracTrace] = {EpsContract -> False, Factoring -> False, FeynCalcExternal -> False, Mandelstam -> {}, PairCollect -> True, DiracTraceEvaluate -> False, Schouten -> 0, LeviCivitaSign -> (-1), (*Added 27/8-2002, F.Orellana*) SUNTrace -> True, TraceOfOne -> 4 }; dotLin[x_] := DotSimplify[x, Expanding -> False]; (* gamma67backdef: reinsertion of gamma6 and gamm7 *) gamma67back[x_] := x/.DiracGamma[6]->( 1/2 + DiracGamma[5]/2 )/. DiracGamma[7]->( 1/2 - DiracGamma[5]/2 ); DiracTrace[0,___]:=0; DiracTrace[a_ /; (FreeQ[a, DiracGamma] && !FreeQ[a, DiracGammaT]), b___Rule] := DiracTrace[(a//Transpose)//Reverse, b]; DiracTrace[a___, x_,y_, z___]:=DiracTrace[a,x.y,z]/; FreeQ2[y,{Rule,BlankNullSequence}]&& FreeQ2[x,{Rule,BlankNullSequence}]; (*DiracTracedef*) fcit[y_] := If[CheckContext["DiracSigma"], FeynCalcInternal[DiracSigmaExplicit[y]], FeynCalcInternal[y] ]; fcex[ops___Rule][z_] := If[(FeynCalcExternal /. {ops} /. Options[DiracTrace] ) === True, FeynCalcExternal[z], z ]; DiracTrace[x_,op___Rule] := fcex[op][ ( diractraceevsimple[ fcit[x] ,{op}] /. diractraceevsimple -> diractraceev /. diractraceev->diractraceev2 ) ]/; (DiracTraceEvaluate/.{op} /. (Join[{op},Options[DiracTrace]]//Flatten) ) === True; (* special cases *) (*XXXX*) diractraceevsimple[xx_,{opt___}] := ( ( TraceOfOne /. {opt} /.Options[Tr] /. Options[DiracTrace] ) * xx )/; FreeQ[xx, DiracGamma]; diractraceevsimple[y_ x_Dot,{opt___}] := y diractraceevsimple[x,{opt}] /; FreeQ[y, DiracGamma]; (* diractraceevsimple[x_ + y_, {opt___}]:= diractraceevsimple[x, {opt}] + diractraceevsimple[y, {opt}]; *) diractraceevsimple[x_Plus , {opt___}]:=Map[diractraceevsimple[#,{opt}]&, x]; (* in order to inhibit loops below *) diractraceevsimpleplus[x_Plus,{opt___}] := Map[diractraceevsimple[#,{opt}]&, x]; (*Fix by Rolf in response to Broniowski's observation that Tr[DiracSlash[p,p]] gives p^2 instead of 4p^2*) diractraceevsimpleplus[x_/;Head[x]=!=Plus,{opt___}] := x * (TraceOfOne /. {opt} /.Options[Tr] /. Options[DiracTrace] ); (*diractraceevsimpleplus[x_/;Head[x]=!=Plus,{opt___}] := x;*) diractraceevsimple[x_Dot, {opt___}]:= (If[FreeQ[#,LorentzIndex],#, #/.Pair->sCO/.sCO->Pair]&[ If[(*Length[x] > Length[Union[Variables /@ Apply[List,x]]],*) (*More restrictive condition. I'm not sure about this... But the old stuff commented out above is wrong on e.g. Tr[DiracGamma[Momentum[p]].DiracGamma[Momentum[p]].DiracGamma[Momentum[r]]] see, Kapusta's bug report*) Union[Length /@ Split[Sort[ Variables /@ Apply[List,x] ]]] === {2}, If[$VeryVerbose >2, Print["using diractraceevsimpleplus on ", StandardForm[x]]]; Factor[diractraceevsimpleplus[Expand[DiracTrick[x]], {opt}]], If[$VeryVerbose >2, Print["using spursav on ", StandardForm[x]]]; (TraceOfOne /. {opt} /.Options[Tr] /. Options[DiracTrace] )* (spursav @@ x) ] ] ) /; (MatchQ[Apply[doo, x], doo[ DiracGamma[(LorentzIndex | Momentum)[_,_],_]..]] || MatchQ[Apply[doo, x], doo[ DiracGamma[(LorentzIndex | Momentum)[_]]..]] || MatchQ[Apply[doo, x], doo[ DiracGamma[(LorentzIndex | Momentum)[_,_],_].., DiracGamma[5 | 6 | 7]]] || MatchQ[Apply[doo, x], doo[ DiracGamma[(LorentzIndex | Momentum)[_]].., DiracGamma[5 | 6 | 7]]] ); dirli[LorentzIndex[xx_, ___],___] := xx; diractraceev[DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[a1_,dii_],dii_], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[a2_,dii_],dii_], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[a3_,dii_],dii_], a4:DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[_,dii_],dii_].., DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[a1_,dii_],dii_], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[a2_,dii_],dii_], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[a3_,dii_],dii_], a4:DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[_,dii_],dii_].. ]:=4 dcs[dii]@@Join[{a1,a2,a3}, {a4}/.DiracGamma->dirli, {a1,a2,a3}, {a4}/.DiracGamma->dirli ]; dcs[dim_][x___] := dcs[dim][x] = (dics[dim][x] /. dics->dc); dc[_][]=1; dics[_][]=1; dics[dI_][a___, n_, n_, b___] := dI * dics[dI][a, b]; dics[dI_][a___, n_, z_, n_, b___ ] := (2-dI) * dics[dI][a, z, b]; dics[dI_][a___, n_, v_, w_, n_, b___ ] := (dI-4) * dics[dI][a, v,w, b] + 4 (dics[dI]@@({a, b}/. v -> w)); dics[dI_][a___, n_, v_, w_, z_, n_, b___ ] := (4-dI) * dics[dI][a, v,w,z, b] - 2 dics[dI][a, z,w,v,b]; dics[dI_][a___, n_, mu_, nu_, ro_,si_, n_, b___ ] := (dI-4) * dics[dI][a, mu,nu,ro,si, b] + 2 dics[dI][a, ro,nu,mu,si,b] + 2 dics[dI][a, si,mu,nu,ro,b]; dics[dI_][a___, n_, mu_, nu_, ro_, si_, de_, n_, b___ ] := (4-dI) * dics[dI][a, mu,nu,ro,si,de, b] - 2 dics[dI][a, mu,de,nu,ro,si, b] - 2 dics[dI][a, mu,si,ro,nu,de, b] + 2 dics[dI][a, nu,ro,si,de,mu, b]; dicsav[dd_][x___] := dicsav[dd][x] = dics[dd][x]; dc[di_][a___, mu_, lim__, mu_, b___] := Expand[ Block[{m = Length[{lim}], i, j}, (-1)^m ( (di-2 m) dicss[di][a,lim,b] - 4 Sum[(-1)^(j-i) If[{lim}[[j]] === {lim}[[i]], di (dicss[di] @@ Join[{a}, Delete[{lim}, {{i},{j}}], {b}] ), dicss[di] @@ (Join[{a}, Delete[{lim}, {{i},{j}}], {b}] /. ({lim}[[j]]) -> ({lim}[[i]])) ], {i,1,m-1}, {j,i+1,m}]) ] /. dicss -> dicsav//. dics -> dcs]; (* ****************************************************** *) (*conalldef*) conall[ x_,opt_:{}] := Contract[ x, Expanding->True, EpsContract-> (EpsContract /. opt /. Options[DiracTrace]), Factoring->False ]; (*diractraceevdef*) diractraceev[x_, opt___] := Block[{trfa = 1, enx = x}, If[Head[x] === Times, trfa = Select[x, FreeQ2[#, {DiracGamma, LorentzIndex, SUNIndex, Eps}]&]; enx = x / trfa; ]; If[!FreeQ[x, SUNT], enx = SUNSimplify[DiracTrace[enx,opt]] /.DiracTrace -> diractraceev2; ]; (*CHANGE MAy 94 *) (* diractraceev2[enx, opt] trfa; *) diractraceev2[conall[enx], opt] trfa]; diractraceev2[x_,opt_:{}]:= ( TraceOfOne /. opt /.Options[Tr] /. Options[DiracTrace] ) * x /; FreeQ[x,DiracGamma]; (* fr567def, special FreeQ - checking function *) fr567[x__]:=FreeQ2[FixedPoint[ReleaseHold,{x}], {DiracGamma[5],DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[7]}]; (* coneinsdef *) coneins[ x_ ] := MemSet[coneins[x], x/.Pair->sCO/.sCO->Pair ]; (* If no dot's but DiracGamma's are present *) (*XXX *) diractraceev3[y_,opt_:{}]:=Block[ {diractrpa,diractrtemp,diractrresu,four}, four = TraceOfOne/.opt /. Options[Tr] /. Options[DiracTrace]; diractrtemp = Expand[ conall[ y, opt ]//gamma67back]; If[ Head[diractrtemp]===Plus, diractrresu = Map[ Apply[Tr,Prepend[opt,#]]&,diractrtemp], diractrpa = PartitHead[ diractrtemp,DiracGamma ]; diractrresu = diractrpa[[1]] four spursav[ diractrpa[[2]] ] ]; If[!FreeQ[diractrresu, LorentzIndex], diractrresu = diractrresu /. Pair -> sCO /. sCO -> scev ]; diractrresu = Expand[diractrresu]; If[!FreeQ[diractrresu, LorentzIndex], diractrresu = diractrresu /. Pair -> sCO /. sCO -> scev ]; diractrresu] /;( FreeQ[y,dot] && !FreeQ[y,DiracGamma]); (* #################################################################### *) (* Main48 *) (* #################################################################### *) diractraceev2[nnx_,in_:{}]:= Block[{diractrjj,diractrlnx,diractrres, diractrny=0,mand,diractrfact,nx , diractrcoll,traceofone,schoutenopt}, opt = Join[ Flatten[{in}],Options[Tr], Options[DiracTrace] ]; mand=Mandelstam/.opt; diractrfact=Factoring/.opt; diractrcoll=PairCollect/.opt; schoutenopt = Schouten /. opt; traceofone = TraceOfOne /. opt; nx = Collect2[coneins[nnx], dot, Factoring -> False]; nx = DiracGammaCombine[nx]; If[ Head[nx]===Plus && Length[nx] > 142, diractrlnx = Length[nx]; diractrjj = 0; While[ diractrjj 1, Print["diractrjj = ", diractrjj, " out of ",diractrlnx] ]; diractrny = diractrny + If[FreeQ[nx,DiracGamma], diractrny = nx[[diractrjj]], diractrny = Expand2[ DiracSimplify[ nx[[diractrjj]], InsideDiracTrace->True, Factoring->False, FeynCalcInternal -> True, DiracCanonical->False ], Pair ]; If[!FreeQ[diractrny, DiracGamma], diractrny = Expand2[diractrny /.dot->spursav /. DiracGamma[5]->0/. DiracGamma[6]->(1/2)/. DiracGamma[7]->(1/2), Pair ]; ]; ] ] , If[FreeQ[nx,DiracGamma], diractrny = nx, diractrny = Expand2[ DiracSimplify[ nx, InsideDiracTrace->True, Factoring->False, FeynCalcInternal -> True, DiracCanonical->False ], Pair ]; If[!FreeQ[diractrny, DiracGamma], diractrny = Expand2[diractrny /.dot->spursav /. DiracGamma[5]->0/. DiracGamma[6]->(1/2)/. DiracGamma[7]->(1/2), Pair ]; ]; ] ]; If[!FreeQ[diractrny, DiracGamma], diractrny = DiracSimplify[ diractrny, InsideDiracTrace->True, Factoring->False, FeynCalcInternal -> True, DiracCanonical->False ] ]; If[$VeryVerbose > 1, Print["CH2"]; Print[TimeUsed[]]]; If[!FreeQ[diractrny, LorentzIndex], If[!FreeQ[diractrny, Eps], es = {Pair[LorentzIndex[a_,D], b_] * Eps[c___,LorentzIndex[a_],d___] :> Eps[c,b,d], Pair[LorentzIndex[a_,D], b_] Eps[c___,LorentzIndex[a_,D],d___] :> Eps[c,b,d] }; diractrny = diractrny //. es ]; diractrny = diractrny /. Pair -> sCO /. sCO -> scev ]; If[$VeryVerbose > 1, Print["CH3"]; Print[TimeUsed[]]]; If[!FreeQ[diractrny, Eps], (* diractrny = Collect2[diractrny, Eps, Factoring -> False]; *) diractrny = EpsEvaluate[diractrny]//Expand; diractrny = Contract[ diractrny, EpsContract -> (EpsContract /. in /. Options[DiracTrace]) , Schouten->schoutenopt, Expanding -> False ]; ]; If[ diractrfact===True, diractrres = Factor2[traceofone diractrny], (* this 2@#$^^$#%^@*#$ ... !!!!; diractrres = Expand[ traceofone diractrny ] *) diractrres = traceofone diractrny ]; If[ Length[ mand ] >0, diractrres = TrickMandelstam @@ Prepend[ {mand}, diractrres ] ]; diractrpc[x__]:=Plus[x]/;FreeQ[{x},Pair]; If[ diractrcoll===True, diractrpc[x__]:=Collect2[ Plus[x],Pair ,Factoring -> False]; diractrres = diractrres/.Plus->diractrpc ]; diractrres]/;!FreeQ2[nnx,{dot,DiracGamma}]; (* endof diractraceev1 *) (* ************************************************************** *) (* #################################################################### *) (* Main49 *) (* #################################################################### *) spursav[0 ..] := 0; fdim[] = 4; fdim[a_] = a; spursavg[x___, LorentzIndex[a_, de___], LorentzIndex[a_, de___], y___] := (fdim[de] spursavg[x, y]) /. spursavg -> spug; diracga[DiracGamma[h_Integer]] := DiracGamma[h]; diracga[LorentzIndex[mu_, dii_]] := diracga[LorentzIndex[mu,dii],dii]; diracga[Momentum[p_, dii_]] := diracga[Momentum[p, dii],dii]; spug[x___] := spursav@@(Map[diracga, {x}] /. diracga -> DiracGamma); (* calculation of traces (recursively) -- up to a factor of 4 *) spursav[x_DiracGamma,y_DiracGamma,r_DiracGamma,z_DiracGamma, DiracGamma[5]]:=Block[{dirsign}, dirsign = LeviCivitaSign /. Options[Tr]; dirsign I Apply[ Eps, {x,y,r,z}/. DiracGamma[vl_[mp_,di___],di___]->vl[mp,di] ]//EpsEvaluate]; (* there is the problem with different Gamma5-schemes ... *) (* spursav[x___DiracGamma]:=MemSet[ spursav[x], spur[x] ]; *) spursav[x__DiracGamma] := MemSet[spursav[x], spur[x]]; (*Added 28/2-2001 by F.Orellana. Fix to bug reported by A.Kyrielei*) spursav[x : ((DiracGamma[__] | HoldPattern[Plus[__HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracGamma`DiracGamma]]) ..)] := MemSet[spursav[x], spur[x]]; (* spursav = spur; *) spur[]=1; spur[DiracGamma[5]]=0; spur[x_[y__],DiracGamma[5]]:=0; spur[a_[b__],x_[y__],DiracGamma[5]]:=0; spur[a_[b__],c_[d__],x_[y__],DiracGamma[5]]:=0; spur[a_[b__],c_[d__],x_[y__], _[__], odd__, DiracGamma[5]]:=0 /; OddQ[Length[{odd}]]; spur[a__] := (spur @@ Reverse[Transpose[{a}]]) /; (!FreeQ[{a}, DiracGammaT]) && FreeQ[{a},DiracGamma]; (* This is a definition of Trace( gamma[5] ) *) spur[x_,y_,r_,z_,DiracGamma[5]]:=Block[{dirsign}, dirsign = LeviCivitaSign /. Options[Tr]; dirsign I Apply[Eps, {x,y,r,z}/.DiracGamma[vl_[mp_,dii___],___ ]->vl[mp,dii] ]//EpsEvaluate]; spur[m_,n_,r_,s_,l_,t_,DiracGamma[5]]:= Block[{dirsign, sres, ltr}, If[($Kreimer === True) && (!OrderedQ[{m,n,r,s,l,t}]), Tr[1/(TraceOfOne/.Options[Tr]) DiracOrder[ m.n.r.s. l.t.DiracGamma[5] ] ], If[$Larin === True && !FreeQ[{m,n,r,s,l,t}, DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[_,_],_]] , ltr[a1_, a2_, a3_, a4_, a5_][ DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[in_,di___], di___] ] := Block[{f1, f2, f3,drsi}, drsi = LeviCivitaSign /. Options[Tr]; drsi = drsi/(TraceOfOne/.Options[Tr]); (*drsi is usually -1/4 *) {f1, f2, f3} = LorentzIndex[#, D]& /@ Unique[{"L","L","L"}]; Tr[drsi I/6 Eps[LorentzIndex[in, di], f1, f2, f3] * a1.a2.a3.a4.a5.DiracGamma[f1, D] . DiracGamma[f2, D] . DiracGamma[f3, D] ] ]; Which[ MatchQ[t, DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[__], ___]], ltr[m,n,r,s,l][t], MatchQ[l, DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[__], ___]], -ltr[m,n,r,s,t][l], MatchQ[s, DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[__], ___]], ltr[m,n,r,t,l][s], MatchQ[r, DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[__], ___]], -ltr[m,n,s,t,l][r], MatchQ[n, DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[__], ___]], ltr[m,r,s,t,l][n], MatchQ[m, DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[__], ___]], -ltr[n,r,s,t,l][m] ] ,(* nix Larin *) dirsign = LeviCivitaSign /. Options[Tr]; Expand[ + dirsign I ( scev[ m//gc,n//gc ] Apply[ Eps, {l,r,s,t}//gc ] - scev[ m//gc,r//gc ] Apply[ Eps, {l,n,s,t}//gc ] + scev[ n//gc,r//gc ] Apply[ Eps, {l,m,s,t}//gc ] + scev[ s//gc,l//gc ] Apply[ Eps, {m,n,r,t}//gc ] + scev[ l//gc,t//gc ] Apply[ Eps, {m,n,r,s}//gc ] + scev[ s//gc,t//gc ] Apply[ Eps, {l,m,n,r}//gc ] )//EpsEvaluate ] ] ] ] /; $West =!= True; (*spurdef*) (* this trace is calculated via expressing DiracMatrix[w1,w2,w3] by the Chisholm - identity; thus it is only valid in four dimensions and in the naive gamma5 prescription *) spur[w1_,w2_,w3_,w4_,w5_,w6_,w7_,w8_,DiracGamma[5] ]:= Block[{trsign,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6,z7,z8}, {z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6,z7,z8} = {w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8} /.DiracGamma[vl_[mp_,dii___],___]->vl[mp,dii]; trsign = LeviCivitaSign /. Options[Tr]; (* trsign is usually = -1 *) (* factor 4 is put later *) trsign*I*(Eps[w5, w6, w7, w8]*Pair[w1, w4]*Pair[w2, w3] - Eps[w4, w6, w7, w8]*Pair[w1, w5]*Pair[w2, w3] - Eps[w5, w6, w7, w8]*Pair[w1, w3]*Pair[w2, w4] + Eps[w4, w6, w7, w8]*Pair[w1, w3]*Pair[w2, w5] + Eps[w5, w6, w7, w8]*Pair[w1, w2]*Pair[w3, w4] - Eps[w4, w6, w7, w8]*Pair[w1, w2]*Pair[w3, w5] + Eps[w3, w6, w7, w8]*Pair[w1, w2]*Pair[w4, w5] - Eps[w2, w6, w7, w8]*Pair[w1, w3]*Pair[w4, w5] + Eps[w1, w6, w7, w8]*Pair[w2, w3]*Pair[w4, w5] + Eps[w1, w2, w3, w8]*Pair[w4, w7]*Pair[w5, w6] - Eps[w1, w2, w3, w7]*Pair[w4, w8]*Pair[w5, w6] - Eps[w1, w2, w3, w8]*Pair[w4, w6]*Pair[w5, w7] + Eps[w1, w2, w3, w6]*Pair[w4, w8]*Pair[w5, w7] + Eps[w1, w2, w3, w7]*Pair[w4, w6]*Pair[w5, w8] - Eps[w1, w2, w3, w6]*Pair[w4, w7]*Pair[w5, w8] + Eps[w3, w4, w5, w8]*Pair[w1, w2]*Pair[w6, w7] - Eps[w2, w4, w5, w8]*Pair[w1, w3]*Pair[w6, w7] + Eps[w1, w4, w5, w8]*Pair[w2, w3]*Pair[w6, w7] + Eps[w1, w2, w3, w8]*Pair[w4, w5]*Pair[w6, w7] - Eps[w1, w2, w3, w5]*Pair[w4, w8]*Pair[w6, w7] + Eps[w1, w2, w3, w4]*Pair[w5, w8]*Pair[w6, w7] - Eps[w3, w4, w5, w7]*Pair[w1, w2]*Pair[w6, w8] + Eps[w2, w4, w5, w7]*Pair[w1, w3]*Pair[w6, w8] - Eps[w1, w4, w5, w7]*Pair[w2, w3]*Pair[w6, w8] - Eps[w1, w2, w3, w7]*Pair[w4, w5]*Pair[w6, w8] + Eps[w1, w2, w3, w5]*Pair[w4, w7]*Pair[w6, w8] - Eps[w1, w2, w3, w4]*Pair[w5, w7]*Pair[w6, w8] + Eps[w3, w4, w5, w6]*Pair[w1, w2]*Pair[w7, w8] - Eps[w2, w4, w5, w6]*Pair[w1, w3]*Pair[w7, w8] + Eps[w1, w4, w5, w6]*Pair[w2, w3]*Pair[w7, w8] + Eps[w1, w2, w3, w6]*Pair[w4, w5]*Pair[w7, w8] - Eps[w1, w2, w3, w5]*Pair[w4, w6]*Pair[w7, w8] + Eps[w1, w2, w3, w4]*Pair[w5, w6]*Pair[w7, w8]) ] /; ($Larin =!= True) && ($West =!= True); (* this trace has been calculated according to Larin, i.e. expression DiracMatrix[w8].DiracGamma[5] by (-I/6) LeviCivita[w8,mu,nu,la] DiracMatrix[mu,nu,la] *) spur[w1_,w2_,w3_,w4_,w5_,w6_,w7_,w8_,DiracGamma[5] ]:= Block[{trsign,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6,z7,z8}, {z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6,z7,z8} = {w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8} /.DiracGamma[vl_[mp_,dii___],___]->vl[mp,dii]; trsign = LeviCivitaSign /. Options[Tr]; (* trsign is usually = -1 *) (* factor 4 is put later *) trsign*I*(Eps[z5, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z2, z3] - Eps[z4, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z2, z3] + Eps[z4, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z2, z3] - Eps[z4, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z2, z3] - Eps[z5, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z2, z4] + Eps[z3, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z2, z4] - Eps[z3, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z2, z4] + Eps[z3, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z2, z4] + Eps[z4, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z2, z5] - Eps[z3, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z2, z5] + Eps[z3, z4, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z2, z5] - Eps[z3, z4, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z2, z5] - Eps[z4, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z2, z6] + Eps[z3, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z2, z6] - Eps[z3, z4, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z2, z6] + Eps[z3, z4, z5, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z2, z6] + Eps[z4, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z2, z7] - Eps[z3, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z2, z7] + Eps[z3, z4, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z2, z7] - Eps[z3, z4, z5, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z2, z7] + Eps[z5, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z3, z4] - Eps[z2, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z3, z4] + Eps[z2, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z3, z4] - Eps[z2, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z3, z4] + Eps[z1, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z5]*Pair[z3, z4] - Eps[z1, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z6]*Pair[z3, z4] + Eps[z1, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z2, z7]*Pair[z3, z4] - Eps[z4, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z3, z5] + Eps[z2, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z3, z5] - Eps[z2, z4, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z3, z5] + Eps[z2, z4, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z3, z5] - Eps[z1, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z4]*Pair[z3, z5] + Eps[z1, z4, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z6]*Pair[z3, z5] - Eps[z1, z4, z6, z8]*Pair[z2, z7]*Pair[z3, z5] + Eps[z4, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z3, z6] - Eps[z2, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z3, z6] + Eps[z2, z4, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z3, z6] - Eps[z2, z4, z5, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z3, z6] + Eps[z1, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z4]*Pair[z3, z6] - Eps[z1, z4, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z5]*Pair[z3, z6] + Eps[z1, z4, z5, z8]*Pair[z2, z7]*Pair[z3, z6] - Eps[z4, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z3, z7] + Eps[z2, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z3, z7] - Eps[z2, z4, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z3, z7] + Eps[z2, z4, z5, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z3, z7] - Eps[z1, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z2, z4]*Pair[z3, z7] + Eps[z1, z4, z6, z8]*Pair[z2, z5]*Pair[z3, z7] - Eps[z1, z4, z5, z8]*Pair[z2, z6]*Pair[z3, z7] + Eps[z3, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z4, z5] - Eps[z2, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z4, z5] + Eps[z2, z3, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z4, z5] - Eps[z2, z3, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z4, z5] + Eps[z1, z6, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z3]*Pair[z4, z5] - Eps[z1, z3, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z6]*Pair[z4, z5] + Eps[z1, z3, z6, z8]*Pair[z2, z7]*Pair[z4, z5] + Eps[z1, z2, z7, z8]*Pair[z3, z6]*Pair[z4, z5] - Eps[z1, z2, z6, z8]*Pair[z3, z7]*Pair[z4, z5] - Eps[z3, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z4, z6] + Eps[z2, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z4, z6] - Eps[z2, z3, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z4, z6] + Eps[z2, z3, z5, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z4, z6] - Eps[z1, z5, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z3]*Pair[z4, z6] + Eps[z1, z3, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z5]*Pair[z4, z6] - Eps[z1, z3, z5, z8]*Pair[z2, z7]*Pair[z4, z6] - Eps[z1, z2, z7, z8]*Pair[z3, z5]*Pair[z4, z6] + Eps[z1, z2, z5, z8]*Pair[z3, z7]*Pair[z4, z6] + Eps[z3, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z4, z7] - Eps[z2, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z4, z7] + Eps[z2, z3, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z4, z7] - Eps[z2, z3, z5, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z4, z7] + Eps[z1, z5, z6, z8]*Pair[z2, z3]*Pair[z4, z7] - Eps[z1, z3, z6, z8]*Pair[z2, z5]*Pair[z4, z7] + Eps[z1, z3, z5, z8]*Pair[z2, z6]*Pair[z4, z7] + Eps[z1, z2, z6, z8]*Pair[z3, z5]*Pair[z4, z7] - Eps[z1, z2, z5, z8]*Pair[z3, z6]*Pair[z4, z7] + Eps[z3, z4, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z5, z6] - Eps[z2, z4, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z5, z6] + Eps[z2, z3, z7, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z5, z6] - Eps[z2, z3, z4, z8]*Pair[z1, z7]*Pair[z5, z6] + Eps[z1, z4, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z3]*Pair[z5, z6] - Eps[z1, z3, z7, z8]*Pair[z2, z4]*Pair[z5, z6] + Eps[z1, z3, z4, z8]*Pair[z2, z7]*Pair[z5, z6] + Eps[z1, z2, z7, z8]*Pair[z3, z4]*Pair[z5, z6] - Eps[z1, z2, z4, z8]*Pair[z3, z7]*Pair[z5, z6] + Eps[z1, z2, z3, z8]*Pair[z4, z7]*Pair[z5, z6] - Eps[z3, z4, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z5, z7] + Eps[z2, z4, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z5, z7] - Eps[z2, z3, z6, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z5, z7] + Eps[z2, z3, z4, z8]*Pair[z1, z6]*Pair[z5, z7] - Eps[z1, z4, z6, z8]*Pair[z2, z3]*Pair[z5, z7] + Eps[z1, z3, z6, z8]*Pair[z2, z4]*Pair[z5, z7] - Eps[z1, z3, z4, z8]*Pair[z2, z6]*Pair[z5, z7] - Eps[z1, z2, z6, z8]*Pair[z3, z4]*Pair[z5, z7] + Eps[z1, z2, z4, z8]*Pair[z3, z6]*Pair[z5, z7] - Eps[z1, z2, z3, z8]*Pair[z4, z6]*Pair[z5, z7] + Eps[z3, z4, z5, z8]*Pair[z1, z2]*Pair[z6, z7] - Eps[z2, z4, z5, z8]*Pair[z1, z3]*Pair[z6, z7] + Eps[z2, z3, z5, z8]*Pair[z1, z4]*Pair[z6, z7] - Eps[z2, z3, z4, z8]*Pair[z1, z5]*Pair[z6, z7] + Eps[z1, z4, z5, z8]*Pair[z2, z3]*Pair[z6, z7] - Eps[z1, z3, z5, z8]*Pair[z2, z4]*Pair[z6, z7] + Eps[z1, z3, z4, z8]*Pair[z2, z5]*Pair[z6, z7] + Eps[z1, z2, z5, z8]*Pair[z3, z4]*Pair[z6, z7] - Eps[z1, z2, z4, z8]*Pair[z3, z5]*Pair[z6, z7] + Eps[z1, z2, z3, z8]*Pair[z4, z5]*Pair[z6, z7]) ] /; $Larin === True; spur[x__,DiracGamma[6]]:=1/2 spur[x] + 1/2 spur[x,DiracGamma[5]]; spur[x__,DiracGamma[7]]:=1/2 spur[x] - 1/2 spur[x,DiracGamma[5]]; spur[x__]:=( DiracTrace@@ ( gamma67backj[ {x} ] ) ) /; !FreeQ2[{x},{DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[7]}]; gc[x_]:=x/.DiracGamma->gach; gach[ex_,___]:=ex /; Length[ex]>0; (*gachdef*) gach[n_Integer]=DiracGamma[n]; spur[y__] :=Block[ {spx,le=Length[{y}],tempres,i,spurjj,tempr, temp2 = 0,fi,spt, resp,scx,dirsign}, spx = ( {y}//DiracGammaExpand )/.DiracGamma->gach; scx[a_,b_]:=scev[spx[[a]],spx[[b]]]; resp = Which[ OddQ[le] && fr567[spx], 0 , le===2, scev[spx[[1]],spx[[2]]]/.Pair->sCO/.sCO->Pair, le===4, (scx[1,2] scx[3,4]-scx[1,3] scx[2,4]+scx[1,4] scx[2,3] )//Expand, le===6, ( scx[1,6] scx[2,5] scx[3,4] - scx[1,5] scx[2,6] scx[3,4] - scx[1,6] scx[2,4] scx[3,5] + scx[1,4] scx[2,6] scx[3,5] + scx[1,5] scx[2,4] scx[3,6] - scx[1,4] scx[2,5] scx[3,6] + scx[1,6] scx[2,3] scx[4,5] - scx[1,3] scx[2,6] scx[4,5] + scx[1,2] scx[3,6] scx[4,5] - scx[1,5] scx[2,3] scx[4,6] + scx[1,3] scx[2,5] scx[4,6] - scx[1,2] scx[3,5] scx[4,6] + scx[1,4] scx[2,3] scx[5,6] - scx[1,3] scx[2,4] scx[5,6] + scx[1,2] scx[3,4] scx[5,6] )//Expand , FreeQ[spx,DiracGamma[5]], For[i=2, ispursavg/.spursavg->spug] , True, If[($BreitMaison === True) && ($West =!= True), dirsign = LeviCivitaSign /. Options[Tr]; fi = Table[LorentzIndex[ Unique[] ],{spurjj,1,4}]; DiracTrace @@ ( {spx}/.DiracGamma[5]-> (dirsign I/24 (DiracGamma[fi[[1]]].DiracGamma[fi[[2]]]. DiracGamma[fi[[3]]].DiracGamma[fi[[4]]] ) (Eps@@fi) ) ) , If[$Kreimer === True, NochNichtFertig, If[$Larin === True, {fi1, fi2, fi3} = LorentzIndex[#,D]& /@ Unique[{"a","b","c"}]; drsi = LeviCivitaSign /. Options[Tr]; drsi = drsi/(TraceOfOne/.Options[Tr]); (*drsi is usually -1/4 *) temp2 = spx /. {a___, lomo_[mUU_,di___], DiracGamma[5]} :> Tr[ drsi I/6 Eps[lomo[mUU,di], fi1, fi2, fi3] * dot @@ Map[DiracGamma[#,D]&, {a,fi1,fi2,fi3}]]; ] ]; If[($Larin === False) && ($Kreimer === False) && ($West === True) && FreeQ[Drop[spx,-1], DiracGamma[5]] && Length[spx] > 6, (*Print["CHECKWEst"];*) temp2 = Expand[2/(Length[spx]-5) Sum[(-1)^(i+j+1) * scev[spx[[i]], spx[[j]]] spt@@Delete[spx,{{j},{i}}], {i,2,Length[spx]-1}, {j,1,i-1} ] ]; (* fi = LorentzIndex[Unique[]]; temp2 = scev[spx[[le-3]],spx[[le-2]]] spt@@Append[Drop[ Drop[spx,{le-3,le-2}],-1 ], DiracGamma[5]]- scev[spx[[le-3]],spx[[le-1]]] spt@@Append[Drop[ Drop[spx,{le-3,le-3}],-2 ], DiracGamma[5]]+ scev[spx[[le-2]],spx[[le-1]]] spt@@Append[Drop[spx,-3], DiracGamma[5] ] + ( I Eps[spx[[le-3]],spx[[le-2]],spx[[le-1]],fi] * spt @@ Append[Drop[spx,-4],fi] ); *) ]; temp2 = temp2/.spt->spursavg/.spursavg->spug; temp2 (*if $BreitMaison===True*) ] ]; resp]; (* #################################################################### *) (* Main50 *) (* #################################################################### *) (* ************************************************************** *) (* Properties and special cases of traces (up to a factor 4) *) tris[x___] := tris[x] = trI[x]; (*trisdef*) trI[a_+b_] := tris[a] + tris[b]; (*trIdef*) trI[] = 1; trI[ DiracGamma[5] ] = 0; trI[ DiracGamma[6] ] = 1/2; trI[ DiracGamma[7] ] = 1/2; trI[ a:DiracGamma[_[__]].. ,DiracGamma[n_] ] := 0 /; (OddQ[Length[{a}]]&&(n==5 || n==6 || n==7)); trI[ a:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. ,DiracGamma[n_] ] := 0 /; ($BreitMaison === False) && (OddQ[Length[{a}]]&&(n==5 || n==6 || n==7)) trI[ d:DiracGamma[__].. ] := 0/;(OddQ[Length[{d}]] && fr567[ d ]); trI[ d:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. ,DiracGamma[5] ] := 0/;Length[{d}]<4; trI[x_] := x /; FreeQ[ {x},DiracGamma ]; trI[ DiracGamma[a_[b__],___],DiracGamma[c_[d__],___], DiracGamma[6] ] := 1/2 scev[ a[b],c[d] ]; trI[ DiracGamma[a_[b__],___],DiracGamma[c_[d__],___], DiracGamma[7] ] := 1/2 scev[ a[b],c[d] ]; trI[ x__ ] := spursav[ x ]/;( Length[{x}]<11 && fr567[x]); (* #################################################################### *) (* Main51 *) (* #################################################################### *) (*trICdef*) (* cyclic property *) trIC[y___]:=If[$Kreimer =!= True, tris @@ cyclic[y], tris[y] ]; cyclic[x__]:=RotateLeft[{x},Position[{x},First[Sort[{x}]]][[1,1]]]; cyclic[]:={}; DiracTrace /: MakeBoxes[DiracTrace[a__, opts___Rule], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{"tr","(",TBox[a], ")"}] DiracTrace /: MakeBoxes[DiracTrace[a__], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{"tr","(",TBox[a], ")"}] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracTrace | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: DiracTraceEvaluate *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Option for DiracTrace and Tr *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracTraceEvaluate`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracTraceEvaluate::usage = "DiracTraceEvaluate is an option for DiracTrace and Tr. If set to False, DiracTrace remains unevaluated."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracTraceEvaluate | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DiracTrick *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: contraction and simplification rules for gamma matrices *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DiracTrick`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DiracTrick::usage= "DiracTrick[exp] contracts gamma matrices with each other and performs several simplifications (no expansion!!, use DiracSimplify for this)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ ChargeConjugationMatrix]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; MakeContext[ DiracGamma, DiracGammaT]; expanding := expanding = MakeContext["Expanding"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ FreeQ2, Pair, SUNT]; sCO := sCO = MakeContext["PairContract"]; MakeContext[LorentzIndex]; memset := memset = MakeContext["MemSet"]; MakeContext[Momentum]; noncommQ := noncommQ = MakeContext["NonCommQ"]; exscalpro := exscalpro = MakeContext["ExpandScalarProduct"]; Options[DiracTrick] = {expanding -> False}; scev[a_, b_] := scev[a, b] = exscalpro[Pair[a,b]]; coneins[x_] := x /. Pair -> sCO /. sCO -> Pair; (*By definition:*) DiracTrick[]=1; (* for time-saving reasons: here NO fci *) DiracTrick[y___,z_/;Head[z]=!=Rule] := (* memset[DiracTrick[y,z], *) drS[y, z]/.drS -> ds //.dr->drCOs /. drCO -> ds/. dr->ds/.dr->dot(*]*); DiracTrick[x_,r___Rule] := If[(expanding /. {r} /. Options[DiracTrick]) === True, Expand[ fci[x] /. Dot -> dot /. (*Pair -> sCO /.*) dot -> drS /.drS -> ds //. dr -> drCOs/. drCO -> ds /. dr -> ds /. dr -> dot ] (*/. sCO -> Pair*), fci[x] /. Dot -> dot /. (*Pair -> sCO /.*) dot -> drS /.drS -> ds //. dr -> drCOs/. drCO -> ds /. dr -> ds /. dr -> dot (*/. sCO -> Pair*) ]; SetAttributes[DiracTrick, Flat]; ds[x__] := memset[ds[x], dr[x]]; (* drdef *) ds[] = dr[]=1; dr[a___,y_ w_,b___] := dr[a, y, w, b] /; Head[y] === SUNT; dr[a___,y_ w_,b___] := coneins[y ds[a,w,b]]/;(noncommQ[y]&&FreeQ[y,dr]); dr[a___,y_ ,b___] := coneins[y ds[a,b] ] /;(noncommQ[y]&&FreeQ[y,dr]); dr[a_spinor, b___, c_spinor, d_spinor, e___, f_spinor, g___]:= dr[a, b, c] dr[d, e, f, g]; dr[a__]:=( ds[a]/.DiracGamma[6]->(1/2 + DiracGamma[5]/2)/. DiracGamma[7]->(1/2 - DiracGamma[5]/2) )/;(!FreeQ2[{a}, {DiracGamma[6], DiracGamma[7]}]) && (Head[DiracGamma[6]]===DiracGamma) && $BreitMaison === True; (* dr[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[x_[c__],di___],d___ ] := ( 1/2 ds[ b,DiracGamma[x[c],di],d ] - 1/2 ds[ b,DiracGamma[5],DiracGamma[x[c],di],d ] ) /; $BreitMaison === True *) dr[b___,DiracGamma[5],DiracGamma[5],c___]:= ds[ b,c ]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[5],DiracGamma[6],c___]:= ds[b,DiracGamma[6],c]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[5],DiracGamma[7],c___]:=-ds[b,DiracGamma[7],c]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[x_[c__],di___],d___ ]:= ds[ b,DiracGamma[x[c],di], DiracGamma[7],d ]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[6], DiracGamma[5], c___]:=ds[b,DiracGamma[6],c]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[6], DiracGamma[7], c___] := 0; dr[b___,DiracGamma[7], DiracGamma[6], c___] := 0; dr[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[x_[c__],di___],d___ ] := ds[ b,DiracGamma[x[c],di],DiracGamma[6],d ]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[5],c___] := -ds[b, DiracGamma[7], c]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[6],c___] := ds[b, DiracGamma[6], c]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[7],c___] := ds[b, DiracGamma[7], c]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[5],c:DiracGamma[_[_]].. ,d___] := (-1)^Length[{c}] ds[ b,c,DiracGamma[5],d]; (* o.k., some 4 years after the proposal of M.B., here it is: *) drS[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[_[__],___] + (n_. mass_), xy:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. , DiracGamma[6], c___] := (n mass drS[b, xy, DiracGamma[6], c]) /; NumberQ[n] && OddQ[Length[{xy}]] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[_[__],___] + (n_. mass_ ), xy:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. , DiracGamma[7], c___] := (n mass drS[b, xy, DiracGamma[7], c]) /; NumberQ[n] && OddQ[Length[{xy}]] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[_[__],___] + (n_. mass_ ), xy:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. , DiracGamma[6], c___] := (n mass drS[b, xy, DiracGamma[6], c]) /; NumberQ[n] && EvenQ[Length[{xy}]] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[_[__],___] + (n_. mass_ ), xy:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. , DiracGamma[7], c___] := (n mass drS[b, xy, DiracGamma[7], c]) /; NumberQ[n] && EvenQ[Length[{xy}]] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[v_[w__],di___] + (n_. mass_ ), DiracGamma[6], c___] := (n mass drS[b, DiracGamma[6], c] )/; NumberQ[n] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[v_[w__],di___] + (n_. mass_ ), DiracGamma[7], c___] := (n mass drS[b, DiracGamma[7], c] )/; NumberQ[n] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[v_[w__],di___] + (n_. mass_ ), DiracGamma[7], c___] := drS[b, DiracGamma[v[w],di], DiracGamma[7], c] /; NumberQ[n] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[v_[w__],di___] + (n_. mass_), DiracGamma[6], c___] := drS[b, DiracGamma[v[w],di], DiracGamma[6], c] /; NumberQ[n] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[v_[w__],di___] + (n_. mass_ ), xy:DiracGamma[_[_]].. ,DiracGamma[7], c___] := drS[b, DiracGamma[v[w],di], xy, DiracGamma[7], c] /; NumberQ[n] && EvenQ[Length[{xy}]] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[v_[w__],di___] + (n_. mass_ ), xy:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. ,DiracGamma[6], c___] := drS[b, DiracGamma[v[w],di], xy, DiracGamma[6], c] /; NumberQ[n] && EvenQ[Length[{xy}]] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[6],DiracGamma[v_[w__],di___] + (n_. mass_ ), xy:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. ,DiracGamma[6], c___] := drS[b, DiracGamma[v[w],di], xy, DiracGamma[6], c] /; NumberQ[n] && OddQ[Length[{xy}]] && noncommQ[mass]; drS[b___,DiracGamma[7],DiracGamma[v_[w__],di___] + (n_. mass_), xy:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. ,DiracGamma[7], c___] := drS[b, DiracGamma[v[w],di], xy, DiracGamma[7], c] /; NumberQ[n] && OddQ[Length[{xy}]] && noncommQ[mass]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[5],c:DiracGamma[_[__],_].. ,d___] := ( (-1)^Length[{c}] ds[ b,c,DiracGamma[5],d ] ) /; ($BreitMaison =!= True && $Larin =!= True); dr[b___,DiracGamma[5],DiracGamma[x_[y__],d_Symbol -4] ,f___] := (ds[ b,DiracGamma[x[y],d-4],DiracGamma[5],f ] ) /; ($BreitMaison === True); dr[b___,DiracGamma[5],DiracGamma[x_[y__],d_Symbol] ,f___] := ( 2 ds[b,DiracGamma[x[y],d-4],DiracGamma[5],f] - ds[b,DiracGamma[x[y],d],DiracGamma[5],f] ) /; ($BreitMaison === True); (* gamma[mu] gamma[mu] ---> 4, etc. *) dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_]], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_]],d___] := 4 ds[ b,d ]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_],di_], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_],di_],d___] := di ds[ b,d ]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_],di_], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_ -4],di_ -4],d___]:=(di-4) ds[ b,d ]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_]], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_ -4],di_ -4],d___] := 0; dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_]], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_ ],di_ ],d___] := 4 ds[ b,d ]; fdim[]=4; (* fdimdef *) fdim[dimi_]:=dimi; dcheck[dii_, diii__] := dimcheck[dii, diii] = If[Head[dii]===Symbol, True, If[Union[{dii, diii}]==={dii}, True, False]]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___], DiracGamma[x_[y__],di1___], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___],d___ ] := ( (2-fdim[dI]) ds[b,DiracGamma[x[y],di1],d] ) /; dcheck[dI, di1]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___], DiracGamma[x1_[y1__],d1___], DiracGamma[x2_[y2__],d2___], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___],d___ ] := ((4 sCO[x1[y1],x2[y2]] ds[b,d] + (fdim[dI]-4) ds[b,DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], d] ) /. sCO -> Pair ) /; dcheck[dI, d1, d2]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___], DiracGamma[x1_[y1__],d1___], DiracGamma[x2_[y2__],d2___], DiracGamma[x3_[y3__],d3___], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___],d___ ] := (-2 ds[b,DiracGamma[x3[y3],d3], DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], d] - (fdim[dI]-4) ds[b,DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], DiracGamma[x3[y3],d3], d] ) /; dcheck[dI, d1,d2,d3]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___], DiracGamma[x1_[y1__],d1___], DiracGamma[x2_[y2__],d2___], DiracGamma[x3_[y3__],d3___], DiracGamma[x4_[y4__],d4___], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___],d___ ] := ( 2 ds[b,DiracGamma[x3[y3],d3], DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], DiracGamma[x4[y4],d4], d] + 2 ds[b,DiracGamma[x4[y4],d4], DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], DiracGamma[x3[y3],d3], d] + (fdim[dI]-4) ds[b,DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], DiracGamma[x3[y3],d3], DiracGamma[x4[y4],d4], d] ) /; dcheck[dI, d1,d2,d3,d4]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___], DiracGamma[x1_[y1__],d1___], DiracGamma[x2_[y2__],d2___], DiracGamma[x3_[y3__],d3___], DiracGamma[x4_[y4__],d4___], DiracGamma[x5_[y5__],d5___], DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,dI___],dI___],d___ ] := ( 2 ds[b,DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], DiracGamma[x3[y3],d3], DiracGamma[x4[y4],d4], DiracGamma[x5[y5],d5], DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], d] - 2 ds[b,DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], DiracGamma[x4[y4],d4], DiracGamma[x3[y3],d3], DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], DiracGamma[x5[y5],d5], d] - 2 ds[b,DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], DiracGamma[x5[y5],d5], DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], DiracGamma[x3[y3],d3], DiracGamma[x4[y4],d4], d] - (fdim[dI]-4) ds[b,DiracGamma[x1[y1],d1], DiracGamma[x2[y2],d2], DiracGamma[x3[y3],d3], DiracGamma[x4[y4],d4], DiracGamma[x5[y5],d5], d] ) /; dcheck[dI, d1,d2,d3,d4,d5]; dr[b___,DiracGamma[Momentum[c_,dim1___],___], DiracGamma[Momentum[c_,dim2___],___],d___ ] := scev[Momentum[c,dim1],Momentum[c,dim2]] ds[b,d]; dr[ b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_]],d:DiracGamma[_[_]].. , DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_]],f___ ] := -2 ds @@ Join[ {b},Reverse[{d}],{f} ] /; OddQ[Length[{d}]]; dr[ b___,DiracGamma[Momentum[c__],dim___], DiracGamma[Momentum[x__],dii___], DiracGamma[Momentum[c__],di___],d___ ] := ( 2 scev[Momentum[c],Momentum[x]] ds[b,DiracGamma[Momentum[c],dim],d] - scev[Momentum[c],Momentum[c]] ds[b,DiracGamma[Momentum[x],dii],d] ); (* #################################################################### *) (* Main33 *) (* #################################################################### *) (* SUNstuff *) dr[ a___,b_,c:SUNT[i_].. ,d___] := dr[ a, c, b, d ] /; FreeQ2[b, {SUNT}]; HoldPattern[dr[ a___,b_ dr[c:(SUNT[_])..], d___]]:= ( dr[c] dr[a, b, d] )/;FreeQ[{a, b, d}, SUNT]; dr[ SUNT[i_], b___ ] := (SUNT[i] ds[b]) /; FreeQ[{b}, SUNT]; dr[ b__, SUNT[i_] ] := (SUNT[i] ds[b]) /; FreeQ[{b}, SUNT]; dr[ a__, b:SUNT[_].. ]:=(ds[b] ds[a])/; FreeQ[{a}, SUNT]; dr[ b:SUNT[_].., a__ ]:=(ds[b] ds[a])/; FreeQ[{a}, SUNT]; (* #################################################################### *) (* Main33a *) (* #################################################################### *) dr[ a___, ChargeConjugationMatrix, ChargeConjugationMatrix, b___ ] := -dr[a, b]; dr[ a___, ChargeConjugationMatrix, DiracGamma[5], b___ ] := dr[a, DiracGammaT[5], ChargeConjugationMatrix, b]; dr[ a___, ChargeConjugationMatrix, DiracGamma[6], b___ ] := dr[a, DiracGammaT[6], ChargeConjugationMatrix, b]; dr[ a___, ChargeConjugationMatrix, DiracGamma[7], b___ ] := dr[a, DiracGammaT[7], ChargeConjugationMatrix, b]; dr[ a___, ChargeConjugationMatrix, DiracGamma[x_], b___ ] := -dr[a, DiracGammaT[x], ChargeConjugationMatrix, b] /; !NumberQ[x]; dr[ a___, ChargeConjugationMatrix, DiracGammaT[x_], b___ ] := -dr[a, DiracGamma[x], ChargeConjugationMatrix, b] /; !NumberQ[x]; (* #################################################################### *) (* Main34 *) (* #################################################################### *) drCOs[x___] := memset[ drCOs[x], drCO[x] ]; (*drCOsdef*) (* Dirac contraction rules *) (*drCOdef*) drCO[ b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_Symbol-4],di_Symbol-4], d:DiracGamma[_[_,di_Symbol-4], di_Symbol-4].. , DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_Symbol-4],di_Symbol-4],f___ ]:= (drCO @@ ( { b, DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c,di-4], di-4], d, DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c,di-4], di-4], f } /. di -> (di + 4) )) /. di -> (di-4); drCO[ b___,DiracGamma[lv_[c_,di_Symbol-4],di_Symbol-4], w___, DiracGamma[ww_[y__],dim___], DiracGamma[lv_[c_,di_Symbol-4],di_Symbol-4], z___] := (Print["rdCOCheck"]; -drCO[ b, DiracGamma[lv[c,di-4],di-4],w, DiracGamma[lv[c,di-4],di-4], DiracGamma[ww[y],dim],z ] + 2 drCO[b, DiracGamma[ww[y],di-4], w,z] )/.drCO->ds; drCO[ b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_]],d:DiracGamma[_[__]].. , DiracGamma[x_[y__]],DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_]],f___ ] := ( 2 ds @@ Join[ {b},Reverse[{d}],{DiracGamma[x[y]],f} ] + 2 ds[ b,DiracGamma[x[y]],d,f ] ) /; OddQ[Length[{d}]]; drCO[ b___,DiracGamma[c_, di___],d:DiracGamma[_[__],___].. , DiracGamma[c_,dim___],f___ ] := Block[ {drCOij, drCOld = Length[{d}]}, (-1)^drCOld scev[c,c] ds[b,d,f] + 2 Sum[(-1)^(drCOij+1) coneins[ Pair[c,{d}[[drCOij,1]] ] * ds@@Join[{b},Drop[{d},{drCOij,drCOij}],{DiracGamma[c,dim],f}] ],{drCOij,1,drCOld} ] ]/;((Length[{d}]>0)&&FreeQ[c,LorentzIndex]&& (!NumberQ[c]) && !MatchQ[{di}, {_Symbol -4}]); (* #################################################################### *) (* Main35 *) (* #################################################################### *) drCO[ b___,DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_Symbol],di_Symbol], d:DiracGamma[_[_,dim___],dim___].. , DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[c_,di_Symbol],di_Symbol],f___ ]:= Block[{idrCO,jdrCO,lddrCO = Length[{d}]}, (-1)^lddrCO ( di - 2 lddrCO ) ds[b,d,f] - 4 (-1)^lddrCO Sum[ (-1)^(jdrCO-idrCO) * coneins[ Pair[{d}[[idrCO,1]],{d}[[jdrCO,1]] ] * ds@@Join[ {b},Drop[ Drop[{d},{idrCO,idrCO}], {jdrCO-1,jdrCO-1} ],{f} ] ], {idrCO,1,lddrCO-1},{jdrCO,idrCO+1,lddrCO} ]/.Pair->scev ] /;(Length[{d}]>5); drCO[ b___,DiracGamma[lv_[c_,dim___],dim___], DiracGamma[vl_[x__],dii___],d___, DiracGamma[lv_[c_,di___],di___],f___ ]:=(-ds[b, DiracGamma[vl[x],dii], DiracTrick[DiracGamma[lv[c,dim],dim],d, DiracGamma[lv[c,di],di]], f ] + 2 coneins[Pair[vl[x], lv[c,dim]] * ds[ b,d,DiracGamma[lv[c,di],di],f ] ] ) /; {dim} =!= {di}; (* ************************************************************** *) SetAttributes[drS,Flat]; (* ************************************************************** *) SetAttributes[dr,Flat]; (* quite important!!! *) (* ************************************************************** *) End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DiracTrick | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: Divideout *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Divideout is an option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Divideout`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Divideout::usage = "Divideout is an option for OPEInt and OPEInsert. The setting is divided out at the end."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Divideout | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DotPower *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: DotPower *) (* :Package Version 2.1 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DotPower`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DotPower::usage = "DotPower is an option for DotSimplify. It determines whether non-commutative powers are represented by succesive multiplication or by Power."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DotPower | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DotSimplify *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: last changed July 19th 2000 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: DotSimplify *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DotSimplify`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DotSimplify::usage = "DotSimplify[expr] expands and reorders noncommutative terms in expr. Simplifying relations may be specified by the option DotSimplifyRelations or by Commutator and AntiCommutator definitions. Whether expr is expanded noncommutatively depends on the option Expanding."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Commutator, CommutatorExplicit, DotPower, AntiCommutator, DOT, Expanding, FreeQ2, NonCommFreeQ, DotSimplifyRelations, MemSet, SUNT, SUNTrace, DiracGamma, QuantumField]; DotSimplify[a__, z_/;Head[z] =!= Rule, ___Rule] := soso /; Message[DotSimplify::argrx, DotSimplify, Length[{a}]+1, 1]; DotSimplify[___Rule] := soso /; Message[DotSimplify::argrx, DotSimplify, 0, 1]; DotSimplifyRelation = DotSimplifyRelations; Options[DotSimplify] = {Expanding -> True, DotSimplifyRelations -> {}, DotPower -> True}; DotSimplify[xx_, opts___Rule] := Block[ {pid, ex, ne, dlin,dlin0, x, DOTcomm, cru, aru, commm, acommm, acom, cdoot, sdoot,simpf, actorules, ctorules, acomall, comall, simrel, dootpow, dotpower,tic, dodot }, (* *) simrel = DotSimplifyRelations /. {opts} /. Options[DotSimplify]; dotpower = DotPower /. {opts} /. Options[DotSimplify]; simrel = simrel /. Power[aa_, bb_Integer?Positive] :> (DOT @@ Table[aa, {ijij, bb}]); x = Catch[ If[simrel =!= {}, (* CHANGE 08/94 *) sru[aa_ :> bb_] := (RuleDelayed @@ {sdoot@@Join[{Pattern[xxX, BlankNullSequence[]]}, If[Head[aa]===DOT, aa /. DOT -> List, {aa}], {Pattern[yyY, BlankNullSequence[]]} ] , sdoot[xxX, Hold[bb], yyY] } /. sdoot[] -> 1 /. sdoot -> DOT /. Hold[bb]:> bb ); sru[(aa_ /; FreeQ[aa, Pattern]) -> (bb_ /; FreeQ[bb, Pattern])] := (RuleDelayed @@ {sdoot@@Join[{Pattern[xxX, BlankNullSequence[]]}, (* Flatten[{aa} /. DOT -> List], *) If[Head[aa]===DOT, aa /. DOT -> List, {aa}], {Pattern[yyY, BlankNullSequence[]]} ] , sdoot[xxX, bb, yyY] } /. sdoot[] -> 1 /. sdoot -> DOT ); simrel = Map[sru, simrel]; ]; If[CheckContext["Commutator"] || CheckContext["AntiCommutator"], If[(!FreeQ[xx, Commutator]) || (!FreeQ[xx, AntiCommutator]), x = CommutatorExplicit[xx], x = xx ], x = xx ]; (* CHANGE 07/26/94 *) If[!FreeQ[x, SUNT], SetAttributes[TimesDot, HoldAll]; TimesDot[a__] := If[FreeQ[{a}, SUNT], Times[a], DOT[a]]; x = x /. Times -> TimesDot ]; (* If[CheckContext["LeftRightPartialD"], x = ExplicitPartialD[x]]; *) ex = Expanding /. {opts} /. Options[DotSimplify]; (* maybe this is somewhat slow; use FORM then ... *) If[!FreeQ[x, (a_/;!FreeQ2[a, $NonComm])^n_Integer?Positive], x = x /. {(a_/;!FreeQ2[a, $NonComm])^n_Integer?Positive :> DOT @@ Table[a, {n}] }; ]; (* check special case *) If[simrel === {}, vars = Union[Variables[Cases[xx, _, Infinity] ]]; If[Union[Map[DataType[#, NonCommutative]&, vars]] === {True}, If[FreeQ2[{DownValues[Commutator], DownValues[AntiCommutator]}, vars ], (* that means : just expansion, no acomms, comms *) x = Distribute[x /. DOT -> doot] //. doot[a___, n_?NumberQ b_, c___] :> (n doot[a, b, c]); Throw[x /. doot -> dootpow] ] ] ]; pid[u_,_] := u; cru[{commm[a_ /; FreeQ[a, Pattern], b_ /; FreeQ[b, Pattern] ], ww_ } ] := (RuleDelayed @@ {cdoot[ Pattern[xxX, BlankNullSequence[]], a, b, Pattern[yyY, BlankNullSequence[]] ], cdoot[xxX, ww, yyY] + cdoot[xxX, b, a, yyY ] } /. cdoot[]-> 1 /. cdoot -> DOT ); cru[{commm[a_ /; !FreeQ[a, Pattern], b_ /; !FreeQ[b, Pattern] ], ww_ }] := (RuleDelayed @@ {cdoot[ Pattern[xxX, BlankNullSequence[]], a, b, Pattern[yyY, BlankNullSequence[]] ], condition[ cdoot[xxX, ww, yyY] + cdoot[xxX, b/.Pattern -> pid, a/.Pattern -> pid , yyY ] , (!orderedQ[{a /. Pattern :> pid, b /. Pattern :> pid}]) ] } /. cdoot[]-> 1 /. cdoot -> DOT ) /. { orderedQ :> OrderedQ, condition :> Condition}; aru[{acommm[a_ /; FreeQ[a, Pattern], b_ /; FreeQ[b, Pattern] ], ww_ }] := (RuleDelayed @@ {cdoot[ Pattern[xxX, BlankNullSequence[]], a, b, Pattern[yyY, BlankNullSequence[]] ], cdoot[xxX, ww, yyY] - cdoot[xxX, b, a, yyY ] } /. cdoot[]-> 1 /. cdoot -> DOT ); aru[{acommm[a_ /; !FreeQ[a, Pattern], b_ /; !FreeQ[b, Pattern]], ww_ }] := { (RuleDelayed @@ {cdoot[ Pattern[xxX, BlankNullSequence[]], a, b, Pattern[yyY, BlankNullSequence[]] ], condition[ 1/2 cdoot[xxX, ww, yyY], sameQ[a /. Pattern :> pid, b /. Pattern :> pid] ] } /. cdoot[]-> 1 /. cdoot -> DOT ) /. {sameQ :> SameQ, condition :> Condition}, (RuleDelayed @@ {cdoot[ Pattern[xxX, BlankNullSequence[]], a, b, Pattern[yyY, BlankNullSequence[]] ], condition[ cdoot[xxX, ww, yyY] - cdoot[xxX, b/.Pattern -> pid, a/.Pattern -> pid , yyY ] , (!orderedQ[{a /. Pattern :> pid, b /. Pattern :> pid}]) ] } /. cdoot[]-> 1 /. cdoot -> DOT ) /. {orderedQ :> OrderedQ, condition :> Condition} }; cotorules[{}] = {}; cotorules[a__List] := (cotorules[a] = Select[Map[cru, a /. Commutator -> commm /. {HoldPattern :> Identity, HoldPattern :> Identity} /. RuleDelayed -> List ], FreeQ[#, cru]&] ); actorules[{}] = {}; actorules[a__List] := (*actorules[a] = *) Block[{tt}, tt = a /. AntiCommutator -> acommm; tt = tt /. {HoldPattern :> Identity, HoldPattern :> Identity}; tt = tt /. RuleDelayed -> List; tt = Select[Map[aru, tt], FreeQ[#,aru]&]; tt]; (* first the commutators, then the anticommutators *) comall[ yy__ ] := yy //. Flatten[cotorules[DownValues@@{Commutator}]]; acomall[ yy__ ]:= yy //. Flatten[actorules[DownValues@@{AntiCommutator}]]; DOTcomm[] = 1; (* there might be either explicit commutators or anticommutators to be inserted, or use: comall, acomall to make use of DownValues. *) Off[Rule::rhs]; If[simrel === {}, DOTcomm[xy__] := FixedPoint[acomall, FixedPoint[comall, DOT[xy], 242], 242 ] , DOTcomm[xy__] := FixedPoint[acomall, FixedPoint[comall, DOT[xy]//.simrel , 242 ] //. simrel, 242 ] //. simrel ]; If[ex === True, (* dlin[a___, b_Plus , c___] := Map[dlin[a,#,c]&,b] /;!FreeQ2[b, $NonComm]; *) dlin0[a___] := (Distribute[dlin[a]] //. dlin[h___, n_Integer c_, b___] :> (n dlin[h, c, b]) ); ]; (* dlin[a___, n_Integer c_, b___] := n dlin[a, c, b]; *) dlin[] = 1; dlin1[{ok___}, b_/;DataType[b, NonCommutative], c___] := dlin1[{ok, b}, c]; dlin1[{ok___},(n_?NumberQ) b_/;DataType[b, NonCommutative], c___] := n dlin1[{ok, b}, c]; dlin1[{ok___},b_, c___] := If[NonCommFreeQ[b] === True && FreeQ[b, dlin1], b dlin1[{ok}, c], If[Head[b] === Times, If[Select[b, NonCommFreeQ[#]&] =!= 1, Select[b, NonCommFreeQ[#]&]* dlin1[{ok, Select[b, !NonCommFreeQ[#]&]}, c], dlin1[{ok},b[[1]]] * dlin1[{},Rest[b],c] ], dlin1[{ok,b},c] ] ]; If[FreeQ[Attributes @@ {DOT}, Flat], x = FixedPoint[(# /. DOT -> dlin0/. dlin0 -> dlin //. dlin[a__] :> dlin1[{}, a] //. dlin1[{ookk___}] :> DOT[ookk] //. DOT[aa___, DOT[b__], c___] :> DOT[aa, b, c] /. DOT -> DOTcomm )&, x, 123 ] /. dlin -> DOT, simpf[y_] := MemSet[simpf[y], (y /. DOT -> dlin0 /. dlin0 -> dlin //. dlin[a__] :> dlin1[{}, a] //. dlin1[{ookk___}] :> DOT[ookk] /. DOT -> DOTcomm ) /. dlin -> DOT ]; x = FixedPoint[simpf, x, 123]; (* x = FixedPoint[(# /. DOT -> dlin0 /. dlin0 -> dlin //. dlin[a__] :> dlin1[{}, a] //. dlin1[{ookk___}] :> DOT[ookk] /. DOT -> DOTcomm )&, x, 123 ] /. dlin -> DOT *) ]; x]; If[CheckContext["SUNTrace"], If[!FreeQ[x, SUNTrace], x = x //. {DOT[a___,b_SUNTrace,c___] :> (b DOT[a,c]) , DOT[a___,b1_SUNTrace - b2_SUNTrace, c___] :> (b1 DOT[a,c] - b2 DOT[a,c]) } ] ]; If[!FreeQ[x, SUNT], x = x /. {DOT[a__DiracGamma,b__SUNT, c___]:> DOT[b, a, c], (* DOT[a, c, b], *) DOT[a__, DiracTrace[b__]] :> DOT[a] DiracTrace[b] /; FreeQ[{a},DiracGamma] } ]; (*CHANGE 03/98 *) If[!FreeQ[x, QuantumField], x = x /. DOT->dodot //. {dodot[a___,b_/;Head[b] =!= SUNT, c__SUNT,d___] :> dodot[a,c,b,d] } /. dodot->DOT; x = x /. DOT[a__SUNT, b__QuantumField] :> (DOT[a]*DOT[b]) ]; (* If[!FreeQ[x, SUNT], x = x /. DOT[a__DiracGamma, b__SUNT] :> (DOT[a] DOT[b]) ]; If[!FreeQ[x, SUNT], x = x /. DOT[b__SUNT, a__DiracGamma] :> (DOT[a] DOT[b]) ]; *) dootpow[a__] := If[FreeQ2[{a}, {DiracGamma,SUNT}], Apply[DOT, (#[[1]]^Length[#])& /@ Split[{a}]], DOT[a] ]; If[dotpower === True, x = x /. DOT -> dootpow /. dootpow -> DOT ]; x ]; If[MemberQ[$ContextPath,"HighEnergyPhysics`Tarcer`"], MakeBoxes[HighEnergyPhysics`Tarcer`SEpsilon[d_]^(n_), fmt_] := InterpretationBox @@ {StyleBox[SubsuperscriptBox["S", ToBoxes[First[Variables[d]], fmt], n], FontWeight -> "Bold"], SEpsilon[d], Editable -> False} ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DotSimplify | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: DotSimplifyRelations *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: DotSimplifyRelations *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DotSimplifyRelations`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DotSimplifyRelations::usage = "DotSimplifyRelations is an option for DotSimplify. Its setting may be a list of substition rules of the form DotSimplifyRelations -> {a . b -> c, b^2 -> 0, ...}."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DotSimplifyRelations | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: DummyIndex *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DummyIndex`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; DummyIndex::usage = "DummyIndex is an option CovariantD." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "DummyIndex | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Eps *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Eps is the head of Levi-Civita Tensor *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Eps`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Eps::usage = "Eps[a, b, c, d] is the head of the totally antisymmetric epsilon (Levi-Civita) tensor. The \"a,b, ...\" should have head LorentzIndex or Momentum or Integer. In case of integers the Levi-Civita tensor is evaluated immediately. Eps has an option Dimension (default 4). As alternative input LeviCivita[mu,nu, ...][p,q,...] can be used."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ChangeDimension]; dimension := dimension = MakeContext["Dimension"]; lor := lor = MakeContext["LorentzIndex"]; mom := mom = MakeContext["Momentum"]; Options[Eps] = {dimension -> 4}; (* Eps[a__, dimension->n_] := Eps@@ChangeDimension[{a},n]; *) Eps[a__Symbol, ru___Rule] := (Signature[{a}] (Eps @@ Sort[{a}])) /; Signature[{a}] =!= 1; Eps[a__Integer, ru___Rule] := Signature[{a}]; Eps[a___, n1_. lor[mu_,___], b___, n2_. lor[mu_,___],c___ ] := 0 /; NumberQ[n1 n2]; Eps[a___, n1_. mom[mu_,___], b___, n2_. mom[mu_,___],c___ ] := 0 /; NumberQ[n1 n2]; Eps[x__] := 0 /; ((!FreeQ[{x}, lor[_,_Symbol -4]]) || (!FreeQ[{x}, mom[_,_Symbol -4]]) ); Eps[a___, lor[mu_,_Symbol], b___, ru___Rule] := (Eps@@ {a, lor[mu], b, ru}) /; (dimension /.{ru} /. Options[Eps])===4; Eps[a___, mom[mu_,_Symbol], b___, ru___Rule] := (Eps@@ {a, mom[mu], b, ru}) /; (dimension /.{ru} /. Options[Eps])===4; Eps /: MakeBoxes[Eps[x__] ,TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox["\[Epsilon]", Tbox[x]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Eps | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: EpsContract *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: EpsContract *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`EpsContract`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; EpsContract::usage= "EpsContract is an option of Contract specifying whether Levi-Civita tensors Eps[...] will be contracted, i.e., products of two Eps are replaced via the determinant formula."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "EpsContract | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: EpsDiscard*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`EpsDiscard`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; EpsDiscard::usage= "EpsDiscard is an option for FeynCalc2FORM and SquareAmplitude. If set to True all Levi-Civita tensors are replaced by 0 after contraction."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "EpsDiscard | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: EpsEvaluate *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: simplification of Eps *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`EpsEvaluate`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; EpsEvaluate::usage = "EpsEvaluate[expr] applies total antisymmetry and linearity (w.r.t. Momentum's) to all Levi-Civita tensors (Eps's) in expr ."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Cases2, Eps , Expanding, ExpandScalarProduct, LorentzIndex, Momentum, Pair, PairContract]; EpsEvaluate[x_] := x /; FreeQ[x,Eps]; (*EpsEvaluatedef*) EpsEvaluate[x_] := Block[{nx,cx, tx, rud}, If[LeafCount[x] < 1000, x//.Eps->Epsev, cx = Cases2[x, Eps]; tx = Dispatch[Thread[rud[cx, cx//.Eps->Epsev]] /. rud->RuleDelayed]; x/.tx ] ]; Epsev[A__] := ( Expand /@ (Distribute[Dot[A]]// ExpandScalarProduct) )/. Dot->Epsevlin/.Epsevlin->Epsevantilin; Epsevlin[a___,b_ c_Momentum,d___] := b Epsevlin[a,c,d]; Epsevlin[a___,b_ c_LorentzIndex,d___] := b Epsevlin[a,c,d]; Epsevantilin[a__] := Signature[{a}] Eps@@Sort[{a}]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "EpsEvaluate | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: EpsilonOrder *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: EpsilonOrder *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`EpsilonOrder`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; EpsilonOrder::usage = "EpsilonOrder is an option of OPEIntDelta and RHI. The setting determines the order n (Epsilon^n) which should be kept."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "EpsilonOrder | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: ExpandScalarProduct *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: ExpandScalarProduct expands scalar products *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`ExpandScalarProduct`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; ExpandScalarProduct::usage = "ExpandScalarProduct[expr] expands scalar products of sums of momenta in expr. ExpandScalarProduct[x, y] expands ScalarProduct[x, y], where x and y may contain sums. ExpandScalarProduct does not use Expand on expr."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; lorentzindex := lorentzindex = MakeContext["LorentzIndex"]; memset := memset = MakeContext["MemSet"]; momentum := momentum = MakeContext["Momentum"]; momentumexpand := momentumexpand = MakeContext["MomentumExpand"]; sCO := sCO = MakeContext["PairContract"]; pair := pair = MakeContext["Pair"]; Options[ExpandScalarProduct] = {fci -> True}; (* since one never can remember this function ...*) FRH = FixedPoint[ReleaseHold, #]&; (* (* schwachsinn *) ExpandScalarProduct[x_] := If[LeafCount[x]<42, Expand[FixedPoint[pairexpand1,fci[x], 3]//momentumexpand ], FixedPoint[pairexpand1,fci[x], 3]//momentumexpand ]; *) ExpandScalarProduct[x_,ru___Rule] := If[(fci /. {ru} /. Options[ExpandScalarProduct]), FixedPoint[pairexpand1,fci[x], 3]//momentumexpand, FixedPoint[pairexpand1, x, 3]//momentumexpand ]; ExpandScalarProduct[x_, y_ /;Head[y] =!= Rule] := scev[x, y]; pairexpand1[x_]:= x/.pair->scevdoit; (* pairexpand[x_] := x/.pair->scev; (*pairexpanddef*) *) (* not always a good idea (IFPD) scev[x_,y_]:= memset[ scev[x,y], scevdoit[x,y] ]; *) scev = scevdoit; scevdoit[x_,y_] := Distribute[ sceins@@ ( Expand[ momentumexpand/@{x,y} ] ) ]/.sceins->sczwei/. sczwei(*->sCO/.sCO*)->pair; sceins[0,_]:=0; (*sceinsdef*) sceins[a_lorentzindex b_, c_] := b sceins[a, c]; sceins[a_momentum b_, c_] := b sceins[a, c]; sczwei[ _[_],_[_,_Symbol-4] ]:=0; (*sczweidef*) sczwei[ v_[x_,di_Symbol-4],w_[y_,di_Symbol] ]:= sczwei[v[x,di-4],w[y,di-4]]; sczwei[ w_[y_,di_Symbol],v_[x_] ]:=sczwei[ v[x],w[y] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "ExpandScalarProduct | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: Expanding *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Expanding *) (* :Package Version 2.1 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Expanding`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Expanding::usage = "Expanding is an option for Calc, Contract, DiracSimplify, SUNSimplify, etc.. As option for Contract it specifies whether expansion w.r.t. LorentzIndex is done BEFORE contraction. \n If set to False in DiracSimplify or SUNSimplify, only a limited set of simplifications (multiplicative linearity etc.) is performed in DiracSimplify."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Expanding | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`ExplicitLorentzIndex`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; ExplicitLorentzIndex::usage= "ExplicitLorentzIndex[ind] is an explicit Lorentz index, i.e., ind is an integer."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; (*Commented out 18/6-2002 by F.Orellana. Don't know why it was there - it causes infinite recursion*) (*MakeContext[ExplicitLorentzIndex];*) SetAttributes[ExplicitLorentzIndex, Constant ]; ExplicitLorentzIndex /: MakeBoxes[ ExplicitLorentzIndex[p_Integer, in___], TraditionalForm ] := p; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "ExplicitLorentzIndex | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: ExtraFactor *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: ExtraFactor *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`ExtraFactor`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; ExtraFactor::usage= "ExtraFactor is an option for SquareAmplitude and FermionSpinSum. The setting ExtraFactor -> fa multiplies the whole amplitude with the factor fa before squaring."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "ExtraFactor | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FAD*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FAD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FAD::usage= "FAD[q, q-p, ...] denotes 1/(q^2 (q-p)^2 ...). FAD[{q1,m}, {q1-p,m}, q2, ...] is 1/( (q1^2 - m^2) ( (q1-p)^2 - m^2 ) q2^2 ... ). (Translation into FeynCalc internal form is performed by FeynCalcInternal.)"; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[Dimension]; Options[FAD] = {Dimension -> D}; ff[{y_,z_}] := SequenceForm["[",y^2, "-", z^2,"]"]; (* ff[{y_,z_}] := SequenceForm[y^2, "-", z^2]; *) ff[y_/;Head[y]=!=List] := SequenceForm["[",y^2,"]"]; FAD/: MakeBoxes[FAD[a__], TraditionalForm ] := ToBoxes[1/ Apply[Times,Map[ff, {a}] ], TraditionalForm]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FAD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FeynCalcForm *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 24 November '98 at 16:48 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: FeynCalcForm[expr] formats expr in a short form. In FeynCalc.m $PrePrint can be set to $PrePrint = FeynCalcForm *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FeynCalcForm`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FCF::uasge= "FCF is a short form for FeynCalcForm."; FeynCalcForm::usage= "FeynCalcForm[expr] changes the printed output to a an easy to read form. Whether the result of FeynCalcForm[expr] is displayed or not, depends on the setting of $PrePrint. $PrePrint = FeynCalcForm forces displaying everything after applying FeynCalcForm. In order to change to the normal (internal) Mathematica OutputForm, do: ($PrePrint=.) . The default setting of $PrePrint is HoldForm "; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; FCF = FeynCalcForm; bra = "("; ket = ")"; ca := ca = MakeContext["CA"]; cf := cf = MakeContext["CF"]; chiralityprojector := chiralityprojector = MakeContext["ChiralityProjector"]; DeltaFunction:=DeltaFunction = MakeContext["DeltaFunction"]; dimension := dimension = MakeContext["Dimension"]; diracgamma := diracgamma = MakeContext["DiracGamma"]; diracmatrix := diracmatrix = MakeContext["DiracMatrix"]; DiracSigma := DiracSigma = MakeContext["DiracSigma"]; diracslash := diracslash = MakeContext["DiracSlash"]; diractrace := diractrace = MakeContext["DiracTrace"]; DiracGammaT := DiracGammaT = MakeContext["DiracGammaT"]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; eps := eps = MakeContext["Eps"]; Epsilon := Epsilon = MakeContext["Epsilon"]; FinalSubstitutions :=FinalSubstitutions = MakeContext["FinalSubstitutions"]; freeq2 := freeq2 = MakeContext["FreeQ2"]; Gstrong := Gstrong = MakeContext["Gstrong"]; propagatordenominator := propagatordenominator = MakeContext["PropagatorDenominator"]; feynampdenominator := feynampdenominator = MakeContext["FeynAmpDenominator"]; fourvector := fourvector = MakeContext["FourVector"]; GluonOperator := GluonOperator= MakeContext["Twist2GluonOperator"]; lorentzindex := lorentzindex = MakeContext["LorentzIndex"]; levicivita := levicivita = MakeContext["LeviCivita"]; Lower := Lower = MakeContext["Lower"]; metrictensor := metrictensor = MakeContext["MetricTensor"]; momentum := momentum = MakeContext["Momentum"]; NumericalFactor:= NumericalFactor=MakeContext["NumericalFactor"]; OPEDelta := OPEDelta = MakeContext["OPEDelta"]; OPEi := OPEi = MakeContext["OPEi"]; OPEj := OPEj = MakeContext["OPEj"]; OPEk := OPEk = MakeContext["OPEk"]; OPEm := OPEm = MakeContext["OPEm"]; OPESum := OPESum = MakeContext["OPESum"]; pair := pair = MakeContext["Pair"]; partial := partial = MakeContext["PartialD"]; field := field = MakeContext["QuantumField"]; polarization := polarization = MakeContext["Polarization"]; polarizationvector := polarizationvector = MakeContext["PolarizationVector"]; Power2 := Power2 = MakeContext["Power2"]; QCDScalemu := QCDScalemu = MakeContext["QCDScalemu"]; PlusDistribution := PlusDistribution = MakeContext["PlusDistribution"]; RHO := RHO = MakeContext["RHO"]; RHI := RHI = MakeContext["RHI"]; scalarproduct:= scalarproduct = MakeContext["ScalarProduct"]; Sn := Sn = MakeContext["Sn"]; spinor := spinor = MakeContext["Spinor"]; sundelta := sundelta = MakeContext["SUNDelta"]; sund := sund = MakeContext["SUND"]; sunf := sunf = MakeContext["SUNF2"]; sunF := sunF = MakeContext["SUNF"]; sunindex := sunindex = MakeContext["SUNIndex"]; sunt := sunt = MakeContext["SUNT"]; suntrace := suntrace = MakeContext["SUNTrace"]; tf := tf = MakeContext["Tf"]; nf := nf = MakeContext["Nf"]; Zeta2 := Zeta2 = MakeContext["Zeta2"]; Upper := Upper = MakeContext["Upper"]; Options[FeynCalcForm] = {FinalSubstitutions -> {}}; (* for future changes ... *) cdf = Symbol["CommonDefaultFormatTypes"]; FeynCalcForm[x_,opts___] := If[$Notebooks === True, If[$PrePrint=== FeynCalcForm, If[MemberQ[{TraditionalForm, StandardForm, InputForm}, "Output" /. ( cdf /. Options[$FrontEnd, "CommonDefaultFormatTypes"]) ] , Unset[$PrePrint]; (*Print["UNSETTED"]; *)x , (*i.e., in OutputForm one can have $PrePrint=FeynCalcForm *) feynCalcForm[x,opts] ], x ] , feynCalcForm[x,opts] ]; (* timefixdef : a more physics - like timing function *) tim[a_, b_] := If[$VersionNumber > 2.2 && $Notebooks===True, SequenceForm[StringInsert[ToString[Floor[10 a]],".",-2]," ",b], a b ]; (* due to Dave Withoff ... *) feynCalcForm[InputForm[f_]]:=InputForm[f]; SetAttributes[feynCalcForm, HoldAll]; SetAttributes[FeynCalcForm, HoldAll]; (*Unprotect[TimeUsed];*) (*TimeUsed /:*) HoldPattern[feynCalcForm[TimeUsed[]]] := timefix[TimeUsed[]]; (* Protect[TimeUsed]; *) timefix[n_]:= Which[ 0.<=n<0.02, tim[" < 0.02","s"], 0.02<=n<9.5, tim[N[n,2], "s"], 9.5<=n<59.5, tim[N[n,2], "s"], 59.5<=n<600, tim[N[n/60,2], "min"], 600<=n<3570, tim[N[n/60,2], "min"], 3569"f"; sumst[x_Plus]:=SequenceForm["(",x,")"]; sumst[y_]:=y; diracsldi[di_][x__,dimension -> di_] := diracslash[x, dimension -> di]; diracmadi[di_][x__,dimension -> di_] := If[!FreeQ[{x}, Rule], diracmatrix[x], diracmatrix[x, dimension -> di]]; diracmadi[di_][x__] := If[!FreeQ[{x}, Rule],diracmatrix[x], diracmatrix[x, dimension -> di]]; iDentity[a_,___] := a; sunident[a_] := a; didm[x_,y___]:=x; didl[x_,y___]:=x; Format[fcdot2[a_,b__]] := Infix[fcdot2[a,b], " ", 320]; fcdot2[x-y,x-rd] Format[fcdot2[a_]] := a; diF[x_-4]:=StringJoin[ToString[x],"-4"]; diF[x_]:=x; double[{a___, x_, x_, b___}] := {a,x,x,b}; dea[yy__] := double[Map[denfa,{yy}]] /. double -> Identity; denfa[_[Subscripted[x_[s_]],0]] := SequenceForm["(",x[s]^2,")"]; denfa[_[momentum[Subscripted[x_[s_]],___],0]] := SequenceForm["(",x[s]^2,")"]; denfa[_[x_]] := SequenceForm["(",x^2,")"]; denfa[_[x_,0]] := SequenceForm["(",x^2,")"]; denfa[_[x_,y_]] := SequenceForm["(",x^2,"- ",y^2,")"]; feynden[x__] := 1 / fcdot2 @@ ( dea @@ {x} ); ditr[x_,___] := "tr"[x]; fdprop[a__] := 1 / denfa[dudu[a]]; compind[a_] := If[Head[a] === Symbol, StringJoin[ToString[a],"*"], a "*"]; myscriptsbox[x_] := x; SetAttributes[sub, HoldAll]; sub[a_String, b_] := If[CheckContext[a], MakeContext[a] :> b, {}]; CC[x_] := CheckContext[x]; CC[x_,y__] := CheckContext[x] && CC[y]; (* change as a side effect the ordering Attribute of Plus and Times, but reinstall it again at the end. *) epsd[a___, (b_/;(Head[b] ===lorentzindex) || (Head[b] === momentum) )[c_,di_], d___] := Subscripted["eps"[di//diF]][a,b[c,di],d]; epsd[a__] := "eps"[a]; (* display only one dimension (for readability) *) ni[di_]:=ToString[di]; ni[di__]:=ToString[{di}[[1]]]; diracslm[a_] := diracslash[a]; diracslm[a_, rul___Rule] := diracslash[a, rul]; diracslm[a_, b__, rul_Rule] := SequenceForm @@ Map[diracslash[#, rul]&, {a, b}]; diracslm[a_, b__] := SequenceForm @@ Map[diracslash[#]&, {a, b}]; feynCalcForm[x_,opt___Rule]:=Block[{xxxx = Evaluate[x], subs}, subs = FinalSubstitutions /. {opt} /. Options[FeynCalcForm]; xxxx = xxxx /. subs; xxxx = xxxx/.(n_Real Second)->timefix[n]; xxxx = (xxxx/. dot:>fcdot /. sub["SUNN", "N"]/. If[CC["SUNTrace"], suntrace :> "tr", {}] /. If[CC["LeviCivita"], levicivita[v__] :> epsd[v], {}] /. If[CC["Eps"], eps[v__] :> epsd[v], {}] /. If[CC["MetricTensor"], metrictensor[v_, w_, ___Rule] :> "g"[v, w], {} ] /. If[CC["FourVector"], fourvector[Subscripted[p_[s_]], mu_] :> (SequenceForm@@Flatten[ {sumst[p[s]],"[",mu,"]"}]), {} ] /. If[ CC["ScalarProduct"], scalarproduct[ v_,v_ ] :> v^2, {}] /. If[ CC["ScalarProduct"], scalarproduct[v_ w_] :> (SequenceForm@@Flatten[ {v//sumst ,{"."},w//sumst} ]),{} ] /. If[CC["PolarizationVecvtor"], polarizationvector[ka_, mu_, ___] :> "ep"[ka, mu], {} ] /. If[CC["Polarization"], {pair[momentum[polarization[v_,-I,sun___]], lorentzindex[w_] ] :> ("ep(*)"[v,w,sun] ), pair[ momentum[polarization[v_,-I,___]] , lorentzindex[w_] ]:> "ep(*)"[v, w] , pair[ momentum[polarization[v_,I,sun___]], lorentzindex[w_] ]:> ("ep"[v,w,sun] (*/.sunindex:>iDentity*)) } , {} ] /. If[CC["Pair"], {pair[ lorentzindex[v_],lorentzindex[w_] ] :> "g"[v, w], pair[ lorentzindex[v_,di_],lorentzindex[w_,di_] ] :> (Subscripted["g"[di//diF]][v, w]) }, {} ] /. If[CC["Pair"], pair[ momentum[v_,___],momentum[v_,___] ] :> v^2, {} ] /. (* pair[ momentum[v_,di_],momentum[v_,di_] ] :> Subscripted[ (SequenceForm@@Flatten[ {v//sumst ,{"."},v//sumst} ] )[di//diF]] /. pair[ momentum[v_,di_],momentum[w_,di_] ] :> Subscripted[ (SequenceForm@@Flatten[ {v//sumst ,{"."},w//sumst} ] )[di//diF]] /. *) If[CC["Pair"], pair[ momentum[v_,___],momentum[w_,___] ] :> (SequenceForm@@Flatten[ {v//sumst ,{"."},w//sumst} ]), {} ] /. If[CC["Pair"], pair[ momentum[v_,di_Symbol-4],momentum[w_,di_Symbol-4] ] :> Subscripted[ (SequenceForm@@Flatten[{"(",v//sumst ,{"."},w//sumst,")"}] )[di//diF]] , {} ] /. If[CC["Pair"], pair[ lorentzindex[w_,___],momentum[Subscripted[v_[s_]],___ ]]:> (SequenceForm@@Flatten[ {sumst[v[s]],"[",w,"]"} ]), {} ] /. If[CC["Pair"], pair[ lorentzindex[w_, ___],momentum[v_, ___] ] :> (SequenceForm@@Flatten[ {sumst[v],"[",w,"]"} ]), {} ] /. If[CC["Polarization"], {polarization[ka_,-I,___]:>"ep(*)"[ka], polarization[ka_,I,___]:>"ep"[ka] }, {} ] /. If[CC["ComplexIndex"], {MakeContext["ComplexIndex"][i__] :> compind[i]}, {} ] /. If[CC["ChiralityProjector"], chiralityprojector[+1] :> diracgamma[6], {} ] /. If[CC["ChiralityProjector"], chiralityprojector[-1] :> diracgamma[7], {} ] /. If[CC["OPEDelta"], MakeContext["OPEDelta"] :> "De", {} ]/. If[CC["DiracMatrix"], diracmatrix[6] :> diracgamma[6], {} ] /. If[CC["DiracGamma"], {diracgamma[lorentzindex[v_]] :> diracmatrix[v, dimension -> 4], diracgamma[lorentzindex[v_,di_],di_] :> diracmatrix[v, dimension -> 4], diracgamma[momentum[v_]] :> diracslash[v, dimension -> 4], diracgamma[momentum[v_,di_],di_] :> diracslash[v, dimension -> 4] }, {} ]/. If[CC["DiracGammaT"], DiracGammaT[aa_,___]:> "gat"[aa], {} ] /. If[CC["DiracGamma"], {diracgamma[5] :> "ga[5]", diracgamma[6] :> "ga[6]", diracgamma[7] :> "ga[7]" }, {} ] /. If[CC["DiracMatrix"], If[(dimension /. Options[diracmatrix]) =!= 4, diracmatrix[v_] :> diracmadi[(dimension /. Options[diracmatrix])][v], {} ],{} ]/. If[CC["DiracMatrix"], diracmatrix[v__, dimension -> 4] :> diracmatrix[v], {} ] /. If[CC["DiracSlash"], diracslash[v__, dimension -> 4] :> diracslash[v], {} ] /. If[CC["DiracSigma"], { DiracSigma[_[a_], _[b_]]:> "Sigma"[a,b], DiracSigma[_[a_, b_]] :> "Sigma"[a,b] },{} ] /. If[CC["DiracMatrix"], { diracmatrix[v__, dimension -> di_] :> Subscripted["ga"[v][di]], diracmatrix[v__] :> "ga"[v] },{} ] /. If[CC["DiracGamma"], If[(dimension /. Options[diracslash]) =!= 4, diracslash[v__]:> diracsldid[(dimension /. Options[diracslash])][v]/. diracsldid :> diracsldi, {} ], {} ]/. If[CC["DiracGamma"], diracslash[aa_] :> diracslm[aa], {} ] /. If[CC["DiracGamma"], {diracslash[v_, dimension -> di_] :> Subscripted[ToString["gs"][di//diF] ][v] , diracslash[Subscripted[v_[s_]]] :> "gs"[v[s]] , diracslash[v_]:> ToString["gs"[v]] } , {} ] /. If[CC["Spinor"], { fcdot[spinor[-p_, 0, ___], a__] :> dot["v"[-p/.momentum->iDentity], a], fcdot[spinor[p_, 0, ___], a__] :> dot["u"[p/.momentum->iDentity], a], fcdot[a__,spinor[-p_, 0, ___] ] :> dot["v"[-p/.momentum->iDentity], a], fcdot[a__, spinor[p_, 0, ___]] :> dot[a, "u"[p/.momentum->iDentity]] }, {} ]/. If[CC["Spinor"], { fcdot[spinor[-p_, mas_, _], a__] :> dot["v"[-p/.momentum->iDentity,mas], a], fcdot[spinor[p_, mas_, _], a__] :> dot["u"[p/.momentum->iDentity,mas], a], fcdot[a__,spinor[-p_, mas_, _] ] :> dot[a, "v"[-p/.momentum->iDentity,mas]], fcdot[a__, spinor[p_, mas_, _]] :> dot[a, "u"[p/.momentum->iDentity,mas]] }, {} ]/. If[CC["Spinor"], { spinor[-p_,0,___] :> "v"[p /. momentum -> iDentity], spinor[p_,0,___] :> "u"[p /. momentum -> iDentity], spinor[-p_,ma_,_] :> "v"[p /. momentum -> iDentity,ma], spinor[p_,ma_,_] :> "u"[p /. momentum -> iDentity,ma] }, {} ]/. If[CC["SUNDelta"], sundelta[a_, b_] :> "d"[a, b], {} ] /. If[CC["SUND"], sund[a_, b_, c_] :> "d"[a, b, c], {} ] /. If[CC["SUNF2"], sunf[a_, b_, c_] :> "f"[a, b, c], {} ] /. If[CC["SUNF"], sunF[a_, b_, c_] :> "f"[a, b, c], {} ] /. If[CC["SUNT"], { sunt[a_] :> "T"[a], sunt[a_,b__] :> (fcdot2 @@ Map["T"[#]&,{a, b}]) }, {} ] /. If[CC["OPEm"], OPEm :> "m", {} ] /. If[CC["OPEi"], OPEi :> "i", {} ] /. If[CC["OPEj"], OPEj :> "j", {} ] /. If[CC["OPEl"], OPEl :> "l", {} ] /. If[CC["OPEk"], OPEk :> "k", {} ] /. If[CC["QuantumField"], { field[a_] :> a, field[a_, lori___momentum, suni___sunindex][p___] :> "Q"[a, lori,suni][p], field[a_, lori___lorentzindex, suni___sunindex][p___] :> "Q"[a, lori,suni][p], field[a_, lori___lorentzindex, suni___sunindex] :> "Q"[a, lori,suni], field[a_, lori___momentum, suni___sunindex] :> "Q"[a, lori,suni], field[pa:partial[_].., a_, lori___lorentzindex, suni___sunindex][p___] :> "Q"[pa, a, lori, suni][p], field[pa:partial[_].., a_, lori___momentum, suni___sunindex][p___] :> "Q"[pa, a, lori, suni][p], field[pa:partial[_].., a_, lori___lorentzindex, suni___sunindex] :> ("Q"[pa, a, lori, suni]/.partial -> "P"), field[pa:partial[_].., a_, lori___momentum, suni___sunindex] :> ("Q"[pa, a, lori, suni]/.partial -> "P") }, {} ]/. If[CC["QuantumField"], { partial[a_] :> "P"[a] }, {} ]/. fcdot:>fcdot2/. (*fcdot2 -> dot /.*) If[CC["DiracTrace"], diractrace[v__] :> ditr[v], {}] /. lorentzindex[v__] :> didl[v] /. If[CC["QuantumField"], field[v__] :> "Q"[v], {} ] /. If[CC["PartialD"], partial[v_] :> "P"[v], {} ] /. If[CC["PlusDistribution"], PlusDistribution[v_] :> plusdi[v], {} ] /. If[CC["SUNIndex"], sunindex[i_] :> sunident[i], {} ]/. If[CC["OPESum"], OPESum :> "OPESum", {} ]/. If[CC["DeltaFunction"], DeltaFunction :> "delta", {} ] /. If[CC["Twist2GluonOperator"], GluonOperator:>"GO",{} ] /. If[CC["SunIndex"], sunident :> sunindex, {} ] /. If[CC["FeynAmpDenominator"], feynampdenominator[v__] :> feynden[v], {} ] /. If[CC["PropagatorDenominator"], propagatordenominator[v__] :> fdprop[v], {} ] /. If[CC["Lower"], Lower[v_,___] :> v, {}] /. If[CC["Upper"], Upper[v_,___] :> v, {}] /. If[CC["Momentum"], momentum[v__] :> didm[v], {}] /. lorentzindex[v__] :> didl[v] /. {didm :> momentum, didl :> lorentzindex} ); xxxx]; plusdi[a_] := Subscripted[SequenceForm["(",a,")"][" + "]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FeynCalcForm | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FieldStrength *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 16 March '98 at 11:52 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: F_{\mu \nu}^a *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FieldStrength`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FieldStrength::usage = "FieldStrength[mu,nu,a] is the field strength tensor F_{mu nu}^a = partial_mu A_nu^a - partial_nu A_mu^a + g f^{abc} A_mu^b A_nu^c. FieldStrength[mu,nu] is the field strength tensor F_{mu nu}^a = partial_mu A_nu^a - partial_nu A_mu. The name of the field (A) and the coupling constant (g) can be set through the options or by additional arguments: FieldStrength[mu,nu,a, A, g] or, specifying the dummy color indices: FieldStrength[mu,nu,a, {A,b,c}, g]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ CouplingConstant, DeclareNonCommutative, DOT, Explicit, FreeQ2, GaugeField, Gstrong, IndexPosition, LorentzIndex, Momentum, OPEDelta, PartialD, RightPartialD, QuantumField, SUNF, SUNIndex]; DeclareNonCommutative[FieldStrength]; Options[FieldStrength] = {CouplingConstant -> Gstrong, Explicit -> False, IndexPosition -> {0,0}, Symbol -> "F", QuantumField -> GaugeField}; FieldStrength[mu___, OPEDelta, nu___] := FieldStrength[mu, Momentum[OPEDelta], nu]; FieldStrength[mu_, nu_, a_, {aA_, b_, c_}, g_ /; Head[g] =!= Rule, ru___Rule] := (QuantumField[PartialD[LorentzIndex[mu]], aA, LorentzIndex[nu], SUNIndex[a]] - QuantumField[PartialD[LorentzIndex[nu]],aA, LorentzIndex[mu], SUNIndex[a]] + (* dat is hEEEEEl belangrijk .... *) g SUNF[a, b, c] DOT[QuantumField[aA, LorentzIndex[mu], SUNIndex[b]], QuantumField[aA, LorentzIndex[nu], SUNIndex[c]] ] ) /; FreeQ2[{mu,nu}, {Momentum, OPEDelta}] && (Explicit /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]); FieldStrength[mu_, Momentum[OPEDelta], a_, {aA_, b_, c_}, g_ /; Head[g] =!= Rule, ru___Rule] := (QuantumField[PartialD[LorentzIndex[mu]], aA, Momentum[OPEDelta], SUNIndex[a]] - QuantumField[PartialD[Momentum[OPEDelta]],aA, LorentzIndex[mu], SUNIndex[a]] + (* dat is hEEEEEl belangrijk .... *) g SUNF[a, b, c] DOT[QuantumField[aA, LorentzIndex[mu], SUNIndex[b]], QuantumField[aA, Momentum[OPEDelta], SUNIndex[c]] ] ) /; FreeQ2[{mu}, {Momentum, OPEDelta}] && (Explicit /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]); FieldStrength[Momentum[OPEDelta], nu_, a_, {aA_, b_, c_}, g_ /; Head[g] =!= Rule, ru___Rule] := (QuantumField[PartialD[Momentum[OPEDelta]], aA, LorentzIndex[nu], SUNIndex[a]] - QuantumField[PartialD[LorentzIndex[nu]],aA, Momentum[OPEDelta], SUNIndex[a]] + (* dat is hEEEEEl belangrijk .... *) g SUNF[a, b, c] DOT[QuantumField[aA, Momentum[OPEDelta], SUNIndex[b]], QuantumField[aA, LorentzIndex[nu], SUNIndex[c]] ] ) /; FreeQ2[{nu}, {Momentum, OPEDelta}] && (Explicit /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]); FieldStrength[mu_, nu_, ru___Rule] := ( QuantumField[PartialD[mu], QuantumField /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength], LorentzIndex[nu] ] - QuantumField[PartialD[nu], QuantumField /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength], LorentzIndex[mu] ] ) /; (Explicit /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]); FieldStrength[mu_, nu_, a_, ru___Rule] := Block[{g,b,c}, b = Unique["b"]; c = Unique["c"]; FieldStrength[mu, nu, a, {QuantumField /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength], b, c}, CouplingConstant /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength], ru ] ] /; (Explicit /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]); MakeBoxes[FieldStrength[mu_, nu_, a___, ru___Rule], TraditionalForm ] := Catch[ If[(IndexPosition /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]) === {0,0}, Throw[SubsuperscriptBox[Evaluate[Symbol /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]], Tbox[mu,nu], Tbox[a] ] ] ]; If[(IndexPosition /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]) === {1,1}, Throw[SubsuperscriptBox[Evaluate[Symbol /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]], "\[Null]", Tbox[a,mu,nu] ] ] ]; If[(IndexPosition /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]) === {0,1}, Throw[SubsuperscriptBox[Evaluate[Symbol /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]], Tbox[mu], Tbox[a,nu] ] ] ]; If[(IndexPosition /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]) === {1,0}, Throw[SubsuperscriptBox[Evaluate[Symbol /. {ru} /. Options[FieldStrength]], Tbox[nu], Tbox[a,mu] ] ] ]; ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FieldStrength | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FinalSubstitutions *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: option for seveal functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FinalSubstitutions`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FinalSubstitutions::usage = "FinalSubstitutions is an option for OneLoop and OneLoopSum and Write2. All substitutions indicated hereby are done at the end of the calculation."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FinalSubstitutions | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: FORM *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: FORM *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FORM`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FORM::usage = "FORM is an option for RHI. If set to True a FORM file is generated and run from Mathematica (provided R. Hambergs FORM-program is installed correctly ... )."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FORM | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FORMEpilog *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: FORMEpilog *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FORMEpilog`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FORMEpilog::usage = "FORMEpilog is an option for FeynCalc2FORM. It may be set to a string which is put at the end of the FORM-file."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FORMEpilog | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FORMProlog *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: FORMProlog *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FORMProlog`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FORMProlog::usage = "FORMProlog is an option for FeynCalc2FORM. It may be set to a string which is put after the type declarations of the FORM-file."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FORMProlog | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FRH *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: FRH[x_] := FixedPoint[ReleaseHold, x] *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FRH`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FRH::usage = "FRH[exp_] := FixedPoint[ReleaseHold, exp], i.e., FRH removes all HoldForm and Hold in exp."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; FRH[x_] := FixedPoint[ReleaseHold, x]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FRH | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FV *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FV`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FV::usage= "FV[p,mu] is a fourvector and is transformed into Pair[Momentum[p], LorentzIndex[mu]] by FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Momentum SP, SPD]; FV[p_ /; Head[p]=!=Momentum, Momentum[b_]]:= SP[p,b]; FV[Momentum[p_], Momentum[b_]]:= SP[p,b]; FV /: MakeBoxes[FV[a_Subscripted, b_], TraditionalForm] := SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[a[[1,0]]], Tbox@@a[[1]], Tbox[b]]; FV /: MakeBoxes[FV[a_Subscript, b_], TraditionalForm] := SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[a[[1]]], Tbox@@Rest[a], Tbox[b]]; FV /: MakeBoxes[FV[a_, b_], TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox[Tbox[a], Tbox[b]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FV | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: FVD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FVD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FVD::usage= "FVD[p,mu] is a fourvector and is transformed into Pair[Momentum[p,D], LorentzIndex[mu,D]] by FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; FVD /: MakeBoxes[FVD[a_Subscripted, b_], TraditionalForm] := SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[a[[1,0]]], Tbox@@a[[1]], Tbox[b]]; FVD /: MakeBoxes[FVD[a_Subscript, b_], TraditionalForm] := SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[a[[1]]], Tbox@@Rest[a], Tbox[b]]; FVD /: MakeBoxes[FVD[a_, b_], TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox[Tbox[a], Tbox[b]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FVD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FactorFull *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FactorFull`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FactorFull::usage= "FactorFull is an option of Factor2 (default False). If set to False, products like (a-b) (a+b) will be replaced by (a^2-b^2)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FactorFull | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FactorTime *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FactorTime`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FactorTime::usage= "FactorTime is an option for Factor2. It denotes the maximum time (in seconds) during which Factor2 tries to factor."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FactorTime | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Factoring *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Factoring is an option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Factoring`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Factoring::usage = "Factoring is an option for Collect2, Contract, Tr and more functions. If set to True, the result will be factored, using Factor2. If set to any function f, this function will be used."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Factoring | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Factorout *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Factorout is an option for OPEInt *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Factorout`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Factorout::usage = "Factorout is an option for OPEInt."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Factorout | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FeynAmp *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FeynAmp`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FeynAmp::usage= "FeynAmp[q, amp] is the head of a Feynman amplitude. amp denotes the analytical expression for the amplitude, where q is the integration variable. FeynAmp[q1, q2, amp] denotes a two-loop amplitude."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; FeynAmp /: MakeBoxes[ FeynAmp[q_Symbol,amp_], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{"\[Integral]", RowBox[{ StyleBox[ RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], q}], ZeroWidthTimes -> True ] } ], "(",Tbox[amp],")" } ]; FeynAmp /: MakeBoxes[ FeynAmp[gr_[__],q_Symbol,amp_], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{"\[Integral]", RowBox[{ StyleBox[ RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], q}], ZeroWidthTimes -> True ] } ], "(",Tbox[amp],")" } ]; FeynAmp /: MakeBoxes[ FeynAmp[gr_[__],q_Symbol,amp_], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{"\[Integral]", RowBox[{ StyleBox[ RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], q}], ZeroWidthTimes -> True ] } ], "(",Tbox[amp],")" } ]; FeynAmp /: MakeBoxes[ FeynAmp[ q1_, q2_, amp_], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[ {"\[Integral]", RowBox[{ StyleBox[ RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q1]}], ZeroWidthTimes->True ] , "\[Integral]", RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q2]}] } ], "(",Tbox[amp],")" }]; FeynAmp /: MakeBoxes[ FeynAmp[gr_[__], q1_Symbol, q2_Symbol, amp_], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[ {"\[Integral]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q1]}] , "\[Integral]", FractionBox[RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q2]}], SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{"(", "2", "\[Pi]",")"} ],"D"] ] } ], "(",Tbox[amp],")" }]; MakeBoxes[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FeynAmp`FeynAmp[ q1_, q2_, q3_, amp_], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[ {"\[Integral]", RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q1]}], SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{"(", "2", "\[Pi]",")"} ],"D"] ] , "\[Integral]", FractionBox[RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q2]}], SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{"(", "2", "\[Pi]",")"} ],"D"] ] , "\[Integral]", FractionBox[RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q3]}], SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{"(", "2", "\[Pi]",")"} ],"D"] ] } ], "(",Tbox[amp],")" }]; MakeBoxes[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FeynAmp`FeynAmp[ gr_[__], q1_Symbol, q2_Symbol, q3_Symbol, amp_], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[ {"\[Integral]", RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q1]}], SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{"(", "2", "\[Pi]",")"} ],"D"] ] , "\[Integral]", FractionBox[RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q2]}], SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{"(", "2", "\[Pi]",")"} ],"D"] ] , "\[Integral]", FractionBox[RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\[DifferentialD]","D"], Tbox[q3]}], SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{"(", "2", "\[Pi]",")"} ],"D"] ] } ], "(",Tbox[amp],")" }]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FeynAmp | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FeynAmpDenominator *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 16 August '97 at 18:22 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: FeynAmpDenominator *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FeynAmpDenominator`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FeynAmpDenominator::usage = "FeynAmpDenominator[ PropagatorDenominator[ ... ], PropagatorDenominator[ ... ], ... ] is the head of the denominators of the propagators, i.e. FeynAmpDenominator[x] is the representation of 1/x ."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ FAD, FeynCalcInternal, Momentum]; FeynAmpDenominator[ar__List] := FeynAmpDenominator[ar]= FeynCalcInternal[FAD[ar]]; (* somehow all this is not necessary anymore, therfore commented out: PropagatorDenominator = MakeContext["PropagatorDenominator"]; Momentum = MakeContext["Momentum"]; (* just for a bug-fix in TraditionalForm *) spa[ww_] := sps[Expand[ww /. Momentum[a_,___] :> a]]; sps[y_] := If[FreeQ[y, Plus], Tbox[y^2], If[MatchQ[y, a_ - b_] && Length[y]===2, If[ y =!= (y[[2]] - (-y[[1]])), Tbox[y^2], SuperscriptBox[ TBox["(",y[[2]],"-",-y[[1]],")"],2] ], Tbox[y^2] ] ]; psp[{a_}] := prt[a]; psp[{a_, b__}] := prt[a, Length[{b}]+1]; prt[{a_, 0}] := TBox["[",spa[a],"]"]; prt[{a_, b_}] := TBox["[", spa[a], " - ", b^2, "]"]; prt[{a_, 0},p_] := SuperscriptBox[TBox["[",spa[a],"]"], TBox[p]]; prt[{a_, b_}, p_] := SuperscriptBox[ TBox["[", spa[a], " - ", b^2, "]"], TBox[p] ]; spfix[a__] := Append[Table[TBox[{a}[[i]]," "], {i,Length[{a}]-1}], Last[{a}] ]; FeynAmpDenominator /: MakeBoxes[FeynAmpDenominator[_[a__]], TraditionalForm] := ToBoxes[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PropagatorDenominator`PropagatorDenominator[a], TraditionalForm ]; FeynAmpDenominator /: MakeBoxes[FeynAmpDenominator[a__,b_], TraditionalForm ] := (RowBox@@ Apply[spfix,(Map[psp, Split[{a,b}]] /. PropagatorDenominator->List)] ) *) (* FeynAmpDenominator /: *) MakeBoxes[f_. FeynAmpDenominator[a__], TraditionalForm ] := (MakeBoxes[#,TraditionalForm]&)@@{f/ Apply[Dot, Map[( (#[[1]]/.Momentum[aa_,___]:>aa)^2 - #[[2]]^2 )&, {a} ] ]} End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FeynAmpDenominator | \n "]]; Null (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FeynAmpList`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FeynAmpList::usage= "FeynAmpList[info][FeynAmp[...], FeynAmp[...], ...] is a head of a list of Feynman amplitudes."; Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FeynAmpList | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: FeynmanParameterNames *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FeynmanParameterNames`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FeynmanParameterNames::usage= "FeynmanParameterNames is an option for FeynmanParametrize and \ FeynmanParametrize."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FeynmanParameterNames | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FourVector *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: FourVector *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FourVector`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FourVector::usage = "FourVector[p, mu] is the four Dimensional vector p with Lorentz index m. A vector with space-time Dimension d is obtained by supplying the option Dimension->d." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ Dimension, LorentzIndex, Momentum, Pair]; Options[FourVector] = {Dimension -> 4, FeynCalcInternal -> True}; (* experimentally *) FourVector[a_,b_, c___Rule] := Pair[Momentum[a, Dimension /. {c} /. Options[FourVector]], LorentzIndex[b, Dimension /. {c} /. Options[FourVector]] ] /; FreeQ[{a, b}, Momentum] && FreeQ[{a, b}, LorentzIndex] && ((fci /. {c} /. Options[FourVector]) === True); FourVector /: MakeBoxes[FourVector[a_Plus,b_, ___], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox[Tbox["(",HoldForm[a], ")"],Tbox[b]]; FourVector /: MakeBoxes[FourVector[a_,b_, ___], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox[Tbox[a],Tbox[b]] /; Head[a] =!= Plus; (* FourVector /: MakeBoxes[FourVector[a_Plus,b_, ___], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox[TBOX[TextBox["("],HoldForm[a], TextBox[")"]],TBOX[b]]; FourVector /: MakeBoxes[FourVector[a_,b_, ___], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox[TBOX[a],TBOX[b]] /; Head[a] =!= Plus; *) End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FreeIndex *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FreeIndex`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FreeIndex::usage= "FreeIndex is a datatype which is recognized by Contract. Possible use: DataType[mu, FreeIndex] = True."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FreeIndex | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FreeQ2 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Extension of FreeQ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FreeQ2`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FreeQ2::usage = "FreeQ2[expr, {form1, form2, ...}] yields True if expr does not contain any occurence of form1, form2, ... and False otherwise. FreeQ2[expr, form] is the same as FreeQ[expr, form]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; FreeQ2[_,{}] := True; FreeQ2[x_, y_] := FreeQ[x, y] /; Head[y] =!= List; FreeQ2[x_, {y_}] := FreeQ[x, y]; FreeQ2[x_, {y_, z__}] := If[FreeQ[x, y], FreeQ2[x, {z}], False]; (* this is eventually slower ... FreeQ2[x_, {y_, z__}] := FreeQ[x, Alternatives@@{y,z}]; *) End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "FreeQ2 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: GA *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 8 December '98 at 12:57 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GA`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GA::usage= "GA[mu] can be used as input for gamma_mu and is transformed into DiracMatrix[mu] by FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext["DeclareNonCommutative"][GA]; GA[x_Dot] := Map[GA,x]; GA[x_, y__] := Dot @@ Map[GA,{x,y}]; GA /: MakeBoxes[ GA[x_], TraditionalForm ] := If[$Covariant, SubscriptBox["\[Gamma]",MakeBoxes[x,TraditionalForm]], SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]",MakeBoxes[x,TraditionalForm]] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GA | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: GA5 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GA5`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GA5::usage= "GA5 is equivalent to DiracGamma[5] and denotes gamma5."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DiracGamma]; GA5 = DiracGamma[5]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GA5 | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: GAD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GAD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GAD::usage= "GAD[mu] can be used as input for a D-dimensional gamma_mu and is transformed into DiracMatrix[mu, Dimension->D] by FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; GAD[x_Dot] := Map[GAD, x]; GAD[x_, y__] := Dot @@ Map[GAD,{x,y}]; GAD /: MakeBoxes[ GAD[x_], TraditionalForm ] := If[$Covariant, SubscriptBox["\[Gamma]",MakeBoxes[x,TraditionalForm]], SuperscriptBox["\[Gamma]",MakeBoxes[x,TraditionalForm]] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GAD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: GS *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 8 December '98 at 12:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GS`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GS::usage= "GS[p] is transformed into DiracSlash[p] by FeynCalcInternal. GS[p,q, ...] is equivalent to GS[p].GS[q]. ..."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext["DeclareNonCommutative"][GS]; GS[x_Dot] := Map[GS,x]; GS[x_, y__] := Dot @@ Map[GS,{x,y}]; GS/: MakeBoxes[ GS[a_/;FreeQ[a,Plus]], TraditionalForm ] := Tbox["\[Gamma]", "\[CenterDot]", a]; GS/: MakeBoxes[ GS[a_/;!FreeQ[a,Plus]], TraditionalForm ] := Tbox["\[Gamma]", "\[CenterDot]", "(",a,")"]; gsg[a_]:=If[FreeQ[y, Plus], Tbox["\[Gamma]", a], Tbox["\[Gamma]", "(",a,")"] ]; GS/: MakeBoxes[ GS[a_, b__], TraditionalForm ] := Tbox@@Map[gsg, {a,b}] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GS | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: GSD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 8 December '98 at 12:58 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GSD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GSD::usage= "GSD[p] is transformed into DiracSlash[p,Dimension->D] by FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext["DeclareNonCommutative"][GSD]; GSD[x_Dot] := Map[GSD, x]; GSD[x_, y__] := Dot @@ Map[GSD, {x, y}]; GSD/: MakeBoxes[ GSD[a_/;FreeQ[a,Plus]], TraditionalForm ] := Tbox["\[Gamma]", "\[CenterDot]", a]; GSD/: MakeBoxes[ GSD[a_/;!FreeQ[a,Plus]], TraditionalForm ] := Tbox["\[Gamma]", "\[CenterDot]", "(",a,")"]; gsg[a_]:=If[FreeQ[y, Plus], Tbox["\[Gamma]", a], Tbox["\[Gamma]", "(",a,")"] ]; GSD/: MakeBoxes[ GSD[a_, b__], TraditionalForm ] := Tbox@@Map[gsg, {a,b}] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GSD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: GTI*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GTI`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GTI::usage= "GTI is like RHI, but no functional properties."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[Momentum]; Options[GTI] = {Momentum -> Global`p}; (* GTI /: MakeBoxes[GTI, TraditionalForm] := "\[CapitalKoppa]" *) End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GTI | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: GammaExpand *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GammaExpand`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GammaExpand::usage= "GammaExpand[exp] rewrites Gamma[n + m] (where n has Head Integer)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; GammaExpand[exp_] := Block[{gamma1, gamma2}, gamma1[y_] := gamma1[y] = gamma2[Expand[y]]; gamma2[n_Integer + m_] := (gamma2[n + m] = Pochhammer[m+1,n-1] Gamma[m+1] ) /; (n =!= 1); gamma2[m_ /; Head[m]=!=Plus] := Gamma[1 + m]/m; exp /. Gamma -> gamma1 /. gamma2 -> Gamma ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GammaExpand | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Gauge *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Gauge *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Gauge`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Gauge::usage = "Gauge is an option for GluonProgagator. If set to 1 the 't Hooft Feynman gauge is used."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Gauge | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: GaugeField *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GaugeField`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GaugeField::usage = "GaugeField is a name of a gauge field."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; GaugeField /: MakeBoxes[GaugeField, TraditionalForm] := "A"; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GaugeField | \n "]]; Null (* :Summary: Gluon field *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GluonField`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GluonField::usage = "GluonField is a name of a gauge field."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; GluonField /: MakeBoxes[GluonField, TraditionalForm] := "A"; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GluonField | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: GaugeXi *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: head for gauge-parameters *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GaugeXi`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GaugeXi::usage= "GaugeXi is a head for gauge parameters."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; GaugeXi /: MakeBoxes[GaugeXi[a_], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox["\[Xi]", TBox[a]]; GaugeXi /: MakeBoxes[GaugeXi, TraditionalForm] := TagBox["\[Xi]", TraditionalForm] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GaugeXi | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: GrassmannParity *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: GrassmannParity is just a datatype *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`GrassmannParity`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; GrassmannParity::usage = "GrassmannParity is a data type. E.g. DataType[F, GrassmannParity] = 1 declares F to be of bosonic type and DataType[F, GrassmannParity] = -1 of fermionic one."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "GrassmannParity | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: Gstrong *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Gstrong *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Gstrong`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Gstrong::usage = "Gstrong denotes the strong coupling constant."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; Gstrong /: MakeBoxes[Gstrong, TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox["g","s"] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Gstrong | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: IFPD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: IFPD *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IFPD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IFPD::usage = "IFPD[p, m] denotes (p^2 - m^2)." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[Momentum, OPEDelta]; IFPD[Momentum[OPEDelta,___],0] := 0; IFPD /: MakeBoxes[IFPD[a_,c_], TraditionalForm] := If[c === 0, TBox[a^2], TBox["(", a^2," - ", c^2, ")"] ] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IFPD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: IFPDOn *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 11 November '97 at 14:52 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: IFPDOn *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IFPDOn`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IFPDOn::usage = "IFPDOn[exp_,q1_, q2_, ...] changes from FeynAmpDenominator[ ...] representation to the IFPD one (Inverse Feynman Propagator Denominator). I.e., FeynAmpDenominator[PropagatorDenominator[a,b]] is replaced by 1/IFPD[a,b] and The q1, q2, ... are the integration momenta."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[Cases2, ExpandScalarProduct, (*NN*)FAD, FeynAmpDenominator, FeynAmpDenominatorSplit, (*NN*)FeynCalcInternal, (*NN*)FreeQ2, IFPD, Momentum, MomentumExpand, Pair, PropagatorDenominator, Select1, Select2, (*NN*)SP,SPD ]; IFPDOn[exp_,qu__] := If[FreeQ2[exp, {Pair,SP,SPD}] ||FreeQ2[exp,{FeynAmpDenominator,FAD}], exp, Block[ (*NN*){int,qq,sub,t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,MyHold,feynsub,nit3,ifnu, condition,pa,unsameq, checkm, checkp, thr}, (*NN*)If[!FreeQ2[exp,{SP,SPD,FAD}], (*NN*) int = FeynAmpDenominatorSplit[FeynCalcInternal[exp]], (*NN*) int = FeynAmpDenominatorSplit[exp] (*NN*) ]; (*NN*) (*NN*)t0 = Cases2[int, FeynAmpDenominator]; (*NN*) t0r= t0 /. (*NN*) FeynAmpDenominator[a__] :> (*NN*) MomentumExpand[FeynAmpDenominator[a]] /. (*NN*) PropagatorDenominator[ (*NN*) -Momentum[pe_ /; !FreeQ[{qu}, pe], di___] + pl_., em_ (*NN*) ] :> (*NN*) PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[pe, di] - pl, em]; (*NN*) int = int /. (thr = Thread[Rule[t0,t0r]]); SetAttributes[MyHold,HoldAll]; int = Apply[MyHold, {int}]; qq = {qu} /. Momentum[a_,___] :> a; t2 = Cases2[int, FeynAmpDenominator]; feynsub = Table[t2[[i]] -> (1/t2[[i]]/.FeynAmpDenominator :> ((# /. PropagatorDenominator -> IFPD) &) ), {i, Length[t2]} (*NN*) ]//Dispatch; t2 = Select2[t2, qq]; t2 = t2 /. FeynAmpDenominator :> ((# /. PropagatorDenominator -> IFPD) &); t3 = Cases2[t2, IFPD]; (* check if there are massless and massive propagators and keep only the massless *) If[!FreeQ[t3, IFPD[a_,b_/;b=!=0]], ifnu = Select[t3, MatchQ[#, IFPD[a_,0]]& ] /. IFPD[aa_, 0] -> IFPD[aa, condition[pa[b,Blank[]], unsameq[b,0]]]; ifnu = ifnu /. condition -> Condition /. pa -> Pattern /. unsameq -> UnsameQ; t3 = Select1[t3, ifnu] ]; (* calculate a canonical q.p as a side effect*) If[$VeryVerbose >2, Print["before ifp"]]; t3 = ifp[t3, qq]; If[$VeryVerbose >2, Print["after ifp"]]; (* t3 /. IFPD -> asign[qq] /. asign -> assign0 /. assign0 -> assign2 /. assign2 -> assign1; *) sub = Table[(Pair @@ t3[[ij,1]]) -> t3[[ij,2]],{ij,Length[t3]}]; int = int /. feynsub /. sub; int /. MyHold -> Identity ]]; ifp[{ww__},{qq__}] := ifp[{ww},{qq}] = Block[{ct,tt,mt,nt,sq,sqr, ctm,ctp,ntm,ntp,mtm,mtp,checkp,checkm}, If[$VeryVerbose > 2, Print["entering ifp with ",{ww}]]; (* get all qi^2 *) sq = Select[{ww}, MatchQ[#, IFPD[a_ /; FreeQ[a, Plus],_]]&]; sq = Select2[sq, {qq}]; sq = Table[{sq[[i,1]],sq[[i,1]],sq[[i]]}, {i,sq//Length}]; (* get all other (qi+pj)^2 -m^2 *) tt = Flatten[ Table[{ {ww}[[i]], {ww}[[j]] }, {i,1,Length[{ww}]-1}, {j,i+1,Length[{ww}]} ], 1]; sfix[{IFPD[a_,b_], IFPD[c_,d_]}] := (* fix the sign *) If[Head[a - c] === Times, {IFPD[c, d], IFPD[a, b]}, {IFPD[a, b], IFPD[c, d]} ]; ntm = sfix /@ Select[tt, FreeQ[(#[[1,1]])-(#[[2,1]]),Plus]&]; ntp = sfix /@ Select[tt, FreeQ[(#[[1,1]])+(#[[2,1]]),Plus]&]; mtm = {}; Do[ If[Length[Select2[Cases2[ntm[[i]],Momentum], qq]] > 0 && (ntm[[i,1,1]]-ntm[[i,2,1]]) =!= 0, mtm = Join[mtm, { Append[ Union[ {ntm[[i,1,1]]-ntm[[i,2,1]]}, Select2[Cases2[ntm[[i]],Momentum], qq] ], ntm[[i]] ], Append[ Reverse[Union[ {ntm[[i,1,1]]-ntm[[i,2,1]]}, Select2[Cases2[ntm[[i]],Momentum], qq] ]], ntm[[i]] ] } ] ] , {i, Length[ntm]} ]; mtp = {}; Do[ If[Length[Select2[Cases2[ntp[[i]],Momentum], qq]] > 0 && (ntp[[i,1,1]]+ntp[[i,2,1]]) =!= 0, mtp = Join[mtp, { Append[ Union[ {ntp[[i,1,1]] + ntp[[i,2,1]]}, Select2[Cases2[ntp[[i]],Momentum], qq] ], ntp[[i]] ], Append[ Reverse[Union[ {ntp[[i,1,1]] + ntp[[i,2,1]]}, Select2[Cases2[ntp[[i]],Momentum], qq] ]], ntp[[i]] ] } ] ] , {i, Length[ntp]} ]; (* if : pe = a - c *) checkm[{pe_, qu_, {IFPD[a_, b_], IFPD[c_, d_]}}] := If[ Expand[Pair[pe,qu] - 1/2 ExpandScalarProduct[(Pair[a,a]-b^2) - (Pair[c,c]-d^2) - ( Pair[a-qu,a-qu] - Pair[c-qu,c-qu]-b^2+d^2) ] ] === 0, True, False ]; (* if : pe = a + c *) checkp[{pe_, qu_, {IFPD[a_, b_], IFPD[c_, d_]}}] := If[ Expand[Pair[pe, qu] - 1/2 ExpandScalarProduct[(Pair[a,a]-b^2) - (Pair[c,c]-d^2) - ( Pair[a-qu,a-qu] - Pair[c+qu,c+qu]-b^2+d^2) ] ] === 0, True, False ]; (* minus *) ctm = Select[mtm, checkm]; ctm = Table[{ctm[[i,1]],ctm[[i,2]]} == Expand[1/2 ExpandScalarProduct[ ctm[[i,3,1]] - ctm[[i,3,2]] - ( Pair[ctm[[i,3,1,1]]-ctm[[i,2]],ctm[[i,3,1,1]]-ctm[[i,2]]]- Pair[ctm[[i,3,2,1]]-ctm[[i,2]],ctm[[i,3,2,1]]-ctm[[i,2]]]- ctm[[i,3,1,2]]^2 + ctm[[i,3,2,2]]^2 ) ] ], {i,Length[ctm]} ]; (* plus *) ctp = Select[mtp, checkp]; ctp = Table[{ctp[[i,1]],ctp[[i,2]]}== Expand[1/2 ExpandScalarProduct[ ctp[[i,3,1]] - ctp[[i,3,2]] - ( Pair[ctp[[i,3,1,1]]-ctp[[i,2]],ctp[[i,3,1,1]]-ctp[[i,2]]]- Pair[ctp[[i,3,2,1]]+ctp[[i,2]],ctp[[i,3,2,1]]+ctp[[i,2]]]- ctp[[i,3,1,2]]^2 + ctp[[i,3,2,2]]^2 ) ] ], {i,Length[ctp]} ]; sq = Map[Apply[({#1, #2} == #3 + (#3[[2]]^2))&,#]&, sq]; sqr = Table[(Pair@@sq[[i,1]]) -> sq[[i,2]],{i,Length[sq]}]; ct = Join[ctm/.sqr, ctp/.sqr]; ct = Join[sq, Union[ Map[MapAt[Sort,#,1]&, ct]] ]; If[$VeryVerbose > 2, Print["Exiting ifp with ",ct ]]; ct]; (* Test : Test[ ifp[{IFPD[Momentum[q1,D],m1], IFPD[Momentum[q1,D]+Momentum[p1,D],m2], IFPD[Momentum[q1,D]+Momentum[p1,D]+ Momentum[p2,D],m3] },{q1}] , {{Momentum[q1, D], Momentum[q1, D]} == m1^2 + IFPD[Momentum[q1, D], m1], {Momentum[p1, D], Momentum[q1, D]} == -m1^2/2 + m2^2/2 - IFPD[Momentum[q1, D], m1]/2 + IFPD[Momentum[p1, D] + Momentum[q1, D], m2]/2 - Pair[Momentum[p1, D], Momentum[p1, D]]/2, {Momentum[p2, D], Momentum[q1, D]} == -m2^2/2 + m3^2/2 - IFPD[Momentum[p1, D] + Momentum[q1, D], m2]/2 + IFPD[Momentum[p1, D] + Momentum[p2, D] + Momentum[q1, D], m3]/2 - Pair[Momentum[p1, D], Momentum[p2, D]] - Pair[Momentum[p2, D], Momentum[p2, D]]/2 } ]; *) End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IFPDOn | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: IFPDOff *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: IFPDOff *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IFPDOff`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IFPDOff::usage = "IFPDOff[exp_,q1_, q2_, ...] changes from IFPD representation to FeynAmpDenominator[ ...]. The q1, q2, ... are the integration momenta."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[Cases2, ExpandScalarProduct, FeynAmpDenominator, FeynAmpDenominatorSimplify, IFPD, Momentum, MomentumExpand, Pair, PropagatorDenominator, Select1, Select2]; SetAttributes[IFPDOff, HoldAll]; SetAttributes[unset, HoldAll]; (* this is a side effect on Pair ... *) (* it is undone by IFPDOff *) unasign[quu__][pp_Plus, m_] := If[Head[Select2[pp,quu]] === Plus, unasign[quu][First[Select2[pp,quu]], Rest[Select2[pp,quu]] + Select1[pp,quu], m], unasign[quu][Select2[pp,quu], Select1[pp,quu], m] ]; unassign0[quu__][Momentum[q_, di___],m_] := If[!FreeQ[{quu},q], If[Head[Pair[Momentum[q,di],Momentum[q,di]]]=!=Pair, uns[pair[Momentum[q,di], Momentum[q,di]]]/. uns->unset/.pair->Pair/.unset->Unset; ]]; pair[-Momentum[a__], Momentum[b__]] := pair[Momentum[a],Momentum[b]]; pair[-Momentum[a__],-Momentum[b__]] := pair[Momentum[a],Momentum[b]]; pair[ Momentum[a__],-Momentum[b__]] := pair[Momentum[a],Momentum[b]]; unassign1[quu__][Momentum[q_, di___], pes_, m_] := If[!FreeQ[{quu},q], If[(Head[Pair[Momentum[q,di],pes]]=!=Pair) && (Head[-Pair[Momentum[q,di],pes]]=!=Pair), uns[pair@@Sort[{Momentum[q,di], pes}]]/. uns->unset/.pair->Pair/.unset->Unset; ]; ]; unassign2[quu__][-Momentum[q_, di___], pes_, m_] := If[!FreeQ[{quu},q], If[Head[Pair[-Momentum[q,di],pes]]=!=Pair, uns[pair@@Sort[{-Momentum[q,di], pes}]]/. uns->unset/.pair->Pair/.unset->Unset; ]]; ifex[a_,b_] := ifex[a,b] = Pair[a,a] - b^2; FP[y__] := FeynAmpDenominator[PropagatorDenominator[y]]; IFPDOff[exp_,qu__] := If[FreeQ[exp, IFPD], exp, Block[{int,qq,sub,t1,t2,t3,t4}, int = Apply[Hold, {exp}]; qq = {qu} /. Momentum[a_,___] :> a; t2 = Cases2[int, IFPD]; t3 = Map[(# -> (1/#/.IFPD->FEP))&,t2]; (* unassign *) Cases2[DownValues@@{Pair},IFPD]/. IFPD -> unasign[qq] /. unasign -> unassign0 /. unassign0 -> unassign1 /. unassign1 -> unassign2; sub = Dispatch[t3]; int = int /. sub; int = Operate[# /. Hold -> Identity&, int]; int = int /. FEP[a_, b_]^n_Integer?Negative :> (ExpandScalarProduct[a, a] - b^2)^(-n); int = int /. {FEP :> FP, IFPD :> ifex}; int ] ]; Off[Unset::norep]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IFPDOff | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: IncludePair *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: IncludePair *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IncludePair`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IncludePair::usage = "IncludePair is an option for FC2RHI. Possible settings are True and False."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IncludePair | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: IndexPosition *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IndexPosition`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IndexPosition::usage= "IndexPosition is an option for FieldStrength."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IndexPosition | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Indices *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Indices`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Indices::usage= "Indices is an option for FORM2FeynCalc. Its default setting is Automatic. It may be set to a list, if the FORM-file does not contain a I(ndices) statement."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Indices | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: InitialSubstitutions *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: option for seveal functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`InitialSubstitutions`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; InitialSubstitutions::usage = "InitialSubstitutions is an option for OneLoop and OneLoopSum and Write2. All substitutions indicated hereby are done at the end of the calculation."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "InitialSubstitutions | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: InsideDiracTrace *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`InsideDiracTrace`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; InsideDiracTrace::usage= "InsideDiracTrace is and option of DiracSimplify. If set to True, DiracSimplify assumes to operate inside a DiracTrace, i.e., products of an odd number of Dirac matrices are discarded. Furthermore simple traces are calculated (but divided by a factor 4, i.e. : DiracSimplify[DiracMatrix[a,b], InsideDiracTrace->True] yields ScalarProduct[a,b]) \n Traces involving more than four DiracGamma's and DiracGamma[5] are not performed." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "InsideDiracTrace | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: IntegralTable *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IntegralTable`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IntegralTable::usage= "IntegralTable is an option of OneLoopSimplify, TwoLoopSimplify and FeynAmpDenominatorSimplify. It may be set to a list of the form : {FCIntegral[ ... ] :> bla, ...}."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FCIntegrate *) (* :Author: Frederik Orellana *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 17 April 2001 at 13:52 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FCIntegrate`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FCIntegrate::usage= "FCIntegrate is an option of certain Feynman integral related functions. \ It determines which integration function is used to evaluate analytic \ integrals. Possible settings include Integrate, NIntegrate, (Dot[Integratedx@@#2, #1] &)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: FCNIntegrate *) (* :Author: Frederik Orellana *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 17 April 2001 at 13:52 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`FCNIntegrate`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; FCNIntegrate::usage= "FCNIntegrate is an option of certain Feynman integral related functions \ which may return output containing both integrals that can be evaluated \ and integrals that can only be evaluated numerically. \ It then determines which integration function is used to evaluate numeric \ integrals. Possible settings include NIntegrate, (0*#1)&, \ (Dot[Integratedx@@#2, #1] &)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IntegralTable | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Integratedx *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: \int_0^1 dx *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Integratedx`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Integratedx::usage= "Integratedx[x, low, up] is a variable representing the integration operator Integrate[#, {x,low,up}]&."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; Integratedx /: MakeBoxes[Integratedx[x_, low_, up_], TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{ SubsuperscriptBox["\[Integral]", TBox[low], TBox[up]], "\[DifferentialD]", MakeBoxes[TraditionalForm[x]](*x*), "\[VeryThinSpace]" } ] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Integratedx | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: IntermediateSubstitutions *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IntermediateSubstitutions`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IntermediateSubstitutions::usage = "IntermediateSubstitutions is an option for OneLoop and and SquareAmplitude. All substitutions indicated hereby are done at an intermediate stage of the calculation."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IntermediateSubstitutions | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: IsolateHead *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IsolateHead`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IsolateHead::usage = "IsolateHead is equivalent to IsolateNames."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[IsolateNames]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IsolateHead | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: IsolateNames *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IsolateNames`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IsolateNames::usage = "IsolateNames is an option for Isolate and Collect2. Its default setting is KK. Instead of a symbol the setting may also be a list with the names of the abbrevations."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IsolateNames | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: IsolatePrint *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IsolatePrint`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IsolatePrint::usage = "IsolatePrint is an option of Isolate. If it is set to OutputForm (or any other *Form) the definitions of the abbreviations are printed during the operation of Isolate. The setting IsolatePrint -> False suppresses printing."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IsolatePrint | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: IsolateSplit *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`IsolateSplit`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; IsolateSplit::usage = "IsolateSplit is an option for Isolate. Its setting determines the maximum number of characters of FortranForm[expr] which are abbreviated by Isolate. If the expression is larger than the indicated number, it is split into smaller pieces and onto each subsum Isolate is applied. With the default setting IsolateSplit -> Infinity no splitting is done."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "IsolateSplit | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: KK *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: KK *) (* :Package Version 2.1 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`KK`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; KK::usage = "KK[i] is the default setting of IsolateNames, which is the head of abbreviations used by Isolate. A KK[i] returned by Isolate is given in HoldForm and can be recovered by ReleaseHold[KK[i]]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "KK | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: KeepOnly*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`KeepOnly`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; KeepOnly::usage= "KeepOnly is an option of OneLoop. It may be set to B0, C0, D0 keeping only the corresponding coefficients. The default setting is False. If KeepOnly is set to {} then the part of the amplitude which is not coefficient of B0, C0, D0 is kept."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "KeepOnly | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: LC *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LC`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; LC::usage= "LC[m,n,r,s] evaluates to LeviCivita[m,n,r,s] applying FeynCalcInternal. LC[m,...][p, ...] evaluates to LeviCivita[m,...][p,...] applying FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; LC/: MakeBoxes[LC[x___][y___] ,TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox["\[Epsilon]", Tbox[x,y]]; LC/: MakeBoxes[LC[x__] ,TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox["\[Epsilon]", Tbox[x]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "LC | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: LCD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LCD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; LCD::usage= "LCD[m,n,r,s] evaluates to LeviCivita[m,n,r,s,Dimension->D] applying FeynCalcInternal. LCD[m,...][p, ...] evaluates to LeviCivita[m,...,Dimension->D][p,...,Dimension->D] applying FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; LCD /: MakeBoxes[LCD [x___][y___] ,TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox["\[Epsilon]", Tbox[x,y]]; LCD /: MakeBoxes[LCD [x__] ,TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox["\[Epsilon]", Tbox[x]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "LCD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: LeftPartialD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 11 March '98 at 22:04 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: partial derivative *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LeftPartialD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; LeftPartialD::usage= "LeftPartialD[mu] denotes partial_mu, acting to the left."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Commutator, DeclareNonCommutative, DOT, FreeQ2, LorentzIndex, Momentum, OPEDelta, RightPartialD]; (* ******************************************************************** *) LeftPartialD[xx__] := LeftPartialD @@ (LorentzIndex /@ {xx}) /; FreeQ2[{xx}, {LorentzIndex, Momentum, OPEDelta, RowBox, Pattern, Blank}] && (Union[{xx}]=!={1}); LeftPartialD[(1)..] = 1; LeftPartialD[c:OPEDelta..] := LeftPartialD @@ (Momentum /@ {c}); LeftPartialD[x_LorentzIndex, y__LorentzIndex] := DOT @@ Map[LeftPartialD, {x, y}]; LeftPartialD[x_Momentum, y__Momentum] := DOT @@ Map[LeftPartialD, {x, y}]; (* LeftPartialD[Momentum[OPEDelta]^n_Integer?Positive] := DOT @@ Map[LeftPartialD, Table[Momentum[OPEDelta],{n}]]; *) Commutator[RightPartialD[a_], LeftPartialD[b_]] = 0; LeftPartialD /: MakeBoxes[LeftPartialD[x_ ^n_],TraditionalForm] := SubsuperscriptBox[RowBox[{ OverscriptBox["\[PartialD]", "\[LeftArrow]"]}], Tbox[" ",x], Tbox[n] ] /; Head[x] === Momentum; LeftPartialD /: MakeBoxes[LeftPartialD[x_], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox[OverscriptBox["\[PartialD]", "\[LeftArrow]"], TBox[x]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "LeftPartialD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: LeftRightPartialD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 13 March '98 at 18:38 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: partial derivative *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LeftRightPartialD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; LeftRightPartialD::usage= "LeftRightPartialD[mu] denotes partial_mu, acting to the left and right. PartialExplit[LeftRightPartialD[mu]] gives 1/2 (RightPartialD[mu] - LeftPartialD[mu])."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DeclareNonCommutative, DOT, FreeQ2, Momentum, LorentzIndex, OPEDelta]; DeclareNonCommutative[LeftRightPartialD]; (* ******************************************************************** *) LeftRightPartialD[xx__] := LeftRightPartialD@@ (LorentzIndex /@ {xx}) /; FreeQ2[{xx}, {LorentzIndex, Momentum, OPEDelta, RowBox, Pattern, Blank}] && (Union[{xx}]=!={1}); LeftRightPartialD[(1)..] = 1; LeftRightPartialD[c:OPEDelta..] := LeftRightPartialD @@ (Momentum /@ {c}); LeftRightPartialD[x_LorentzIndex, y__LorentzIndex] := DOT @@ Map[LeftRightPartialD, {x, y}]; LeftRightPartialD[x_Momentum, y__Momentum] := DOT @@ Map[LeftRightPartialD, {x, y}]; (* nonsense; commented out 9/95 LeftRightPartialD[Momentum[OPEDelta]^n_Integer?Positive] := DOT @@ Map[LeftRightPartialD, Table[Momentum[OPEDelta],{n}]]; *) LeftRightPartialD /: MakeBoxes[ LeftRightPartialD[x_] , TraditionalForm ] := SubscriptBox[OverscriptBox["\[PartialD]", "\[LeftRightArrow]"], Tbox[x]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "LeftRightPartialD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: LeftRightPartialD2 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 13 March '98 at 18:39 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: partial derivative *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LeftRightPartialD2`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; LeftRightPartialD2::usage= "LeftRightPartialD2[mu] denotes partial_mu, acting to the left and right. ExplitPartialD[LeftRightPartialD2[mu]] gives (RightPartialD[mu] + LeftPartialD[mu])."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; (*Bar := Bar = MakeContext["Bar"];*) MakeContext[DeclareNonCommutative, DOT, FreeQ2, Momentum, LorentzIndex, OPEDelta]; DeclareNonCommutative[LeftRightPartialD2]; (* ******************************************************************** *) LeftRightPartialD2[xx__] := LeftRightPartialD2@@ (LorentzIndex /@ {xx}) /; FreeQ2[{xx}, {LorentzIndex, Momentum, OPEDelta, RowBox, Pattern, Blank}] && (Union[{xx}]=!={1}); LeftRightPartialD2[(1)..] = 1; LeftRightPartialD2[c:OPEDelta..] := LeftRightPartialD2 @@ (Momentum /@ {c}); LeftRightPartialD2[x_LorentzIndex, y__LorentzIndex] := DOT @@ Map[LeftRightPartialD2, {x, y}]; LeftRightPartialD2[x_Momentum, y__Momentum] := DOT @@ Map[LeftRightPartialD2, {x, y}]; LeftRightPartialD2[Momentum[OPEDelta]^n_Integer?Positive] := DOT @@ Map[LeftRightPartialD2, Table[Momentum[OPEDelta],{n}]]; LeftRightPartialD2 /: MakeBoxes[ LeftRightPartialD2[x_] , TraditionalForm ] := SubscriptBox[OverscriptBox[ "\[PartialD]", "\[LeftRightArrow]"], Tbox[x]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "LeftRightPartialD2 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: LeptonSpinor *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: LeptonSpinor denotes spinors *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LeptonSpinor`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; LeptonSpinor::usage = "LeptonSpinor[p, m, optarg] is equivalent to Spinor."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; LeptonSpinor:= LeptonSpinor = MakeContext["Spinor"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "LeptonSpinor | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: LeviCivita *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: LeviCivita *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LeviCivita`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; LeviCivita::usage = "LeviCivita[mu, nu, ro, si] is an input function for the totally antisymmetric Levi-Civita tensor. It evaluates automatically to the internal representation Eps[ LorentzIndex[mu], LorentzIndex[nu], LorentzIndex[ro], LorentzIndex[si] ] (or with a second argument in LorentzIndex for the Dimension, if the option Dimension of LeviCivita is changed). \n LeviCivita[mu, nu ...][ p, ...] evaluates to Eps[LorentzIndex[mu], LorentzIndex[nu], ..., Momentum[p], ...]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Dimension, Eps, EpsEvaluate, FreeQ2, LorentzIndex, Momentum]; LeviCivita[a__Integer] := Eps[a]; Options[LeviCivita] = {Dimension -> 4}; frlivc[x_?NumberQ] :=True; frlivc[x_] := True/;(Head[x]=!=Momentum) && (Head[x]=!=LorentzIndex); frlivc[x_,y__] := True/;FreeQ2[FixedPoint[ReleaseHold,{x,y}] ,{Momentum, LorentzIndex}]; HoldPattern[LeviCivita[a___, b_, c___, b_, k___, ops___Rule]] := 0; LeviCivita[ a__, ops___Rule ]:= ( Eps @@ ( LorentzIndex /@ {a} ) ) /; frlivc[a] && FreeQ[{a}, Rule] && (Length[{a}] === 4) && ( (Dimension /. {ops} /. Options[LeviCivita]) === 4); LeviCivita[ a__, ops___Rule ]:= ( Eps@@( LorentzIndex[#, Dimension/.{ops}/.Options[LeviCivita]]& /@{a} ) ) /; frlivc[a] && FreeQ[{a},Rule] && (Length[{a}] === 4) && ( (Dimension /. {ops} /. Options[LeviCivita]) =!= 4); LeviCivita[x___, ops___Rule][y___, ru___Rule] := Eps @@ Join[Map[ LorentzIndex[#, Dimension /. {ops} /. Options[LeviCivita]]& ,{x} ], Map[ Momentum[#, Dimension /. {ru} /. Options[LeviCivita]]& ,{y} ] (*, {Dimension-> (Dimension/.{ops}/.Options[LeviCivita])} *) ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "LeviCivita | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: LeviCivitaSign *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Option for DiracTrace and Tr *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LeviCivitaSign`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; LeviCivitaSign::usage = "LeviCivitaSign is an option for DiracTrace and EpsChisholm. It determines the sign in the result of a Dirac trace of four gamma matrices and gamma5."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "LeviCivitaSign | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Loop *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Loop`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Loop::usage= "Loop is an option indicating the number of (virtual) loops."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Loop | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* Title LorentzIndex *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 24 March '98 at 16:17 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Lorentz index *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; LorentzIndex::usage= "LorentzIndex[mu] is the head of Lorentz indices. The internal representation of a four-dimensional mu is LorentzIndex[mu]. For other than four dimensions: LorentzIndex[mu, Dimension]. LorentzIndex[mu, 4] simplifies to LorentzIndex[mu]. If the first argument is an integer, LorentzIndex[i] turns into ExplicitLorentzIndex[i]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ExplicitLorentzIndex]; SetAttributes[LorentzIndex, Constant ]; LorentzIndex[LorentzIndex[in_]] := LorentzIndex[in]; LorentzIndex[x_, 4] := LorentzIndex[x]; LorentzIndex[_, 0] := 0; LorentzIndex[in_Integer,dim___] := ExplicitLorentzIndex[in,dim]; LorentzIndex /: MakeBoxes[ LorentzIndex[p_, in___], TraditionalForm ] := If[$LorentzIndices =!= True, ToBoxes[p,TraditionalForm], If[{in} === {}, MakeBoxes[p, TraditionalForm], SubscriptBox[ToBoxes[p, TraditionalForm], ToBoxes[in, TraditionalForm] ] ] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "LorentzIndex | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: Lower *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Lower`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Lower::usage= "Lower may be used inside LorentzIndex to indicate an covariant LorentzIndex."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Lower | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: MT *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`MT`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; MT::usage= "MT[mu, nu] is the metric tensor in 4 dimensions."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ Momentum, SP, SPD]; MT[Momentum[a_], Momentum[b_]] := SP[a,b]; MT[Momentum[a_,D], Momentum[b_,D]] := SPD[a,b]; MT /: MakeBoxes[ MT[x_,y__], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox["g", HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Tbox[x,y]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "MT | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: MTD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`MTD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; MTD::usage= "MTD[mu, nu] is the metric tensor in D dimensions."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MTD /: MakeBoxes[ MTD[x_,y_], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox["g", HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Tbox[x,y]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "MTD | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: Mandelstam *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Mandelstam`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Mandelstam::usage = "Mandelstam is an option for DiracTrace, OneLoop, OneLoopSum, Tr and TrickMandelstam. A typical setting is Mandelstam -> {s, t, u, m1^2 + m2^2 + m3^2 + m4^2}, which stands for s + t + u = m1^2 + m2^2 + m3^2 + m4^2. If other than four-particle processes are calculated the setting should be: Mandelstam -> {}. ."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Mandelstam | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: MemSet *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 24 July '98 at 20:19 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: MemSet is like Set *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`MemSet`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; MemSet::usage = "MemSet[f[x_], body] is like f[x_] := f[x] = body, but dependend on the value of the setting of MemoryAvailable -> memorycut (memorycut - MemoryInUse[]/10.^6) MemSet[f[x_], body] may evaluate as f[x_] := body." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[MemoryAvailable]; (* memset : a dynamical memory dependent "Set" function *) SetAttributes[MemSet, HoldFirst]; Options[MemSet] = {MemoryAvailable -> $MemoryAvailable}; (* If[!ValueQ[$MemoryAvailable], $MemoryAvailable = 0]; MemSet[x_,y_] := If[($MemoryAvailable - MemoryInUse[]/1000000.) <1., y, Set[x, y]]; *) MemSet[x_,y_, ops___Rule] := If[((MemoryAvailable/.{ops} /. Options[MemSet]) - MemoryInUse[]/1000000.) <1., y, Set[x, y] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "MemSet | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: MemoryAvailable *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: MemoryAvailable *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`MemoryAvailable`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; MemoryAvailable::usage = "MemoryAvailable is an option of MemSet. It can be set to an integer n, where n is the available amount of main memory in Mega Byte. The default setting is $MemoryAvailable."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "MemoryAvailable | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: MetricTensor *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`MetricTensor`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; MetricTensor::usage= "MetricTensor[mu, nu] is the metric tensor in 4 dimensions. The metric tensor in d dimensions is obtained by supplying the option Dimension->d."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; fci:= fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ Dimension, LorentzIndex, Pair]; Options[MetricTensor] = {Dimension -> 4, fci -> True}; MetricTensor[a_, b_, opt___Rule] := Pair[LorentzIndex[a, Dimension /. Dimension -> (Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[MetricTensor] ) ] , LorentzIndex[b, Dimension /. Dimension -> (Dimension /. {opt} /. Options[MetricTensor] ) ] ] /; ( fci /. {opt} /. Options[MetricTensor] ) === True; MetricTensor /: MakeBoxes[ MetricTensor[x_, y_], TraditionalForm] := SuperscriptBox["g", Tbox[x,y]] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Momentum *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: The head for momenta *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Momentum::usage= "Momentum[p] is the head of a four momentum (p). The internal representation of a four-dimensional p is Momentum[p]. For other than four dimensions: Momentum[p, Dimension]. Momentum[p, 4] simplifies to Momentum[p]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[GaugeXi]; SetAttributes[Momentum, Constant]; Momentum[x_ GaugeXi[y_], dim___] := GaugeXi[y] Momentum[x,dim]; Momentum[x_ n_?NumberQ, di___] := n Momentum[x, di]; Momentum[x_, 4] := Momentum[x]; Momentum[0, ___] := 0; Momentum[_, 0] := 0; Momentum[Momentum[x_, di___], di___] := Momentum[x, di]; Momentum /: MakeBoxes[ Momentum[p_, in___], TraditionalForm ] := MakeBoxes[p, TraditionalForm]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Momentum | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: MomentumCombine *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: MomentumCombine *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`MomentumCombine`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; MomentumCombine::usage = "MomentumCombine[expr] is the inverse operation to MomentumExpand and ExpandScalarProduct. MomentumCombine combines also Pair`s."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ FeynCalcInternal]; momentum := momentum = MakeContext["Momentum"]; pair := pair = MakeContext["Pair"]; (*momentumExpanddef*) MomentumCombine[expr_] := If[FreeQ[expr, momentum], FeynCalcInternal[expr], expr] //. { (n3_. momentum[x_,di___] + n4_. momentum[y_,di___] ):> (momentum[ Expand[n3 x + n4 y],di]/;(NumberQ[n3]&&NumberQ[n4])), (n3_. pair[a_, momentum[x_,di___]] + n4_. pair[a_, momentum[y_,di___]] ):> (pair[a, momentum[ Expand[n3 x + n4 y],di] ]/;(NumberQ[n3] && NumberQ[n4])) }; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "MomentumCombine | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: MomentumCombine2 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: MomentumCombine2 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`MomentumCombine2`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; MomentumCombine2::usage = "MomentumCombine2[expr] is the inverse operation to MomentumExpand and ExpandScalarProduct. MomentumCombine2 combines also FourVectors."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ FreeQ2 LorentzIndex, Momentum, MomentumExpand, Pair]; (*MomentumExpanddef*) MomentumCombine2[expr_] := expr /. Plus-> plm; plm[xX__] := If[Length[{xX}] > 10, Plus[xX], Plus[xX] //. { (n3_. Momentum[x_,di___] + n4_. Momentum[y_,di___] ):> (Momentum[ Expand[n3 x + n4 y],di]/;(NumberQ[n3]&&NumberQ[n4])), (n3_. Pair[a_LorentzIndex, Momentum[x_,di___]] + n4_. Pair[a_LorentzIndex, Momentum[y_,di___]] ):> (Pair[a, Momentum[ Expand[n3 x + n4 y],di] ]/;(NumberQ[n3] && NumberQ[n4]) ) , (n3_ Pair[a_LorentzIndex, Momentum[x_,di___]] + n3_ Pair[a_LorentzIndex, Momentum[y_,di___]] ):> (n3 Pair[a, Momentum[Expand[x+y], di]]/;(!NumberQ[n3]) ), (n3_. Pair[a_LorentzIndex, Momentum[x_,di___]] + n4_. Pair[a_LorentzIndex, Momentum[y_,di___]] ):> (Pair[a, Expand[MomentumExpand[ n3 Momentum[Expand[x], di] + n4 Momentum[Expand[y],di] ] ] ]/;(!NumberQ[n3] || NumberQ[n4]) && FreeQ2[{n3, n4}, {Pair, Momentum, LorentzIndex}] ) }]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "MomentumCombine2 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: MomentumExpand *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: MomentumExpand *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`MomentumExpand`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; MomentumExpand::usage = "MomentumExpand[expr] expands Momentum[a+b+ ...] in expr into Momentum[a] + Momentum[b] + ... ."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[Momentum]; (*MomentumExpanddef*) hold[]=Sequence[]; fourvecevlin[n_?NumberQ z_, dime___] := n Momentum[z, dime]; fourvecev[y_,di___] := ( fourvecev[y,di] = Distribute[fourvecevlin[ Expand[y, Momentum], hold[di]] ] /. {hold :> Identity, fourvecevlin :> Momentum} ); (* fourvecev[y_,di___] := (fourvecev[y,di] = ReleaseHold[Distribute[fourvecevlin[ Expand[FixedPoint[ReleaseHold, y], Momentum], Hold[di]] ] /. fourvecevlin -> Momentum ]); *) MomentumExpand[x_] := x /. Momentum -> fourvecev; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "MomentumExpand | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: NTerms *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: NTerms is like Power *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NTerms`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; NTerms::usage= "NTerms[x] is equivalent to Length if x is a sum; otherwise NTerms[x] returns 1, except NTerms[0] -> 0." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; NTerms[x_Plus] := Length[x]; (*NTermsdef *) NTerms[x_] := Block[{ntermslex = Expand[x]}, If[ Head[ntermslex]===Plus, ntermslex = Length[ntermslex], If[x===0, ntermslex = 0, ntermslex = 1] ]; ntermslex]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "NTerms | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: NegativeInteger *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: NegativeInteger is just a datatype *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NegativeInteger`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; NegativeInteger::usage = "NegativeInteger is a data type. E.g. DataType[n, NegativeInteger] can be set to True."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "NegativeInteger | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Nf *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Nf *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Nf`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Nf::usage = "Nf denotes the number of flavors." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; Nf /: MakeBoxes[Nf, TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox["N", "f"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Nf | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: NonCommFreeQ *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: test for non-commutativity *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NonCommFreeQ`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; NonCommFreeQ::usage = "NonCommFreeQ[exp] yields True if exp contains no non-commutative objects (i.e. those objects which are listed in $NonComm) or is a DiracTrace or SUNTrace."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ DiracTrace, FreeQ2, SUNTrace, MemSet]; NonCommFreeQ[x_?NumberQ] := True; (* noncommq[x_SUNTrace] := True; noncommq[x_DiracTrace] := True; *) NonCommFreeQ[x_] := MemSet[NonCommFreeQ[x], FreeQ2[x, $NonComm]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "NonCommFreeQ | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: NonCommQ *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 22:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: test for non-commutativity *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NonCommQ`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; NonCommQ::usage = "NonCommQ[exp] yields True if exp contains no non-commutative objects (i.e. those objects which are listed in $NonComm) or is a DiracTrace or SUNTrace."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ DiracTrace, FreeQ2, SUNTrace, MemSet]; NonCommQ[x_?NumberQ] := True; (* noncommq[x_SUNTrace] := True; noncommq[x_DiracTrace] := True; NonCommQ[x_] := NonCommQ[x] = FreeQ2[x, $NonComm]; *) NonCommQ[x_] := MemSet[NonCommQ[x], FreeQ2[x, $NonComm]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "NonCommQ | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: NonCommutative *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: NonCommutative *) (* :Package Version 2.1 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NonCommutative`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; NonCommutative::usage= "NonCommutative is a data type which may be used, e.g., as: DataType[x, NonCommutative] = True."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "NonCommutative | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: NumberOfMetricTensors *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NumberOfMetricTensors`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; NumberOfMetricTensors::usage= "NumberOfMetricTensors is an option of Tdec."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "NumberOfMetricTensors | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: NumericalFactor *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: NumericalFactor take out a numerical factor *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NumericalFactor`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; NumericalFactor::usage = "NumericalFactor NumericalFactor[expr] gives the numerical factor of expr."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; NumericalFactor[a___ /; Length[{a}] =!=1] := soso /; Message[NumericalFactor::argrx, NumericalFactor, Length[{a}], 1]; NumericalFactor[x_]:= If[NumberQ[x], x, If[Head[x] === Times, If[NumberQ[First[x]], First[x], 1], 1]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "NumericalFactor | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: OPE *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`OPE`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; OPE::usage= "OPE is used internally in OPE1Loop."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; OPE /: OPE^_Integer?Positive := 0; OPE /: MakeBoxes[OPE, TraditionalForm] := "\[CapitalKoppa]" End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "OPE | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PaVeOrderList *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PaVeOrderList`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PaVeOrderList::usage= "PaVeOrderList is an option for PaVeOrder and PaVeReduce, specifying in which order the arguments of D0 are to be permuted."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PaVeOrderList | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Pair*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 20 December '98 at 23:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: The head of four-vectors, metric tensor and scalar products. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Pair`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Pair::usage= "Pair[a , b] is the head of a special pairing used in the internal representation: a and b may have heads LorentzIndex or Momentum. If both a and b have head LorentzIndex, the metric tensor is understood. If a and b have head Momentum, a scalar product is meant. If one of a and b has head LorentzIndex and the other Momentum, a Lorentz vector (p_mu) is understood."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[FreeQ2,LorentzIndex, Momentum, MomentumCombine, Polarization]; contract := contract = MakeContext["Contract"]; expandscalarproduct := expandscalarproduct = MakeContext["ExpandScalarProduct"]; SetAttributes[Pair, Orderless]; Pair[0,_] := 0; Pair[n_Integer x_,y_] := n Pair[x, y]; Pair[n_ x_Momentum, y_] := n Pair[x, y]; Pair[ lom_[la_,d_Symbol], mol_[pe_]] := Pair[ lom[la], mol[pe] ] /; MemberQ[{LorentzIndex, Momentum}, lom] && MemberQ[{LorentzIndex, Momentum}, mol] ; (* Pair[y_, n_,x_Momentum] := n Pair[y, x]; Pair[n_ x_LorentzIndex, y_] := n Pair[x, y]; Pair[y_, n_,x_LorentzIndex] := n Pair[y, x]; *) (* Pair[Momentum[ n_Integer x_,di___],y_] := n Pair[Momentum[x,di],y]; *) Pair[Momentum[x_,___],Momentum[Polarization[x_, ___],___]] := 0; Pair[Momentum[x_,___],Momentum[Polarization[n_?NumberQ x_, ___],___] ] := 0; Pair[Momentum[pi_,___],Momentum[Polarization[x_Plus, ki___], dii___] ]:= contract[expandscalarproduct[Pair[ Momentum[x+pi, dii], Momentum[Polarization[x, ki], dii]]] ] /; ( pi + Last[x] ) === 0; Pair[Momentum[pi_,___],Momentum[Polarization[x_Plus, ki___], dii___] ]:= contract[expandscalarproduct[Pair[ Momentum[pi-x,dii], Momentum[Polarization[x, ki],dii]]] ] /; ( pi - Last[x] ) === 0; (* by convention ... *) Pair[Momentum[Polarization[x_,__],___], Momentum[Polarization[x_,__],___] ] := -1; (* ******************************************************************** *) Unprotect[Conjugate]; Conjugate[x_Pair] := (x /. {Polarization[k_,a_,in___] :> Polarization[k,Conjugate[a],in] } ) /;!FreeQ[x, Polarization]; Protect[Conjugate]; (* ******************************************************************** *) Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex[a_], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex[b_] ], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox["g",Tbox[a,b] ]; Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex[a__], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex[b__] ], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox[ "g", Tbox[LorentzIndex[a], LorentzIndex[b]] ]; MakeBoxes[Pair[a_,b_]^n_Integer?Positive, TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{SuperscriptBox[Tbox[Pair[a,b]],n]}]; initialDownValues = DownValues[Pair]; Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[a__], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[a__] ], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox[Tbox[Momentum[a]],2]; MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[a__], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[a__] ]^2, TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox[Tbox[Momentum[a]],4]; MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[a__], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[a__] ]^3, TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox[Tbox[Momentum[a]],6]; (* Changed because of infinite recursion on Pair[a Momentum[k] + b Momentum[p], a Momentum[k] + b Momentum[p]] Frederik Orellana, 17/3-2001 *) (*Pair/: MakeBoxes[Pair[a_Plus,b_],TraditionalForm] := ToBoxes[Pair[MomentumCombine[a],MomentumCombine[b]], TraditionalForm] /; !FreeQ[a, Momentum] && !FreeQ[b, Momentum];*) Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[a_Plus, b_], TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{"(", ToBoxes[TraditionalForm[a]], ")",".","(", ToBoxes[TraditionalForm[b]], ")"}] /; ! FreeQ[a, Momentum] && ! FreeQ[b, Momentum]; Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[a_,di___], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[b_,dii___]], TraditionalForm ] := Which[ FreeQ2[{a,b},{Times,Plus}], If[$PairBrackets === True, Tbox["(", Momentum[a,di], "\[CenterDot]", Momentum[b,dii], ")" ], Tbox[Momentum[a,di], "\[CenterDot]", Momentum[b,dii]] ], FreeQ2[{a},{Times,Plus}], Tbox[Momentum[a,di],"\[CenterDot]", "(",Momentum[b,dii],")"], FreeQ2[{b},{Times,Plus}], Tbox["(",Momentum[a,di],")","\[CenterDot]", Momentum[b,dii]], !FreeQ2[{a,b},{Times,Plus}], Tbox["(",Momentum[a,di],")","\[CenterDot]", "(",Momentum[b,dii],")"] ]; Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex[a__], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Polarization`Polarization[ b_,Complex[0,1]],___] ], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["\[CurlyEpsilon]", Tbox[a]],"(",Tbox[b],")"}]; Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex[a__], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Polarization`Polarization[ b_,Complex[0,-1]],___] ], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{ SubsuperscriptBox["\[CurlyEpsilon]", Tbox[a], "*" ], "(", Tbox[b], ")" } ]; Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex[a__], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[ b_Subscripted, di___] ], TraditionalForm ] := SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[b[[1,0]]], Tbox@@b[[1]], Tbox[LorentzIndex[a]]]; Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex[a__], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[ b_Subscript,di___] ], TraditionalForm ] := SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[b[[1]]], Tbox@@Rest[b], Tbox[LorentzIndex[a]]]; Pair /: MakeBoxes[Pair[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex[a__], HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum[b_,di___] + c_. ], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox[ Tbox[MomentumCombine[Momentum[b,di] + c]], Tbox[LorentzIndex[a]] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Pair | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: PairCollect *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: PairCollect is an option for several functions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PairCollect`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PairCollect::usage = "PairCollect is an option for DiracTrace specifying if the result is collected with respect to Pair's."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PairCollect | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PairContract *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: PairContract *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PairContract`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PairContract::usage = "PairContract is like Pair, but with (local) contraction properties."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; eps := eps = MakeContext["Eps"]; factoring := factoring = MakeContext["Factoring"]; factor2 := factor2 = MakeContext["Factor2"]; freeq2 := freeq2 = MakeContext["FreeQ2"]; LorentzIndex:= LorentzIndex = MakeContext["LorentzIndex"]; memset := memeset = MakeContext["MemSet"]; MakeContext[ Momentum, MomentumExpand, Pair]; (* this option is only to by set by SetOptions ... *) Options[PairContract] = {Factoring -> False}; sCO = PairContract; SetAttributes@@{{sCO,sceins,scev,sce,scevdoit,sczwei} ,Orderless}; scev[x_,y_]:= memset[ scev[x,y], scevdoit[x,y] ]; scev[x_,y_]:= scevdoit[x,y]; scevdoit[x_,y_] := Distribute[ sceins@@ ( Expand[ MomentumExpand/@{x,y} ] ) ]/.sceins->sczwei/.sczwei->sCO/.sCO->Pair; sCO[ LorentzIndex[a_,di___], epsmu_ LorentzIndex[mu_, dimen___] ]:= ( epsmu /. LorentzIndex[mu,dimen]->LorentzIndex[a,di] ) /; (!freeq2[epsmu, {eps, LorentzIndex[mu, dimen]}]); sCO[ Momentum[x_,___],Momentum[polarization[x_,___]]]:=0; sCO[ Momentum[x_,___],Momentum[polarization[n_?NumberQ x_,___]]]:=0; sCO[Momentum[pi_,___],Momentum[polarization[x_Plus, ki___]]]:= scev[Momentum[x+pi], Momentum[polarization[x, ki]]]/; ( pi + Last[x] )===0; sCO[Momentum[pi_,___],Momentum[polarization[x_Plus, ki___]]]:= scev[Momentum[pi-x], Momentum[polarization[x, ki]]]/; ( pi - Last[x] )===0; sCO[ LorentzIndex[x_], LorentzIndex[x_] ] := 4; (*new ...*) sCO[ LorentzIndex[x_], LorentzIndex[x_,_Symbol] ] := 4; sCO[ LorentzIndex[x_,di_], LorentzIndex[x_,di_] ] := di; PairContract /: HoldPattern[PairContract[lor_[z_,___],x_]]^2 := (PairContract[x,x]) /; lor === LorentzIndex; (* sCO/: HoldPattern[ sCO[LorentzIndex[z_,___],x_] f_[a__][b___] ] := (f[a][b]/.LorentzIndex[z,___]->x)/; (!FreeQ[f[a][b]//Hold,LorentzIndex[z,___]]); *) (* CHANGE 09/94 *) PairContract[Momentum[x_,___],Momentum[Polarization[x_, ___],___]] := 0; PairContract[Momentum[x_,___],Momentum[Polarization[n_?NumberQ x_, ___],___] ] := 0; PairContract[Momentum[pi_,___],Momentum[Polarization[x_Plus, ki___], dii___] ]:= contract[expandscalarproduct[Pair[ Momentum[x+pi, dii], Momentum[Polarization[x, ki], dii]]] ] /; ( pi + Last[x] ) === 0; PairContract[Momentum[pi_,___],Momentum[Polarization[x_Plus, ki___], dii___] ]:= contract[expandscalarproduct[Pair[ Momentum[pi-x,dii], Momentum[Polarization[x, ki],dii]]] ] /; ( pi - Last[x] ) === 0; (* by convention ... *) PairContract[Momentum[Polarization[x_,__],___], Momentum[Polarization[x_,__],___] ] := -1; (* CHANGE 09/94 *) (* PairContract/: PairContract[LorentzIndex[z_,___],x_] * PairContract[LorentzIndex[z_,___],y_] := PairContract[x,y]; *) PairContract/: PairContract[LorentzIndex[z_,___],x_] f_[a__] := (f[a]/.LorentzIndex[z,___]->x)/; (!FreeQ[f[a],LorentzIndex[z,___]]); sCO[Momentum[a_Symbol,b_Symbol]]:=Pair[Momentum[a],Momentum[b]]; PairContract/: HoldPattern[ Dot[A___, PairContract[lor_[z_,___],x_],B___, m_. f_[a__], c___ ] ] := Dot[A,B,(m f[a]/.LorentzIndex[z,___]->x),c]/; ((!FreeQ[f[a], LorentzIndex[z,___]]) && (lor === LorentzIndex)); PairContract/: HoldPattern[ Dot[A___, m_. f_[a__],B___, PairContract[lor_[z_,___],x_], c___ ] ] := Dot[A.(m f[a]/.LorentzIndex[z,___]->x),B,c]/; ((!FreeQ[f[a]//Hold,LorentzIndex[z,___]]) && (lor === LorentzIndex)); (* **************************************************************** *) (* definitions for dimension = D-4 *) (* **************************************************************** *) sCO[ _[_,_Symbol-4],_[_] ]:=0; sCO[ v_[x_,di_Symbol-4],w_[y_,di_Symbol] ] := sCO[v[x,di-4],w[y,di-4] ]; sCO[ w_[y_,di_Symbol],v_[x_] ] := sCO[ v[x], w[y] ]; sCO[ v_[x_], w_[y_,di_Symbol] ] := sCO[ v[x], w[y] ]; sceins[0,_]:=0; (*sceinsdef*) sceins[a_LorentzIndex b_, c_] := b sceins[a, c]; sceins[a_Momentum b_, c_] := b sceins[a, c]; sczwei[ _[_],_[_,_Symbol-4] ]:=0; (*sczweidef*) sczwei[ v_[x_,di_Symbol-4],w_[y_,di_Symbol] ]:= sczwei[v[x, di-4], w[y, di-4]]; sczwei[ w_[y_,di_Symbol],v_[x_] ]:=sczwei[ v[x],w[y] ]; sce[x_,y_] := memset[set[x, y], (*scedef*) If[(factoring /. Options[PairContract]) === True, factor2[ Distribute[sceins@@( Expand[ MomentumExpand/@{x,y} ]) ]/.sceins->sczwei/.sczwei->Pair ], Distribute[sceins@@( Expand[ MomentumExpand/@{x,y} ]) ]/.sceins->sczwei/.sczwei->Pair ] ]; sCO[x_,y_] := memset[ sCO[x,y], Block[{sCOt=sce[x,y]}, If[ FreeQ[ sCOt, Pair ] || (Head[sCOt]=!=Plus) , sCOt,Pair[x,y] ] ] ]/;FreeQ[{x,y},LorentzIndex]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PairContract | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PairContract2 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: PairContract2 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PairContract2`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PairContract2::usage = "PairContract2 is like Pair, but with local contraction properties among PairContract2's."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ FreeQ2, LorentzIndex, Momentum, Pair]; SetAttributes[PairContract2,Orderless]; (* PairContract2[Momentum[a__], Momentum[b__] ] := Pair[Momentum[a], Momentum[b]]; *) Clear[PairContract2]; PairContract2/: PairContract2[LorentzIndex[z_],x_] * PairContract2[LorentzIndex[z_],y_] := If[FreeQ[{x,y},LorentzIndex], Pair[x,y], PairContract2[x,y]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PairContract2 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PairContract3 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: PairContract3 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PairContract3`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PairContract3::usage = "PairContract3 is like Pair, but with local contraction properties among PairContract3's."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ ExpandScalarProduct, FreeQ2, LorentzIndex, Momentum, Pair]; SetAttributes[PairContract3,Orderless]; PairContract3[LorentzIndex[z_,di___], LorentzIndex[z_,di___]]:= If[{di}==={},4,di]; PairContract3[Momentum[a__], Momentum[b__]]:= ExpandScalarProduct[Momentum[a], Momentum[b]]; PairContract3 /: PairContract3[LorentzIndex[z__],LorentzIndex[x__]]^2 := PairContract3[LorentzIndex[x],LorentzIndex[x]]; PairContract3 /: PairContract3[LorentzIndex[z__],x_]^2 := ExpandScalarProduct[x,x]; PairContract3/: PairContract3[LorentzIndex[z__],x_] * PairContract3[LorentzIndex[z__],y_] := If[FreeQ[{x,y},LorentzIndex], ExpandScalarProduct[x,y], PairContract3[x,y]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PairContract3 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PartialD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 11 March '98 at 22:03 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: partial derivative *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PartialD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PartialD::usage= "PartialD[mu] denotes partial_mu"; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ DOT, FreeQ2, LorentzIndex, Momentum, OPEDelta, DeclareNonCommutative]; DeclareNonCommutative[PartialD]; (* ******************************************************************** *) If[!MemberQ[$NonComm, PartialD], AppendTo[$NonComm, PartialD]]; PartialD[xx__] := PartialD @@ (LorentzIndex /@ {xx}) /; FreeQ2[{xx}, {LorentzIndex, Momentum, OPEDelta, RowBox, Pattern, Blank}] && (Union[{xx}]=!={1}); PartialD[(1)..] = 1; PartialD[c:OPEDelta..] := PartialD @@ (Momentum /@ {c}); PartialD[x_LorentzIndex, y__LorentzIndex] := DOT @@ Map[PartialD, {x, y}]; PartialD[x_Momentum, y__Momentum] := DOT @@ Map[PartialD, {x, y}]; (* PartialD[Momentum[OPEDelta]^n_Integer?Positive] := DOT @@ Map[PartialD, Table[Momentum[OPEDelta],{n}]]; *) PartialD /: MakeBoxes[PartialD[x_ ^n_],TraditionalForm] := SubsuperscriptBox["\[PartialD]", Tbox[x], Tbox[n] ] /; Head[x] === Momentum; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PartialD`PartialD /: MakeBoxes[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PartialD`PartialD[x_], TraditionalForm ] := SubscriptBox["\[PartialD]", ToBoxes[x,TraditionalForm]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PartialD | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: PartitHead *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: separation of expression according to a head *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PartitHead`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PartitHead::usage= "PartitHead[expr, h] returns a list {ex1, h[ex2]} with ex1 free of expressions with head h, and h[ex2] having head h."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; PartitHead[x_, y_] := {1, x} /; Head[x] === y; PartitHead[x_Times, y_]:= {x, 1} /; FreeQ[x, y]; PartitHead[x_, y_] := {x, 0} /; FreeQ[x, y]; PartitHead[x_Plus, y_] := {#, x - #}& @ Select[x, FreeQ[#, y[___]]&]; PartitHead[x_Times,y_] := {x/#, #}& @ Select[x,If[Head[#]===y,True]&]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PartitHead | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PauliSigma *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: PauliSigma stands for the vector of Pauli matrices *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PauliSigma`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PauliSigma::usage = "PauliSigma denotes the vector of the 3 Pauli matrices. PauliSigma[1], PauliSigma[2], PauliSigma[3] gives the explicit Pauli matrices. PauliSigma[] yields {PauliSigma[1], PauliSigma[2], PauliSigma[3]}"; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; DeclareNonCommutative[PauliSigma]; PauliSigma[1] = { {0, 1}, {1,0} }; PauliSigma[2] = { {0,-I}, {I,0} }; PauliSigma[3] = { {1, 0}, {0,-1}}; PauliSigma[] = {PauliSigma[1], PauliSigma[2], PauliSigma[3]}; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PauliSigma | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: PlusDistribution *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: a head for (1/(1-x))_+ and (Log[1-x]/(1-x))_+ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PlusDistribution`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PlusDistribution::usage= "PlusDistribution[1/(1-x)] denotes the distribution (1/(1-x))_+. PlusDistribution[Log[1-x]/(1-x)] denotes the distribution (Log[1-x]/(1-x))_+. PlusDistribution[Log[x (1-x)]/(1-x)] simplifies to Log[x] /(1-x) + PlusDistribution[Log[1-x]/(1-x)]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; PlusDistribution[Log[x_ (1-x_)]/(1-x_)] := Log[x] /(1-x) + PlusDistribution[Log[1-x]/(1-x)]; PlusDistribution /: MakeBoxes[ PlusDistribution[ a_ ], TraditionalForm ] := SubscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", MakeBoxes[a, TraditionalForm],")"} ],"+" ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PlusDistribution | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Polarization *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 30 January '99 at 21:45 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Head for polarization vectors *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Polarization`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Polarization::usage= "Polarization[k] = Polarization[k, I] is the head of a polarization momentum with (incoming) momentum k. A slashed polarization vector (e1(k) slash) has to be entered as DiracSlash[Polarization[k]]. The internal representation for a polarization vector e1 corresponding to a boson with four momentum k is: Momentum[ Polarization[ k, I ] ]. With this notation transversality of polarization vectors is provided, i.e. Pair[ Momentum[k], Momentum[ Polarization[k, I] ] ] yields 0. Polarization[k,-I] denotes the complex conjugate polarization. Polarization is also an option. The setting 0 denotes the unpolarized and 1 the polarized case."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[Pair]; (* by convention *) Polarization[k_ /;FreeQ[k,Blank|BlankSequence|BlankNullSequence] ]:= Polarization[k] = Polarization[k, I]; Polarization[k_] := Polarization[k] = Polarization[k, I]; Polarization[-x_, I] := -Polarization[x,I]; Polarization[-x_,-I] := -Polarization[x,-I]; Unprotect[Conjugate]; Conjugate[x_Pair] := (x /. {Polarization[k_,a_,in___] :> Polarization[k,Conjugate[a],in] } ) /;!FreeQ[x, Polarization]; Protect[Conjugate]; Polarization /: MakeBoxes[Polarization[a_,Complex[0, 1]], TraditionalForm] := Tbox["\[CurlyEpsilon]","(",a,")"]; Polarization /: MakeBoxes[Polarization[a_, Complex[0, -1]], TraditionalForm] := Tbox[Superscript["\[CurlyEpsilon]", "*"], "(", a, ")"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Polarization | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PolarizationVector *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: PolarizationVector *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PolarizationVector`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PolarizationVector::usage = "PolarizationVector[p, mu] gives a polarization vector."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; dimension := dimension = MakeContext["Dimension"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; fourvector := fourvector = MakeContext["FourVector"]; polarization := polarization = MakeContext["Polarization"]; sunindex := sunindex = MakeContext["SUNIndex"]; PolarizationVector[x_,{y_,z_}]:= PolarizationVector[x, y, z]; PolarizationVector[x__]:= (PolarizationVector[x]=polVec[x] )/; FreeQ[{x}, Pattern]; fourv[x__] := fci[fourvector[x]]; polVec[k_polarization,mu_]:= fourv[k, mu, dimension -> 4 ]; polVec[k_polarization,mu_,glu_]:= fourv[polarization[ k, I, sunindex[glu/.sunindex->Identity]], mu, dimension->4 ]; polVec[k_,mu_]:= fourv[polarization[k, I], mu, dimension->4 ]; polVec[k_,mu_,glu_]:= If[FreeQ[glu, Blank], fourv[polarization[k, I, sunindex[glu/.sunindex->Identity]], mu, dimension->4 ], fourv[polarization[k, I, glu], mu, dimension -> 4] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PositiveInteger *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: PositiveInteger is just a datatype *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PositiveInteger`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PositiveInteger::usage = "PositiveInteger is a data type. E.g. DataType[OPEm, PositiveInteger] gives True."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PositiveInteger | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PositiveNumber *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: PositiveNumber is just a datatype *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PositiveNumber`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PositiveNumber::usage = "PositiveNumber is a data type. E.g. DataType[Epsilon, PositiveNumber] = True (by default). "; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "PositiveNumber | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: PropagatorDenominator *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 2 July '97 at 13:48 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: PropagatorDenominator *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PropagatorDenominator`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; PropagatorDenominator::usage = "PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q], m] is a factor of the denominator of a propagator. If p is supposed to be D-dimensional enter: PropagatorDenominator[Momentum[q, D], m]. What is meant is 1/(q^2-m^2). PropagatorDenominator[p] evaluates to PropagatorDenominator[p,0]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[FreeQ2]; (* HoldPattern[PropagatorDenominator[0,0]]:=Block[{}, Print["!@#&**T(&()*&G_*&+#@U(BJ)IM:LM:LM 0,WriteString["stdout", "PropagatorDenominator | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: QuantumField *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 21 March '98 at 11:52 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: derivation of feynman rules via functional differentiation *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`QuantumField`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; QuantumField::usage= "QuantumField[par1, par2, ..., ftype, {lorind}, {sunind}] denotes a quantum field of type ftype with (possible) Lorentz-indices lorind and SU(N)-indices sunind. the optional first argument par1, par2, ..., are partial derivatives (PartialD) acting on the field."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[Momentum, LorentzIndex, OPEDelta, PartialD, SUNIndex]; DeclareNonCommutative = MakeContext["DeclareNonCommutative"]; DeclareNonCommutative[QuantumField]; lori[OPEDelta] := Momentum[OPEDelta]; lori[a_SUNIndex] := a; lori[a_] := LorentzIndex[a]; QuantumField[f___,g_/;Head[g]=!=List,{lilo___}] := QuantumField@@Join[{f,g},lori/@{lilo}]; QuantumField[f___,g_/;Head[g]=!=List,{lilo___},{suli___}] := QuantumField@@Join[{f,g},lori/@{lilo},SUNIndex/@{suli}]; QuantumField[f1_QuantumField] := f1; QuantumField /: MakeBoxes[ QuantumField[a_][p_], TraditionalForm ] := Tbox[a,"(",p,")"]; QuantumField /: MakeBoxes[ QuantumField[a_], TraditionalForm ] := Tbox[a]; QuantumField /: MakeBoxes[ QuantumField[f_, lo_[mu_,___]], TraditionalForm ] := SubscriptBox[Tbox[f], Tbox[mu]] /; lo === LorentzIndex; QuantumField /: MakeBoxes[ QuantumField[f_, lori:lo_[_,___].., suni:sun_[_].. ], TraditionalForm ] := SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[f], Tbox[lori], Tbox[suni] ] /; MatchQ[lo, LorentzIndex | Momentum ] && sun === SUNIndex; QuantumField /: MakeBoxes[ QuantumField[f_, lori:lo_[_,___].., suni:sun_[_].. ][p_], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{ SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[f], Tbox[lori], Tbox[suni]], "(", Tbox[p], ")" } ] /; MatchQ[lo, LorentzIndex | Momentum] && sun === SUNIndex; QuantumField /: MakeBoxes[ QuantumField[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PartialD`PartialD[pa_], a_, lori___HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex, suni___HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNIndex`SUNIndex ], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{SubscriptBox["\[PartialD]", Tbox[pa]], SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[a], Tbox[lori], Tbox[suni]] }]; QuantumField /: MakeBoxes[ QuantumField[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PartialD`PartialD[pa_]^m_, a_, lori___HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum, suni___HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNIndex`SUNIndex ], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{SuperscriptBox[Tbox[PartialD[pa]],Tbox[m]], SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[a], Tbox[lori], Tbox[suni]] }]; QuantumField /: MakeBoxes[ QuantumField[ pa__HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PartialD`PartialD, a_, lori___HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Momentum`Momentum, suni___HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNIndex`SUNIndex ], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{TBox[pa], SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[a], Tbox[lori], Tbox[suni]] }]; QuantumField /: MakeBoxes[ QuantumField[ pa__HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`PartialD`PartialD, a_, lori___HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`LorentzIndex`LorentzIndex, suni___HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNIndex`SUNIndex ], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[{TBox[pa], SubsuperscriptBox[Tbox[a], Tbox[lori], Tbox[suni]] }]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "QuantumField | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: QuarkField *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: quark field *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`QuarkField`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; QuarkField::usage = "QuarkField is the name of a fermionic field."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; QuarkField /: MakeBoxes[QuarkField, TraditionalForm] := "\[Psi]"; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "QuarkField | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: QuarkMass *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`QuarkMass`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; QuarkMass::usage= "QuarkMass is an option of Amplitudes."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "QuarkMass | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Rename *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Rename *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Rename`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Rename::usage = "Rename is an option for Contract. If set to True, dummy indices in Eps are renamed, using $MU[i]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Rename | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: SD *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Kronecker delta for SU(N) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SD::usage= "SD[i, j] is the (FeynCalc-external) Kronecker-delta for SU(N) with color indices i and j. SD[i,j] is transformed into SUNDelta[SUNIndex[i],SUNIndex[j]] by FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; SetAttributes[SD, Orderless]; HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SD`SD /: MakeBoxes[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SD`SD[a_, b_], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox["\[Delta]", HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Tbox[a,b]]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SO*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 8 February '98 at 1:17 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SO`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SO::usage= "SO[q] is the four-dimensional scalar product of OPEDelta with q. It is transformed into Pair[Momentum[q], Momentum[OPEDelta] by FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; SO /: MakeBoxes[SO[x_],TraditionalForm] := If[Head[x] =!= Plus, TBox["\[CapitalDelta]", "\[CenterDot]", x], TBox["\[CapitalDelta]", "\[CenterDot]", "(",x,")"] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SO | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SOD*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 8 February '98 at 1:16 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SOD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SOD::usage= "SOD[q] stands for the D-dimensional scalar product of OPEDelta with q. SOD[q] is transformed into Pair[Momentum[OPEDelta,D], Momentum[q,D]] by FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; SOD /: MakeBoxes[SOD[x_],TraditionalForm] := If[Head[x] =!= Plus, TBox["\[CapitalDelta]", "\[CenterDot]",x], TBox["\[CapitalDelta]", "\[CenterDot]", "(",x,")"] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SOD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SP*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SP`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SP::usage= "SP[p,q] is the four-dimensional scalar product of p with q. SP[p, q] is transformed into ScalarProduct[p,q] by FeynCalcInternal. SP[p] is the same as SP[p,p] (=p^2)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; SetAttributes[SP, Orderless]; SP[a_] := SP[a,a]; SP/: MakeBoxes[SP[a_, b_], TraditionalForm] := ToBoxes[ MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"][SP[a,b]], TraditionalForm]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SP | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SPD*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SPD`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SPD::usage= "SPD[p, q] is the D-dimensional scalar product of p with q. SPD[p, q] is transformed into Pair[Momentum[p, D],Momentum[q, D]] by FeynCalcInternal."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; SetAttributes[SPD, Orderless]; SPD[a_] := SPD[a,a]; SPD/: MakeBoxes[SPD[a_, b_], TraditionalForm] := ToBoxes[ MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"][SPD[a,b]], TraditionalForm] ; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SPD | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUND *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUND`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUND::usage= "SUND[a, b, c] is the symmetric SU(N) d_{a,b,c}."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; SetAttributes[SUND, Orderless]; MakeContext[Explicit, SUNT, SUNTrace, SUNIndex]; Options[SUND] = {Explicit -> False}; (* Added check for integers - noint. F.Orellana, 24/9-2000 *) noint[x___] := Not[Or @@ Join[IntegerQ /@ {x}, IntegerQ /@ ({x} /. {SUNIndex -> Identity, HighEnergyPhysics`qcd`ExplicitSUNIndex`ExplicitSUNIndex -> Identity})]]; SUND[a_,a_,b_,___Rule] := 0 /; noint[a]; SUND[a_,b_,c_, opt___Rule] := 2 SUNTrace[SUNT[a,b,c]] + 2 SUNTrace[SUNT[b,a,c]] /; (Explicit /. {opt} /. Options[SUND]) === True; SUND /: MakeBoxes[SUND[a_, b_,c_, opt___Rule], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox["d", Tbox[a,b,c]] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUND | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNDelta *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: Kronecker delta for SU(N) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNDelta`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNDelta::usage= "SUNDelta[a, b] is the Kronecker-delta for SU(N) with color indices a and b."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; SetAttributes[SUNDelta, Orderless]; SUNDelta /: MakeBoxes[SUNDelta[a_, b_], TraditionalForm ] := SubscriptBox["\[Delta]", HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Tbox[a,b]] End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNDeltaContract *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 30 October '98 at 12:11 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Kronecker delta for SU(N) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNDeltaContract`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNDeltaContract::usage= "SUNDeltaContract[expr] substitues for all SUNDelta in expr SUNDeltaContract, contracts the SUN(N) indices and resubstitutes SUNDelta. \n SUNDeltaContract[i, j] is the Kronecker-delta for SU(N) with contraction properties. SUNDeltaContract wraps also the head SUNIndex around its arguments."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; sundelta := sundelta = MakeContext["SUNDelta"]; MakeContext[SUNIndex, ExplicitSUNIndex]; sunn := sunn = MakeContext["SUNN"]; SetAttributes[SUNDeltaContract, Orderless]; (* Added check for integers - noint. F.Orellana, 11/1-2001 *) noint[x___] := Not[Or @@ Join[IntegerQ /@ {x}, IntegerQ /@ ({x} /. {SUNIndex -> Identity, HighEnergyPhysics`qcd`ExplicitSUNIndex`ExplicitSUNIndex -> Identity})]]; SUNDeltaContract[expr_] := expr //. sundelta -> SUNDeltaContract /. SUNDeltaContract -> sundelta; SUNDeltaContract[x_ /; FreeQ[x, SUNIndex] && !IntegerQ[x] && FreeQ[x, ExplicitSUNIndex], y_ /; FreeQ[y, SUNIndex] && !IntegerQ[y] && FreeQ[y, ExplicitSUNIndex] ] := SUNDeltaContract[SUNIndex[x], SUNIndex[y]]; SUNDeltaContract[x_SUNIndex, x_SUNIndex ] := (sunn^2 - 1) /; noint[x]; SUNDeltaContract /: SUNDeltaContract[ j_ExplicitSUNIndex, i_SUNIndex]^2 := SUNDeltaContract[ExplicitSUNIndex[j], ExplicitSUNIndex[j]]; SUNDeltaContract /: SUNDeltaContract[i_SUNIndex, j_SUNIndex]^2 := (sunn^2 - 1) /; (i =!= j) && noint[i,j]; SUNDeltaContract/: SUNDeltaContract[i_SUNIndex, j_] * SUNDeltaContract[a_, i_SUNIndex ] := SUNDeltaContract[a,j] /; noint[i]; SUNDeltaContract/: SUNDeltaContract[a_, i_SUNIndex ] * SUNDeltaContract[i_SUNIndex, j_] := SUNDeltaContract[a,j] /; noint[i]; SUNDeltaContract/: SUNDeltaContract[i_SUNIndex, j_] * SUNDeltaContract[i_SUNIndex, k_] := SUNDeltaContract[j,k] /; noint[i]; SUNDeltaContract/: SUNDeltaContract[a_, i_SUNIndex ] * SUNDeltaContract[b_, i_SUNIndex ] := SUNDeltaContract[a,b] /; noint[i]; SUNDeltaContract/: SUNDeltaContract[i_SUNIndex, j_SUNIndex ] y_[z__] := ( y[z] /. i -> j ) /; (*Added SumOver stuff. F.Orellana. 20/8-2002*) FreeQ[y[z], _HighEnergyPhysics`FeynArts`SumOver] && !FreeQ[y[z]//Hold, i] && FreeQ[y[z], SUNDeltaContract[__]^n_Integer?Negative] /; noint[i,j]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUNDeltaContract | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNF *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: SUNF[a, b, c] is the structure constant of SU(N) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNF`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNF::usage= "SUNF[a, b, c] are the structure constants of SU(N). The arguments a,b,c should be of symbolic type." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; sunindex := sunindex = MakeContext["SUNIndex"]; FreeQ2 := FreeQ2 = MakeContext["FreeQ2"]; Explicit := Explicit = MakeContext["Explicit"]; sunt := sunt = MakeContext["SUNT"]; suntrace := suntrace = MakeContext["SUNTrace"]; Options[SUNF] = {Explicit -> False(*, fci -> True*)}; (* IS THIS NECESSARY ????? SUNF[a___, x_, b___, opt___Rule] := SUNF[a, sunindex[x], b] /; FreeQ2[x, {sunindex, Rule, Pattern, BlankSequence}] && FreeQ[{b},Rule] && (FeynCalcInternal /. {opt} /. Options[SUNF]) === True; *) (* antisymmetry *) (* Four arguments are now allowed. SMQCD.mod uses that. F.Orellana, 20/8-2002 *) HoldPattern[SUNF[a___, x_, b___, x_, c___, ___Rule|___List]] := 0 /; (Head[x] === sunindex) && FreeQ[x, Pattern] && Length[{a,x,b,x,c}] == 3; HoldPattern[SUNF[a___, x_, y_, b___, ___Rule|___List]] := -SUNF[a, y, x, b] /; FreeQ[{a,x,y,b}, Pattern] && Length[{a,x,b,x,c}] == 3 && (!OrderedQ[{x, y}]) && (Head[x] === sunindex) && Head[y] === sunindex; SUNF[i_,j_,k_,Explicit -> False] := SUNF[i,j,k]; HoldPattern[SUNF[i_,j_,k_,op___Rule|op___List]]:= 2 I (suntrace[ fci[sunt[i,k,j]] ] - suntrace[ fci[sunt[i,j,k] ] ] )/; (Explicit/.Flatten[Join[{op},Options[SUNF]]]) === True; tbox[a__] := RowBox @ Map[(MakeBoxes @@ {#, TraditionalForm})&, {a}]; totr[Subscript[y_,in__Integer]] := SubscriptBox[totr[y],RowBox[{in}]]; totr[y_Symbol] := If[FormatValues[Evaluate[y]] === {}, ToString[y], ToBoxes[y, TraditionalForm], y]; totr[y_String] := y; totr[y_] := ToBoxes[y, TraditionalForm] /; Head[y]=!=Symbol; Tbox[a__] := (RowBox @ (Insert[ Map[totr, {a}], "\[NoBreak]", Array[{#}&,Length[{a}]-1,2]])); SUNF /: MakeBoxes[ SUNF[a_,b_,c_], TraditionalForm ] := SubscriptBox@@{"f", Tbox[a,b,c]}; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNF2 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: SUNF2[a, b, c] is the structure constant of SU(N) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNF2`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNF2::usage= "SUNF2[i, j, k] are the structure constants of SU(N). SUNF2 has options and its arguments are changed to SUNIndex if necessary."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; sunindex := sunindex = MakeContext["SUNIndex"]; freeq2 := freeq2 = MakeContext["FreeQ2"]; explicit:= explicit = MakeContext["Explicit"]; sunt := sunt = MakeContext["SUNT"]; suntrace := suntrace = MakeContext["SUNTrace"]; Options[SUNF2] = {Explicit -> False}; (* SUNF2[a___, x_, b___] := SUNF2[a, sunindex[x], b] /; freeq2[x, {sunindex, Rule, Pattern, BlankSequence}]; *) (* antisymmetry *) HoldPattern[SUNF2[a___, x_, b___, x_, c___]] := 0 /; (Head[x] === sunindex) && FreeQ[x, Pattern]; HoldPattern[SUNF2[a___, x_, y_, b___]] := -SUNF2[a, y, x, b] /; FreeQ[{a,x,y,b}, Pattern] && (!OrderedQ[{x, y}]) && (Head[x] === sunindex) && Head[y] === sunindex; SUNF2[i_,j_,k_,Explicit -> False] := SUNF2[i,j,k]; HoldPattern[SUNF2[i_,j_,k_,op_:{}]]:= 2 I (suntrace[ fci[sunt[i,k,j]] ] - suntrace[ fci[sunt[i,j,k] ] ] )/; (Explicit/.Flatten[Join[{op},Options[SUNF2]]]); tbox[a__] := RowBox @ Map[(MakeBoxes @@ {#, TraditionalForm})&, {a}]; SUNF2/: MakeBoxes[ SUNF2[a_,b_,c_], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox@@{"f", tbox[a,b,c]}; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUNF2 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNFJacobi*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNFJacobi`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNFJacobi::usage="SUNFJacobi is an option for SUNSimplify, indicating whether the Jacobi identity should be used."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUNFJacobi | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNFToTraces *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Option of SUNf and SUNSimplify *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNFToTraces`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNFToTraces::usage= "SUNFToTraces is superseded by Explicit."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUNFToTraces | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNIndex *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 24 March '98 at 15:52 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Head for SUN-Indices *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNIndex`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNIndex::usage= "SUNIndex[a] is an SU(N) index. If the argument is an integer SUNIndex[a] turns into ExplicitSUNIndex[a]."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; ExplicitSUNIndex = MakeContext["ExplicitSUNIndex"]; SetAttributes[SUNIndex, {Constant, Flat, OneIdentity}]; SUNIndex[i_Integer]:= ExplicitSUNIndex[i]; SUNIndex /: MakeBoxes[ SUNIndex[p_], TraditionalForm ] := ToBoxes[p, TraditionalForm]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUNIndex | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNIndexRename *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 19 January '99 at 20:31 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Option of SUNSimplify *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNIndexRename`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNIndexRename::usage= "SUNIndexRename is an option of SUNSimplify. If set to False, no automatic renaming of dummy indices is done."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUNIndexRename | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNN *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: SUNN = the N of SU(N) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNN`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNN::usage = "SUNN denotes the number of colors. Trick[SUNDelta[a, a]] yields (SUNN^2 -1)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; (* add maybe later something to convert SUNN^2 -> CA, CF *) HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNN`SUNN /: MakeBoxes[ HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNN`SUNN, TraditionalForm ] := "N"; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUNN | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNNToCACF *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Option of SUNf and SUNSimplify *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNNToCACF`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNNToCACF::usage= "SUNNToCACF is an option of SUNSimplify. If set to True, the Casimir operators CA (=N) and CF (=(N^2-1)/(2 N)) are introduced."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUNNToCACF | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNT *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNT`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNT::usage= "SUNT[a] is the SU(N) T_a generator in the fundamental representation." (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext["DeclareNonCommutative"][SUNT]; SUNT /: MakeBoxes[ SUNT[a_], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox["T", ToBoxes[a, TraditionalForm]]; SUNT /: MakeBoxes[ SUNT[a_,b__], TraditionalForm ] := RowBox[ Map[SubscriptBox["T", ToBoxes[#, TraditionalForm]]&, {a, b}] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SUNTrace *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 21 March '98 at 9:07 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: calculation of traces of SUNT-matrices (color factors)*) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SUNTrace`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SUNTrace::usage= "SUNTrace[expr] calculates the color-trace."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; complexindex := complexindex = MakeContext["ComplexIndex"]; dot := dot = MakeContext["DOT"]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ DotSimplify, Explicit, FreeQ2, SUNF, SUND, SUNDelta, SUNIndex, SUNT]; sunn := sunn = MakeContext["SUNN"]; SUNN := SUNN = MakeContext["SUNN"]; Options[SUNTrace] = {Explicit -> False}; fcis[z_ /; FreeQ[z, Pattern]] := (fcis[z] = DotSimplify[fci[z]]); (* change SUNT' which are multiplied with each other to lambdaT's *) lambdaT[1]=1; gm2lambdaT[x__]:= (gmlin@@( {x}/.SUNT->lambdaT ) )/.gmlin->Dot; (********************* linearity ********************************* *) (* noncomQdef : checking non-commutativity *) noncomQ[z_] := TrueQ[noncQ[z]]; noncQ[x_ ?NumberQ] := True; noncQ[x_SUNTrace] := True; noncQ[x_] := If[FreeQ2[FixedPoint[ReleaseHold, x], $NonComm], True, False]; gmlin/: HoldPattern[gmlin[gmlin[x__]]] := gmlin[x]; gmlin[ a___, b_ c_, d___ ] := b gmlin[a,c,d]/;FreeQ[b, lambdaT] && noncomQ[b]; gmlin[ a___, b_ , d___ ] := b gmlin[a,d]/;FreeQ[b, lambdaT] && noncomQ[b]; gmlin[]=1; gellm1[x_, y__] := gellm1[x. y]; gellm2[x_, y__] := gellm2[x. y]; (******************* cyclicity *********************************** *) gmcyc[x__] := gellm1 @@ First[NestList[RotateLeft, {x}, Length[{x}]-1]//Sort]; (************* define the properties of trace of T-matrices *) gellm2[ ] = gmcyc[ ] = sunn; (* unit trace *) (************** each single T-matrix has vanishing trace *) gellm2[ lambdaT[_] ] := 0; (************** Cvitanovic - rules ******************************* *) gellm2[HoldPattern[Dot[a___, lambdaT[i_], b___, lambdaT[i_], c___]]]:= (1/2 gmcyc[b] gmcyc[a, c] - 1/2/sunn gmcyc[a, b, c] ) /; (Head[i] === SUNIndex) && !IntegerQ[i]; gellm2/: gellm2[HoldPattern[Dot[a___, lambdaT[i_], b___]]]^2 := (1/2 gmcyc[a, b, a, b] - 1/2/sunn gmcyc[a, b]^2 ) /; (Head[i] === SUNIndex) && !IntegerQ[i]; gellm2/: gellm2[HoldPattern[Dot[a___, lambdaT[i_], b___]]] * gellm2[HoldPattern[Dot[c___, lambdaT[i_], d___]]]:= (1/2 gmcyc[a, d, c, b] - 1/2/sunn gmcyc[a, b] gmcyc[c, d] ) /; (Head[i] === SUNIndex) && !IntegerQ[i]; f2tr[i_,j_,k_,___]:= 2 I (gmcyc @@ lambdaT/@{i,k,j} - gmcyc @@ lambdaT/@{i,j,k}); (* do the application of the Cvitanovic - relations step by step *) cvit[x_Plus] := cvit/@x; cvit[x_]:= (cvit[x]=ExpandAll[ x /. gellm1 -> gellm2 ]); (* this is the function which puts everything together ********* *) SUNTrace[expr_Plus, op___Rule] := Map[SUNTrace[#, op]&, expr]; HoldPattern[SUNTrace[n_, ___Rule]] := sunn n /; FreeQ[n, SUNT] && FreeQ[n, Pattern]; (* HoldPattern[SUNTrace[y_Times,___Rule]] := (Select[y,FreeQ[#,SUNT]&] * SUNTrace[Select[y,!FreeQ[#,SUNT]&]] ) /; (Select[y, FreeQ[#,SUNT]]=!=1) && (fcis[y] === y); *) (*new; suggested by Frederik Orellana *) SUNTrace[expr_Times,op___Rule] := (Select[expr, FreeQ2[#, {SUNT,SUNF,SUND,SUNDelta}]&] * SUNTrace[Select[expr, !FreeQ2[#, {SUNT,SUNF,SUND,SUNDelta}]&], op] ) /; (expr === fcis[expr]) && (Select[expr, !FreeQ2[#, {SUNT,SUNF,SUND,SUNDelta}]&] =!= 1); HoldPattern[SUNTrace[a_, ___Rule]] := (SUNTrace[Dot @@ Reverse[a/.complexindex->Identity] ] /. Dot -> dot) /; MatchQ[a, Apply[HoldPattern, {dddot[SUNT[SUNIndex[complexindex[_]]]..]} ] /. dddot -> Dot] && (fcis[a] === a); HoldPattern[SUNTrace[1 .., ___Rule]]= sunn; HoldPattern[SUNTrace[a_, ___Rule]] := 0 /; MatchQ[a, SUNT[SUNIndex[_]]] && (fcis[a] === a); HoldPattern[SUNTrace[a_, o___Rule]] := SUNTrace[fcis[a],o] /; (fcis[a]=!=a); SUNTrace[SUNT[x_SUNIndex] . SUNT[y_SUNIndex], ___Rule] := SUNDelta[x, y]/2; SUNTrace[SUNT[a_SUNIndex] . SUNT[b_SUNIndex] . SUNT[c_SUNIndex], opt___Rule] := (SUND[a, b, c]/4 + I SUNF[a,b,c]/4) /; Length[Union[{a,b,c}]]===3 && (Explicit /. {opt} /. Options[SUNTrace]) === True ; (* recursion suggested by Peter Cho *) SUNTrace[SUNT[a_] . SUNT[b_] . SUNT[c_] . SUNT[d_] . (more__SUNT), opt___Rule] := Block[{f}, f = Unique["c"]; SUNDelta[a,b]/2/SUNN SUNTrace[SUNT[c].SUNT[d].more,opt] + 1/2 SUND[a,b,f] SUNTrace[SUNT[f].SUNT[c].SUNT[d].more,opt] + I/2 SUNF[a,b,f] SUNTrace[SUNT[f].SUNT[c].SUNT[d].more,opt] ] /; ( Union[Head /@ {a,b,c,d}] === {SUNIndex}) && ( (Explicit /. {opt} /. Options[SUNTrace]) === True ); SUNTrace[SUNT[a_] . SUNT[b_] . SUNT[c_] . SUNT[d_], opt___Rule] := Block[{e}, ( If[ValueQ[Global`e] || !FreeQ[{a,b,c,d}, Global`e], e = Unique["c"], e = Global`e ]; Expand[1/4/SUNN (SUNDelta[a, b] SUNDelta[c, d] - SUNDelta[a, c] SUNDelta[b, d] + SUNDelta[a, d] SUNDelta[b, c] ) + 1/8( SUND[a,b,e] SUND[c,d,e] - SUND[a,c,e] SUND[b,d,e] + SUND[a,d,e] SUND[b,c,e] ) + I/8 (SUND[a,d,e] SUNF[b,c,e] - SUNF[a,d,e] SUND[b,c,e] ) ] ) ] /; (Union[Head /@ {a,b,c,d}] === {SUNIndex}) && (Explicit /. {opt} /. Options[SUNTrace]) === True ; (* HoldPattern[SUNTrace[ x_, y___, z_, o___Rule ] ]:= SUNTrace[x.y.z,o] /; Head[z] =!= Rule && FreeQ[z, Pattern]; *) HoldPattern[SUNTrace[ SUNTrace[x__] y_., op___Rule ]] := SUNTrace[x] SUNTrace[y, op]; SUNTrace/: SUNTrace[dot[(A___), SUNT[x_SUNIndex], B___],___Rule] * SUNTrace[dot[(a___), SUNT[x_SUNIndex], b___],___Rule] := FixedPoint[cvit, (gmcyc[A.SUNT[x].B] * gmcyc[a.SUNT[x].b])/. SUNTrace->gellm1/. Dot->gm2lambdaT/.gellm1->gellm2/. SUNF->f2tr ]/.lambdaT->SUNT/.gellm2->SUNTrace /. Dot -> dot; SUNTrace /: HoldPattern[SUNTrace[x_,o___Rule]^2] := SUNTrace[x,o] * SUNTrace[x,o]; SUNTrace[ a_, ___Rule ]:= fixgell[a /. dot -> Dot]/; NumberQ[fixgell[a /. dot -> Dot]] && FreeQ[a, Pattern] && (fcis[a] === a); (* (*XXX*) SUNTrace[expr_Times,op___Rule] := (Select[expr, FreeQ[#, SUNIndex]&] * SUNTrace[Select[expr, !FreeQ[#, SUNIndex]&], op] ) /; expr === fcis[expr] && (Select[expr, FreeQ[#, SUNIndex]&] =!= 1); *) (* HoldPattern[SUNTrace[(a_.) ((b__) . (d_- e_))]] := SUNTrace[a (b . d )] - SUNTrace[a (b . e )]; *) SUNTrace[ expr_, ___Rule ]:= (fixgell[expr /. dot -> Dot (*/.SUNT[1]->1*) ]/. gellm2->SUNTrace /. Dot -> dot)/; ((Head[expr] =!= Times) || (Select[expr, !FreeQ[#, SUNT]&] ===1 ) ) && (expr=!=(fixgell[expr/. dot -> Dot] /. gellm2->Identity/.Dot -> dot))&& FreeQ[expr, Pattern] && (fcis[expr]===expr); gellm1[x_Plus]:=gellm1 /@ x; gellm1/: gellm1[x_ y_] := x gellm1[y]/;FreeQ[x,lambdaT]; gellm1/: gellm1[x_Dot gellm1[y___]]:=gellm1[y] gellm1[x]; gellex[z_]:=gellm1[ExpandAll[z]]; fixgell[x_]:=(fixgell[x]= FixedPoint[cvit, ( gellm1[ExpandAll[x/.SUNTrace->gellex/. Dot->gm2lambdaT/.SUNF->f2tr]] )/.gellm1->gellm2, 19 ]/.lambdaT->SUNT); externQ[xx_] := If[!FreeQ[xx, Pattern], False, If[fcis[xx] === xx, False, True] ]; SUNTrace[x_?externQ] := SUNTrace[fcis[x]]; SUNTrace /: MakeBoxes[SUNTrace[a_,___Rule], TraditionalForm] := Tbox["tr","(",a,")"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SUNTrace | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: ScalarProduct *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 20 December '98 at 23:59 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: for scalar products *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`ScalarProduct`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; ScalarProduct::usage = "ScalarProduct[p, q] is the input for scalar product. ScalarProduct[p] is equivalent to ScalarProduct[p, p]. Expansion of sums of momenta in ScalarProduct is done with ExpandScalarProduct. Scalar product may be set, e.g., ScalarProduct[a, b] = m^2; but a and b must not contain sums. Note that ScalarProduct[a, b] = m^2 actually sets also: Pair[Momentum[a, ___], Momentum[b, ___]] = m^2. It is enouraged to always set ScalarProduct's BEFORE any calculation. This improves the performance of FeynCalc ."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ ChangeDimension, Dimension]; fci := fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; nf := nf = MakeContext["NumericalFactor"]; MakeContext[ Momentum, Pair, Select1]; Options[ScalarProduct] = {Dimension->4, fci -> True}; ScalarProduct[a_, b_, c___] := ScalarProduct[b, a, c] /; !OrderedQ[{a, b}]; ScalarProduct[x_, y___Rule] := ScalarProduct[x, x, y]; ScalarProduct[a_,b_, c___Rule] := Pair[Momentum[a, Dimension /. {c} /. Options[ScalarProduct]], Momentum[b, Dimension /. {c} /. Options[ScalarProduct]] ] /; FreeQ[{a,b}, Momentum] && ((fci /. {c} /. Options[ScalarProduct]) === True); ScalarProduct/:Set[ScalarProduct[a_,b_,c___],z_]:= Block[ {ste, rst, downv, scal}, If[FreeQ[a, Pattern], ste = fci[ScalarProduct[a, b, c]]; If[ste === 0 , rst = 0, ste = ChangeDimension[ste, ___Symbol]; If[(Head[a] === Pattern) && (a === b), (SetDelayed @@ {ste, ScalarProduct[a[[1]], a[[1]]]}) , Set@@{ste/nf[ste], z / nf[ste]} ]; If[(nf[a] === 1) && (nf[b] === 1), rst = z, If[(a =!= 0) && (b =!= 0), rst = z/nf[a]/nf[b] ] ] ]; ]; (* might be a setting before *) If[z =!= ste, downv = DownValues[ScalarProduct]; downv = Select1[downv, RuleDelayed@@{HoldPattern@@{scal[a,b,c]}, ste} /. scal -> ScalarProduct]; DownValues[ScalarProduct] = downv; If[FreeQ[a,Pattern], (* rst = Set[ScalarProduct[a,b,c], z], *) rst = z, rst = z ] , rst = ste ]; nd = RuleDelayed @@ {HoldPattern @@ {ScalarProduct[a, b, c]}, rst}; If[!MemberQ[DownValues[ScalarProduct], nd], AppendTo[DownValues[ScalarProduct], nd] ]; rst]; ScalarProduct /: MakeBoxes[ScalarProduct[a_, a_, ___Rule], TraditionalForm ] := SuperscriptBox@@{MakeBoxes@@{a, TraditionalForm }, 2 }; ScalarProduct /: MakeBoxes[ScalarProduct[a_Plus, b_], TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{"(",MakeBoxes[a, TraditionalForm],")", "\[CenterDot]", MakeBoxes[b, TraditionalForm]} ]/;Head[b]=!=Plus; ScalarProduct /: MakeBoxes[ScalarProduct[a_, b_Plus], TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{MakeBoxes[a, TraditionalForm], "\[CenterDot]","(", MakeBoxes[b, TraditionalForm], ")"} ]/;Head[b]=!=Plus; ScalarProduct /: MakeBoxes[ScalarProduct[a_Plus, b_Plus], TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{MakeBoxes[a, TraditionalForm], "\[CenterDot]","(", MakeBoxes[b, TraditionalForm], ")"} ]; ScalarProduct /: MakeBoxes[ScalarProduct[a_, b_], TraditionalForm] := RowBox[{MakeBoxes[a, TraditionalForm], "\[CenterDot]", MakeBoxes[b, TraditionalForm]} ] initialDownValues = DownValues[ScalarProduct]; initialUpValues = UpValues[ScalarProduct]; (* tentative *) (* Unprotect[ReplaceAll]; ReplaceAll[y_, ScalarProduct[a_, b_] -> z_] := (y /. Pair[Momentum[a, ___Symbol], Momentum[b, ___Symbol]] -> z ) /; FreeQ[y, ScalarProduct[a,b]]; Protect[ReplaceAll]; *) End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "ScalarProduct | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: ScalarProductExpand *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: ScalarProductExpand expands scalar products *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`ScalarProductExpand`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; ScalarProductExpand::usage = "ScalarProductExpand[expr] expands scalar products of sums of momenta in expr. ScalarProductExpand[a, b] expands ScalarProduct[a, b]. ScalarProductExpand is equivalent to ExpandScalarProduct."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; ScalarProductExpand = MakeContext["ExpandScalarProduct"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "ScalarProductExpand | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SmallDelta *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: SmallDelta is some small delta *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SmallDelta`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SmallDelta::usage = "SmallDelta denotes some small positive number."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; SmallDelta /: MakeBoxes[SmallDelta, TraditionalForm] := "\[Delta]" End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SmallDelta | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SmallEpsilon *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: SmallEpsilon is some small epsilon *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SmallEpsilon`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SmallEpsilon::usage = "SmallEpsilon denotes some small positive number."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; (* SmallEpsilon /: SmallEpsilon _ = 0; SmallEpsilon /: SmallEpsilon^_Integer?Positive = 0; *) SmallEpsilon /: MakeBoxes[SmallEpsilon, TraditionalForm] := \[Epsilon]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SmallEpsilon | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SmallVariable *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: SmallVariable is beautiful *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SmallVariable`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SmallVariable::usage = "SmallVariable[me] is the head of small (negligible) variables. This means any mass with this head can be neglected if it appears in a sum, but not as an argument of Passarino-Veltman (PaVe) functions or PropagatorDenominator."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; SmallVariable[0] = 0; SmallVariable[x_^pow_] := SmallVariable[x]^pow; MakeBoxes[SmallVariable[a_], TraditionalForm] := MakeBoxes[a, TraditionalForm]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SmallVariable | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: Spinor *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Spinor denotes spinors *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Spinor`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Spinor::usage = "Spinor[p, m, optarg] is the head of Dirac spinors. Which of the spinors u, v,u_bar or v_bar is understood, depends on the sign of the momentum (p) argument and the relative position of DiracSlash[p]: Spinor[sign p, mass] is that spinor which yields sign*mass*Spinor[p, mass] if the Dirac equation is applied ."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DeclareNonCommutative]; DeclareNonCommutative[Spinor]; momentum := momentum = MakeContext["Momentum"]; MomentumExpand := MomentumExpand = MakeContext["MomentumExpand"]; freeq2 := freeq2 = MakeContext["FreeQ2"]; small := small = MakeContext["SmallVariable"]; HoldPattern[Spinor[a__,{1}]] := Spinor[a]; frp[y___] := freeq2[{y}, {Pattern, Blank,BlankSequence, BlankNullSequence,HoldForm}]; Spinor[n_. x_/; (frp[x]&&FreeQ[x, momentum]), y___/;frp[y]] := (Spinor[n x, y] = Spinor[n momentum[x], y]) /; (frp[{n, x, y}] && (n^2)===1); (* this is convention ... *) Spinor[momentum[x_, di_], m_, op___] := Spinor[momentum[x], m, op]; Spinor[-momentum[x_, di_], m_, op___] := Spinor[-momentum[x], m, op]; Spinor[kk_.+ n_. momentum[ a_Plus ], m_, y___]:= Spinor[kk+ n momentum[a], m, y] = ( Spinor[MomentumExpand[kk + n momentum[a]] ,m,y] ); Spinor[p_ , _. small[_], in___] := Spinor[p, 0, in] /; frp[p]; Spinor[p_ ] := Spinor[p,0,1] /; frp[p]; Spinor[p_, m_ /; FreeQ[m, Pattern]] := Spinor[p, m, 1] /; frp[p]; Spinor /: MakeBoxes[Spinor[p_,0,___], TraditionalForm] := Tbox["\[CurlyPhi]","(",p,")"]; Spinor /: MakeBoxes[Spinor[p_,m_ /; m=!=0,___], TraditionalForm] := Tbox["\[CurlyPhi]","(",p, ",", m, ")"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Spinor | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SpinorU *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SpinorU`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SpinorU::usage = "SpinorU[p, m, optarg] denotes a u-spinor."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DeclareNonCommutative]; DeclareNonCommutative[SpinorU]; SpinorU /: MakeBoxes[SpinorU[p_], TraditionalForm] := Tbox["u","(",p,")"]; SpinorU /: MakeBoxes[SpinorU[p_,m_,___], TraditionalForm] := Tbox["u","(",p,",",m,")"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SpinorU | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SpinorUBar *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SpinorUBar`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SpinorUBar::usage = "SpinorUBar[p, m, optarg] denotes a ubar-spinor."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DeclareNonCommutative]; DeclareNonCommutative[SpinorUBar]; SpinorUBar /: MakeBoxes[SpinorUBar[p_], TraditionalForm] := Tbox[OverBar["u"],"(",p,")"]; SpinorUBar /: MakeBoxes[SpinorUBar[p_,m_,___], TraditionalForm] := Tbox[OverBar["u"],"(",p,",",m,")"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SpinorUBar | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SpinorV *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SpinorV`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SpinorV::usage = "SpinorV[p, m, optarg] denotes a v-spinor."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; DeclareNonCommutative = MakeContext["DeclareNonCommutative"]; DeclareNonCommutative[SpinorV]; SpinorV /: MakeBoxes[SpinorV[p__], TraditionalForm] := Tbox["v","(",p,")"]; SpinorV /: MakeBoxes[SpinorV[p_,m_,___], TraditionalForm] := Tbox["v","(",p,",",m,")"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SpinorV | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: SpinorVBar *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`SpinorVBar`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; SpinorVBar::usage = "SpinorVBar[p, m, optarg] denotes a vbar-spinor."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; DeclareNonCommutative = MakeContext["DeclareNonCommutative"]; DeclareNonCommutative[SpinorVBar]; SpinorVBar /: MakeBoxes[SpinorVBar[p__], TraditionalForm] := Tbox[OverBar["v"],"(",p,")"]; SpinorVBar /: MakeBoxes[SpinorVBar[p_,m_,___], TraditionalForm] := Tbox[OverBar["v"],"(",p,",",m,")"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "SpinorVBar | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Tr *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 8 December '98 at 14:00 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Dirac trace calculation (see also DiracTrace) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Tr`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Tr::usage= "Tr[exp] calculates the Dirac trace of exp. Depending on the setting of the option SUNTrace also a trace over SU(N) objects is performed. Tr is identical to DiracTrace, up to the default setting of DiracTraceEvaluate."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; fci = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ DiracTrace, DiracTraceEvaluate, DOT, Factoring, FeynCalcExternal, LeviCivitaSign, Mandelstam, PairCollect, Schouten, Explicit, SUNIndex, SUNSimplify, SUNT, SUNTrace, TraceOfOne, Trick, SUNNToCACF]; Options[ Tr ] = { DiracTraceEvaluate -> True, Factoring -> False, FeynCalcExternal -> False, LeviCivitaSign -> (-1), Mandelstam -> {}, PairCollect -> False, Schouten -> 442, SUNTrace -> True, TraceOfOne -> 4, (*Added 27/8-2002, F.Orellana*) SUNNToCACF -> False }; Tr[x_, rul___Rule] := Block[{tt, doot, diractr, dit, fcex}, tt = fci[x]; If[(SUNTrace /. {rul} /. Options[Tr])=== True && (!FreeQ[tt, SUNIndex]), tt = SUNSimplify[DiracTrace[tt, rul], SUNTrace -> True, Explicit -> False ], If[FreeQ[tt, SUNIndex], tt = DiracTrace[tt, (*Added 27/8-2002, F.Orellana*) Sequence@@Join[{rul},Options[Tr]]], tt = DiracTrace[Trick[tt]// SUNSimplify[#, (**)Sequence@@Join[{rul},Options[Tr]]]&] ] ]; If[!FreeQ[tt, SUNIndex], tt = tt /. DiracTrace-> dit /.DOT -> doot; tt = tt /. {doot[a__SUNT, b__] :> (doot[a] doot[b]) /; FreeQ[{b}, SUNIndex] } /. doot -> DOT /. dit -> DiracTrace; ]; diractr[y_] := (DiracTrace @@ Join[{y}, {rul}, Options[Tr]]); tt = tt /. DiracTrace -> diractr; If[FeynCalcExternal /. {rul} /. Options[Tr], tt = FeynCalcExternal[tt] ]; tt]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Tr | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: Tr2 *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Dirac trace calculation (see also DiracTr2ace) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Tr2`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Tr2::usage= "Tr2[exp] simplifies exp and calculates the Dirac traces unless more that 4 gamma matrices and DiracGamma[5] occur. Tr2[exp] also separates the color-strucure, takeing the color trac (or not, depending whether Tf occurs in exp)."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Collect2, Contract, DiracGamma, DiracGammaExpand, DiracOrder, DiracSimplify, DiracTrace, DiracTraceEvaluate, DOT, EpsContract, ExpandScalarProduct, Factoring, FeynCalcForm]; FCI := FCI = MakeContext["FeynCalcInternal"]; MakeContext[ FreeQ2, InsideDiracTrace, LorentzIndex, NonCommQ, Select1, Select2, Explicit, SUNIndex, SUNSimplify, SUNNToCACF, SUNTrace, Tf, Tr, Trick]; Options[ Tr2 ] = {Factoring -> False}; dirtr[x_] := If[FreeQ[x, SUNIndex], DiracTrace[x], If[!FreeQ[x, Tf], SUNSimplify[DiracTrace[x], SUNTrace->True, Explicit -> False], SUNSimplify[DiracTrace[x], SUNTrace->False, Explicit -> False] ]]; treasy[0] = 0; treasy[y_Plus] := Map[treasy, y]; treasy[a_] := Tr[a] /; NonCommQ[a]; treasy[fa_. DiracGamma[5]] := 0 /; FreeQ[fa, DiracGamma]; treasy[fa_. DOT[x_,y__]] := If[FreeQ[fa, DOT] && (FreeQ2[{x,y}, {DiracGamma[5], DiracGamma[6], DiracGamma[7]} ] || Length[{x,y}] < 6 ), Tr[fa DOT[x,y]], DiracTrace[fa DOT[x,y]] ]; trup /: (f_/;FreeQ2[f, {DiracTrace,DOT}]) trup[x_,ops___Rule] := DiracTrace[f x, ops]; trap[y_,ops___Rule] := If[Head[y] =!= Times, DiracTrace[y,ops], Select1[y, {DiracGamma, LorentzIndex}] * DiracTrace[y/Select1[y, {DiracGamma, LorentzIndex}],ops] ]; trdifficult[y_, ops___Rule] := If[MatchQ[y, _. DOT[(a__) /; FreeQ2[{a}, {DiracGamma[5],DiracGamma[6], DiracGamma[7]}], DiracGamma[5]] ], treasy[Expand[ExpandScalarProduct[ Contract[DiracOrder[ Collect2[ DiracSimplify[y, InsideDiracTrace -> True], DOT, Factoring -> False]], EpsEvaluate->False]], DiracGamma],ops ], treasy[Expand[ExpandScalarProduct[ Contract[DiracOrder[y],EpsEvaluate->False]], DiracGamma], ops ] ] /. treasy -> DiracTrace /. DiracTrace -> trup /. trup -> DiracTrace /. DiracTrace -> trap; Tr2[x_] := Block[{tt}, tt = FCI[x]; If[FreeQ[tt, DiracTrace], tt = DiracTrace[tt]]; tt = Trick[tt]; If[!FreeQ[tt, SUNIndex], tt = SUNSimplify[tt /. DiracTrace -> dirtr, SUNNToCACF -> True] ]; tt = tt /. DiracTrace -> treasy /. treasy -> DiracTrace; tt = tt /. DiracTrace -> trup /.trup -> DiracTrace /. DiracTrace -> trap; tt = tt /. DiracTrace -> trdifficult; tt]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Tr2 | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: TraceOfOne *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: TraceOfOne *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`TraceOfOne`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; TraceOfOne::usage = "TraceOfOne is an option for Tr and DiracTrace. Its setting determines the value of the unit trace."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "TraceOfOne | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: Trick *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 28 January '98 at 15:27 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: Trick does non-commutative expansion and simple contractions *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Trick`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Trick::usage = "Trick[exp] uses Contract, DotSimplify and SUNDeltaContract."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ DOT, DotSimplify, EpsContract, Expanding, FeynAmpDenominator, FeynAmpDenominatorCombine, FeynCalcInternal, LorentzIndex, SUNDelta, SUNF, SUNIndex, SUNDeltaContract, SUNSimplify, SUNT, CovariantD, CrossProduct, DiracGamma, DotProduct, Expanding, Explicit, PauliSigma, Contract]; Trick[x_] := Block[{tt, paulisigsimp, sigident,doot,cov,palr}, SetAttributes[cov,HoldFirst]; cov[y_] := If[CheckContext["CovariantD"], y /. CovariantD[a__] :> CovariantD[a, Explicit -> True], y ]; SetAttributes[palr,HoldFirst]; tt = DotSimplify[FeynCalcInternal[x]//cov(*//palr*), Expanding -> False ] /. SUNDelta -> SUNDeltaContract /. SUNDeltaContract -> SUNDelta; If[!FreeQ[tt, LorentzIndex], tt = Contract[tt, EpsContract -> False, Expanding -> False]]; If[!FreeQ[tt, SUNT], tt = (tt /. DOT -> doot) //. {doot[a___,b_ /; FreeQ[b,SUNT], c__SUNT, d___] :> doot[a,c,b,d]} /. {doot[a__SUNT, b__] :> (doot[a] doot[b]) /; FreeQ[{b},SUNIndex]} /. doot -> DOT ]; If[!FreeQ[tt, SUNF], tt = tt /. ( SUNF[a_,b_,c_] SUNF[d_,e_,f_] :> SUNSimplify[SUNF[a,b,c] SUNF[d,e,f]] ) /. SUNDelta->SUNDeltaContract /. SUNDeltaContract->SUNDelta ]; If[CheckContext["PauliSigma"], paulisigsimp[y_] := FixedPoint[sigident, y, 1442]; sigident[z_] := DotSimplify[(z /. DOT -> doot //. {doot[w1___, DotProduct[PauliSigma, a_], DotProduct[PauliSigma, b_], w2___ ] :> (doot[w1, DotProduct[a, b], w2] + I doot[w1, DotProduct[PauliSigma, CrossProduct[a, b]], w2 ] ) } /. doot -> DOT), Expanding -> False]; tt = paulisigsimp[tt] ]; If[CheckContext["FeynAmpDenominator"], tt = FeynAmpDenominatorCombine[tt]; ]; tt]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Trick | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: UnDeclareNonCommutative *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :Summary: test for non-commutativity *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`UnDeclareNonCommutative`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; UnDeclareNonCommutative::usage = "UnDeclareNonCommutative[a, b, ...] undeclares a,b, ... to be noncommutative, i.e., DataType[a,b, ..., NonCommutative] = False is performed."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; (*MakeContext[DataType, NonCommutative]; *) UnDeclareNonCommutative[] := soso /; Message[UnDeclareNonCommutative::argrx, UnDeclareNonCommutative, 0, "1 or more"]; UnDeclareNonCommutative[b__] := (Map[Set[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`DataType`DataType[#, HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`NonCommutative`NonCommutative], False]&, {b} ]; Null); End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "UnDeclareNonCommutative | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: Upper *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: created 4 March '97 at 14:34 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Upper`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; Upper::usage= "Upper may be used inside LorentzIndex to indicate an contravariant LorentzIndex."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "Upper | \n "]]; Null (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) (* :Title: XYT*) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* :History: File created on 22 June '97 at 23:01 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`XYT`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; XYT::usage= "XYT[exp, x,y] transforms (x y)^m away ..."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[ Factor2, PowerSimplify]; (* integral transformation only valid if nonsingular in x, y = 0,1 *) XYT[exp_, x_, y_] := Block[{z, t, u}, t = 1/x Factor2[PowerSimplify[Factor2[exp] /. y -> (z/x)]]; Factor2[PowerSimplify[(1-z) (t /. x :> (1-z) u + z)]/.{u:>y,z:>x}] ]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[$VeryVerbose > 0,WriteString["stdout", "XYT | \n "]]; Null (* :Title: ChiralityProjector *) (* :Author: Rolf Mertig *) (* :Summary: left and right handed projectors *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) MyBeginPackage["HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`ChiralityProjector`", "HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`"]; ChiralityProjector::usage = "ChiralityProjector[+1] denotes DiracGamma[6] (=1/2(1 + DiracMatrix[5])). ChiralityProjector[-1] denotes DiracGamma[7] (=1/2(1 - DiracMatrix[5]))."; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) Begin["`Private`"]; MakeContext[DeclareNonCommutative, DiracGamma]; DeclareNonCommutative[ChiralityProjector]; ChiralityProjector[1] = DiracGamma[6]; ChiralityProjector[-1] = DiracGamma[7]; ChiralityProjector /: MakeBoxes[ChiralityProjector[1], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox["\[Omega]", "+"]; ChiralityProjector /: MakeBoxes[ChiralityProjector[-1], TraditionalForm] := SubscriptBox["\[Omega]", "-"]; End[]; MyEndPackage[]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) If[tarcerloadedflag===True, ToExpression["ToTFi"]; Clear[tarcerloadedflag]]; If[$VersionNumber>3.4, (* This loads all kind of packages; but it costs some time ... *) (* Calc[1];Tr[1]; *) (* ToExpression["ToTFi"]; *) Unprotect[Variables]; Variables[s_List/;Length[Dimensions[s]]>1]:=Variables[Flatten[s]]; Protect[Variables]; ]; If[($Notebooks =!= True) && (Global`$FeynCalcStartupMessages =!= False), $PrePrint = MakeContext["FeynCalcForm"]; WriteString["stdout", "$PrePrint is set to FeynCalcForm. Use FI and FC to change the display format.\n"], If[($Notebooks =!= True), $PrePrint = MakeContext["FeynCalcForm"]]; ]; (* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *) savethisdir=Directory[]; SetDirectory[HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`Private`feyncalchepdir]; If[Global`$LoadPhi===True, If[$Notebooks===True, CellPrint[Cell[TextData[{"Loading PHI "}], "Text"]], Print["Loading PHI "] ]; If[StringMatchQ[$OperatingSystem, "*MacOS*"], Get[$PathnameSeparator<>"Phi"<>$PathnameSeparator<>"Phi.m"], Get["Phi"<>$PathnameSeparator<>"Phi.m"]] ]; If[Global`$LoadFeynArts===True, If[$Notebooks===True, CellPrint[Cell[TextData[{"Loading FeynArts "}], "Text"]], Print["Loading FeynArts "] ]; If[Get["FeynArts.m"]===$Failed, If[$Notebooks===True, CellPrint[Cell[TextData[{ "FeynArts not found. Please put the files in\n", HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory, "\n", "and reload FeynCalc", "\n","FeynArts can be downloaded from ", ButtonBox["", ButtonData:>{ URL[ ""], None}, ButtonStyle->"Hyperlink", ButtonNote->""]} ],"Text"]], WriteString["stdout", "FeynArts not found. Please put the files in ", HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`$FeynCalcDirectory, ". FeynArts can be downloaded from\n"]; ]; ]; ]; SetDirectory[savethisdir]; Clear[savethisdir];